
For Disability Pride Month, one thing I'd love abled bodied people to figure out is how to speak to someone with chronic health issues without implying that if they themselves had the disabled person's health conditions, they would end it all. I promise you life goes on- even with health issues.
Reading this post was one of those "JFC, people say WHAT?!" moments for me. 🫂
I've had people say things like "I'd rather die than do that" about the most "mild" stuff like dietary restrictions. (Not minimizing the burden of dietary restrictions at ALL, they are huge and emotional and very complicated, but what a weird hill for people to pick is my point.)
yeah!! I have Celiac disease and people tell me all the time that they'd rather die than not be able to eat bread like okay, lol, sorry to hear that bread is the only good thing in their lives, hope they feel better soon, lol
Right?! "Not eating dairy is impossible, I'd rather die" 'I mean, no, I do miss it but--' "I could never stop eating it" ' you understand that terrible things happen to me when I do" "You must have SO MUCH WILLPOWER" 'I really just prefer functional bowels--' "YOU'RE SO HEALTHY"
like, none of this is easy, but people truly do not grok what the risk/benefit analysis is
Avatar I truly get this about Celiac b/c my sister has it. Once her grandson kissed her on the cheek after he ate a cookie; she was in bed for two days with vomiting/diarrhea. She has to use GF skin & hair care products. Hope that you are doing okay.
Oh, sounds like she might have more than Celiac going on then. With Celiac disease, you have to consume gluten to get a reaction. Like, you have to swallow it. A kiss on the cheek wouldn't trigger a reaction from Celiac. Eating gluten accidentally would though.
It has always seemed to me that she’s extraordinarily sensitive but doctors haven’t been able to diagnose anything beyond Celiac. I feel terrible for her because of how she has to watch everything so closely.
(Not armchair diagnosing your sister!, just mentioning mast cell activation syndrome in case she / her doctors haven't considered it)
Thank you-I don’t know if her doctors checked for it but will ask. As far as I know, she was simply told to avoid gluten. Anyone who has tried to do it knows there’s more to that than giving up bread.
I have a shellfish allergy and growing up people loved to tell me how great shellfish was and how upset they would be if they were unlucky like me Well, jokes on them because I went vegan anyways lmao .....though my cashew allergy is now much more of an obstacle....
Right? Also do people not from a basic standpoint understand that it's rude? "I'd hate to be you"
Apparently not. It's still better than the people who try to sneak X in your meal. 'See, it was there and you ate it fine, it's all in your head!'
This used to happen to my ex. His mom would put his allergen into food and then be like "what? you could barely even taste it" when he reacted badly to it
god that's so fucked and his own mother too for fucks sake
People like that need to be thrown into the sun. They obviously don't understand how allergies work at all
Sure they do. You're making it up for attention.
I grew up kosher so we didn’t eat shellfish. I do eat it now, it’s tasty but it’s not life changing. Dear lord.
RIGHT, like if I eat gluten, I get ULCERS, lol so no thank you
yeah I do not at all miss people making unsolicited "you eat so healthy!" comments on my lunch in office break rooms from the before times just because I can't eat gluten like y'all could eat this way too if you wanted. no? then keep your comments to yourself eh
(I have a bajillion restrictions these days, but you know, back in the glory days when all I had to really avoid was gluten and soy, and limit lactose)
Bread literally causes me to stop breathing, I PROMISE it is not some kind of mythical diet and exercise weight loss based Willpower. I just really don't want to intentionally ingest something my body will treat as poison.