Alexander The Meh

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Alexander The Meh

1/4 of The Discourse Podcast

Got a Dog name Aengus, a Cat name Bernie, and a small lion named Joan From Accounting.
This thread.
In the Spring of 1864 Twain, while working as a beat reporter for the SF Morning Call, Twain witnessed the murder of a Chinese laborer by a mob that included cops. It radicalized him. He wrote it up, one of the first things he ever authored which he thought deserved to be called “literature”… 2/
Avatar hey is two doodles easier than one? Or like a ton harder? Have an opportunity and not sure which way to go.
The story of frequent persistence of SARS-CoV-2 in multiple organs after mild Covid keeps getting stronger, and correlates (odds ratio >5) with symptoms of Long Covid
[werner herzog voice]
I looked it up and this is apparently true: Warren Beatty produces a couple of schlocky, low-budget short form films every handful of years so he can keep the rights to Dick Tracy as a Fuck You to the studios who fucked his beloved project from the get-go
I just learned that the actor who played the three boobed lady in Total Recall went on to get a journalism degree and helped break the Bill Cosby story. Now that’s a fucking résumé.
lol how could we think she had any interest in eugenics why it would be crazy to think such a thing
I just don't know how New York elected a cop mayor and wound up with a corrupt and incompetent shit-for-brains with contempt for every part of governance outside of force and punishment. It just doesn't add up!
Breaking News: The FBI is examining free flight upgrades it believes Mayor Eric Adams of New York got from Turkish Airlines, people with knowledge of the matter say.
F.B.I. Examining Free Airfare Upgrades Received by Federal prosecutors and F.B.I. agents are scrutinizing international flights taken by Mayor Eric Adams of New York aboard Turkey’s national air carrier, Turkish Airlines.
🚨 I have another record to share - carbon dioxide (CO₂) averaged a record high of 425.4 ppm in March 2024 10 years ago March averaged about 399.9 ppm Preliminary data:
I still can't believe this guy ran the CIA and then the presidency during some of the most heinous, brutal, and sheer murderous covert campaigns the USA ever orchestrated. The guy who threw a ball like this and didn't cuss. This fucking guy.
In college we had a huge version of this on the refrigerator
Elon Musk is a neo-Nazi. It's just a fact.
The cost of damage to critical infrastructure in Gaza is estimated at around $18.5 billion according to a new report released today by the World Bank and the United Nations, with financial support of the European Union. That is equivalent to 97% of the combined GDP of the West Bank and Gaza in 2022.
unfortunate tip for present and future students: lawyer up
bestie you did what ?
I am personally begging you to not use these types of apps any more.
Reverse up this thread- META admitted in writing it can't follow the law, but because America is a broken hellscape oligarchy, there will be ZERO consequences for them. What do you think would happen to a Chinese company that admitted to doing this? Or poisoning your water? Or blew up a train?
I would imagine there are also officials looking at signed regulatory compliance statements and comparing the promises in those statements to the now public admissions. And there are probably lawyers panicking. I feel for the lawyers.
ABC: "What the White House did this week, it seemed like a very significant shift, saying there would be consequences if they didn't allow essentially more humanitarian aid [...]" Andres: "I think 'there will be consequences' is part of the problem. There should be already consequences."
The number of times I've heard about upper management or CEOs being functionally illiterate
corporate bros are obsessed with AI writing cause in addition to profit they can’t write for shit. they really can’t tell jargon apart from eloquence. the people with the most money have the worst writing i’ve ever seen.
Safe Blue State Democrats are often just Reagan Republicans and do things they don't have to, because it is in line with their ideology. You don't see the same in reverse with the GOP. This is part and parcel of the fascist state we live in- even the Liberals allowed to exercise power are complicit
For instance: Governor Hochul pushed for a big cut to Medicaid... while trying to buttress her crime-fighting bona fides. But research shows you can't have it both ways there.
Don't sleep on this: *2* state justices who just voted to make all abortion illegal in Arizona are on the ballot this year. They're each up for retention, as I had detailed here last week:
Is anyone going to do anything? Ever? What's it going to take? You can't put out a song with an uncleared sample without putting yourself in legal jeopardy; meanwhile these people are openly stealing all of human creation and bragging about it!
NEW: I've republished the Kansas Reflector column still being blocked on all Meta properties. It's a piece critical of Facebook's ad policy on climate change content that triggered a site-wide ban yesterday. Read/share widely:
Here's the column Meta doesn't want you to Read the Kansas Reflector's piece about Facebook's climate change ad policy
omg Threads just took down my post with my link to the republished column
NEW: I've republished the Kansas Reflector column still being blocked on all Meta properties. It's a piece critical of Facebook's ad policy on climate change content that triggered a site-wide ban yesterday. Read/share widely:
Here's the column Meta doesn't want you to Read the Kansas Reflector's piece about Facebook's climate change ad policy
Linda Tirado losing an eye to a rubber bullet while covering a protest that was met with violence (see again, rubber bullets) is my enduring memory of how the law enforcement institutions in North America respond to calls for reform and greater accountability.
I feel the mainstream of the country has memory holed so much horror, but I have never forgotten the way a movement to reform racist policing was beaten back, literally, with police violence, including violence targeting the journalists who tried to cover it.
L.A. Times reporters attacked by Minnesota troopers will settle lawsuit for $1.2 The journalists sued the Minnesota State Patrol in 2021 after being cornered and attacked by officers while covering a protest of George Floyd's slaying.
Side note- once again proving what a gigantic piece of genocidal shit Jake Tapper is
When asked for comment by the Inside Higher Ed reporter who knows the field about his campaign, Rufo responded with "Kindly fuck off." Contrast this with the way he praises reporters who facilitate his campaign.