
what a country, man. the one thing all the schools reliably teach is what to do in a mass shooting, and if you learn it, the cops call you a terrorist
They do though. They _all_ know how to barricade themselves because school shooter drills were what the cops recommended instead of literally any kind of law enforcement that might prevent school shootings.
Luckily I was an adult before schools started active shooter drills but every active shooter workplace training I've ever had will say with a straight face "barricade yourself in a room and if the shooter comes in, rush him." And then sixty seconds later "don't run toward a cop, he'll shoot you"
So yes, they will tell you with a completely straight face "you have a tenth of a second to decide if the armed and armored gunman who kicks the door down is the active shooter or the SWAT team and if you choose wrong you're dead and you're stupid and you deserve it"
Building a barricade isn’t that hard
Or they don't show up
The police are looking to explain their bad actions and poor decisions. The blame-and-lie and lie-and-blame game is afoot.
Also, isn’t she guiding dehumanization of the targets according to proven IDF tactics?
The confident arrogance of their assumption coupled with their ignorance is what sets my teeth on edge.
tbf how else can America reach full employment amidst the oligarchs?
Like are no journalist questioning statements in the U.S. anymore ? Like no one shot a “ anyone who has watched movies can figure it out “ or about the mass ahooting drills?
Given how all the papers are owned by a corporation these days... I'm sure plenty of Journalists want to ask those questions, but would likely lose their jobs faster than you can say "don't piss off the money."
How hard is it to think of putting shit in front of a door? Gimme a break
Cause you are promoting violence