
my hot take is that the president should be and live like a normal human, and so I reject the premise that the president must work 130 hour weeks and never be well-rested. he has dozens of staffers who can cover shifts!
I think that maybe the President should be well rested and sleep more if he's making dozens of critical decisions each day. Believe it or not, he has a few staffers who can wake him up if needed.
The punchline is, he didn't even say he wasn't going to work! He said he wasn't going to do events! Public events require really different energy, personally some of my best focus and output comes after 6pm when all my meetings are done and I don't have to listen and react to people in real time.
They literally have people who will wake up the president if there’s an actual emergency! It almost never happens but they are there and there is a protocol!
The Vice President should be President for 10 hours a day, while the President sleeps.
Donald Trump hardly woke up before 1pm everyday after mainlining coke and FoxNews every evening.
It's like the argument that the president must immediately rush to the site of a natural disaster or whatnot. People who know what they're doing are there and POTUS is getting regular updates because we have mass telecommunications.
I should say: people who know what they're doing are there when a Dem president appoints the head of FEMA.
Which in itself is an excellent argument for voting for Dems
See also our historically elderly Congress voting on important things at like 1am. I'm such a night owl that I have an actual medical diagnosis from a doctor, but even I'm like "okay maybe don't pass legislation in the middle of the night, guys"
People that complain about presidential "vacations", especially in modern times, don't understand just how connected the president is. Whoever the president is, they're never truly off the clock. Just like they don't know all the details, they have people for that.
Right. If he can't find a way to get his non-emergency work done during reasonable normal hours, he's not a good administrator.
This. Someone who will do horrible things to themselves on a regular basis like never sleeping will do it to others without thinking much of it