
They do though. They _all_ know how to barricade themselves because school shooter drills were what the cops recommended instead of literally any kind of law enforcement that might prevent school shootings.
They are also taught how to secure doors that open outward. And to do it silently, within minutes.
wait how do you do that? i graduated right as schools were becoming firing ranges and i never got the training and tbh it scares me to be in public anymore not knowing about this stuff
It depends on the type of door handle, but one way is to tie something the the inside handle and attach it to something heavy/immovable.
Great idea! You could even have a 2x4 (as an example, could be any size) long enough to span the doorway with excess (so ~4 feet) and use that to lash the handle to once it's in place across the door frame at handle height. Ensure that rattling the door doesn't shift it, though.
I’m old too, but they trained us at work on the current state of the art on surviving this hellscape.
it's really hard not to hate this country sometimes. my friends abroad don't have to do this stuff. fuck
On the contrary, I don't think you can really say you love your country if it doesn't break your heart to see its children suffering this way.
I would like to walk up to Rebecca Weiner and say “the sounds of screaming children have been removed from the video,” and see if she understands my reference. I bet she would immediately recognize it.
It reminds me of when the Uvalde cops said they were convinced there no kids in the building because they were absolutely silent and they didn't believe kids could be that disciplined. I was taught that over 20 years ago, do these cops not remember going to school?
Possibly, they were pre-Columbine HS grads (I graduated in 1998 and we didn't have these drills). But you would think cops would be at least aware of the guidance given to schools by COPS on how to act in an active shooter situation.
At this point any cop under the age of 35 has done the drills. I'm wonder if cop training, which sounds intentionally traumatic, is damaging their memories of their pre-cop lives. Or maybe 35 is too young to be listened to?
Trauma based training is exactly what police academy is. They are shown graphic videos of police officers being murdered over and over again. With the intent to teach them they are always at risk of being murdered. That's why "more training" is a dumbass solution for our police problem.
Too much *cough* "team building"...
This struck me as highly motivated reasoning. They didn't want to enter the classrooms, and believed what they needed to believe to justify that failure to themselves.
This wasn't taught when they were in school.
Look, these kids might have been smart enough to get into the Ivies, but how could they know how to put locks on the door and pile up things behind them?
WTH do they think kids are learning in active shooter drills?!
They like to pretend that the drills don't actually happen, and are made up purely for Liberal Scare Factor. That way they don't have to deal with the fact schools are now being designed like FPS levels to protect the students from shooters.
I'm old enough to remember when DOOM was blamed for Columbine. It's like nothing matters rhetorically and the goalposts are wherever the rich decide they are!
They convinced themselves kids were being allowed to identify as cats rather than admit the kitty litter in classrooms was because of potential active shooters.
Christ what an idiot she is
It's clear that she knows nothing about what's been happening in K-12 schools (and some colleges and universities) across this country. Fuck her.
That or she's a lying cop telling a lie.
My middle school classes, which are often/usually a bit wacky, are incredibly efficient and serious on lockdown drill days. They blockade and quietly hide. It's heartbreaking to see what our society has forced them to become good at.
Ho... But this one article is full of gems !
Hey Adams, it that you there, like... 6 days ago ? "South Africa is free. 30 years later, we will continue to celebrate and raise the flag. Let's say happy independence to the people of South Africa. Thank you." Are you aware of any other place on earth who suffer an apartheid ? Any clue ? 🤦
Transcript: Mayor Adams Delivers Remarks at Flag-Raising Ceremony for South APR 26 - Transcript: Mayor Adams Delivers Remarks at Flag-Raising Ceremony for South Africa
I swear I sometimes think Adams had a stroke and no one has noticed yet.
Stroke patients definitely have more awareness than this guy. He's just an insufferable asshole.
But I always thought that New York City was the Lagos/Kuwait/Talinn/Shanghai of America!
Students don't just come in the door knowing how to secure bike chains apparently either. Absolute fucking nonsense.
Bike chains that the campus security office sells, no less.
Eeeyup. Last year my nephew was part of a group of students stuck in the library at Michigan State because there was a campus shooter on the loose. The students built a barricade.
Cops being lying, corrupt servants to those in political power? Finding patently false "problems" upon which to do violence? Say it ain't so!
This is cops expecting older gens are too stupid to know what's taught in active shooter drills taught to the gens employing these tactics.
Weird, I didn't think "put heavy thing in front of door" required training. I have so much to learn.
There are ways you can train people to make barricades effective against someone with e.g. a battering ram
In my active shooter training they taught us to pile a bunch of shit up inside the door too so once you break in you still have obstacles to clear before you reach the targets. Gives time for a counter attack or another retreat if possible.
There is no other profession than police communications where you can just say the first thing that comes to mind to the press without any data or anything, and that's ok.
As if students have not been to school before they start university 😭
Manufacturing excuses for their violence in real time
Ironic that our law makers and cops’ unwillingness to do anything about school shooters has created a generation of fearless McGyvers with the exact skill set needed to survive an authoritarian crackdown.
I wonder if the next step will be for someone to fiercely opine that children should NOT be taught to protect themselves from school shooters, because what if they later use that knowledge to protect themeselves from the police??
& then the part where they hold up a bicycle lock & chain purchased at the Columbia U bookstore & say "this is not stuff students bring to school." There's a name for this rhetorical tactic (presenting something mundane as exotic) but I always forget what it is.
And this is exactly what active shooter drills are meant to address -- the invasion of a school by unknown gun-wielding personnel.