Alex Newhouse

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Alex Newhouse

PhD student in Political Science at CU Boulder.

Institute of Behavioral Science affiliate, member of the Colorado Lab for Users, Media, and Networks

Runner, hiker, biker, skier, climber, homebrewer
I cannot express enough that Charlie Kirk is a brain wormed crank and turning your GOTV apparatus over to him is a colossally stupid move
this is true but there’s a big and important difference this time, they’re turning everything over to the PACs, not the fed or state parties, and the PACs have a significantly less effective record
people have this bizarre perception of the centrists in europe "being further left than [enter anglosphere left-wing party here]" because they tend to support the welfare state. to be as clear as I can be: Macron has tacked right on immigration and security, far to the right of Labour or the Dems.
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OK, here's mine.
By, I only paid for the cooking part of the site and while I'll miss Melissa Clark, you're a threat to democracy.
25-30 years after world war ii--long after mussolini had been defeated--powerful elements of the elected Italian democratic government worked in secret to support neo-fascist efforts to manufacture civil war, in order to launch a fascist revivalist auto-coup many people died in resulting terrorism
hey bikers--I pre-rode 2/3rds of the race course yesterday and some of the extended climbs (10+ miles) really destroyed my lower back. any tips that I should take into consideration in the next six days before the race? for now i'm doing a mobility sequence to hopefully help things stay loose
also, like, "how would you like weather forecasts to become less reliable and not free anymore? bc project 2025 would do that" is a really easy thing for people to understand
Yes, I absolutely do think over half the country cares about having their basic human rights taken away by a bunch of authoritarian freaks. For Christ’s sake, Project 2025 calls for banning PORN. We can get voters mad about this.
the french left coalition's colors are very cute tbh
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Look how fun shutting down fascists is. I want this for us, too
two takeaways, which are supported by political science evidence: 1. attempting to co-opt the far right from the center is bad and not beneficial electorally (this is what Macron did) 2. a left-center collaboration specifically to stop the far right is good and can work electorally quite well
JUST IN: Polls closed in France. Exit polls show surprise: —Left coalition (New Popular Front) projected first. (!) —Far-right (RN) has lost its bid to take power. Anti-RN front appears to have worked very well. —No bloc close to majority. Follow this 🧵 for results and more:
Reposted byAvatar Alex Newhouse
On A1 today? When it came out on Thursday, I did a thread on Twitter and reprised a few bits here. More than her Vaseline-coated lens, I was upset about the ahistorical nature of the piece. Sort of a history textbook acting like the West was empty before settlers arrived. Nazis? Never heard of 'em.
I checked Kressin's CA home address. It's an hour and a half from Palmdale where Richard Butler moved from in the 1970s to found the Aryan Nations in a Coeur d'Alene suburb. Far from "new," this "resettling" is a continuing migration. tweet link:
also doing these gravel sectors on road slicks seems miserable
ef easypost is based in boulder so I am contractually obligated to root for them, but why on earth would they help pidcock like that
time continuously runs; KOM gets first lift up to the top of the run
tadej pogacar on a downhill bike please and thank you
tadej pogacar on a downhill bike please and thank you
Hear me out, a Redbull Rampage stage
tapering begins today and boy do I need it. genuinely worried after pre-riding 40/70 yesterday that i'm not gonna make it the full 70 miles next saturday.
I binge watched entourage when I was living in sf for an internship and very lonely and sad, and it numbed those feelings! But that’s about the best I can say about it
what’s the most embarrassing show you nevertheless like? for me, it’s the considerable shame I feel about enjoying Big Mouth
i am very much looking forward to seeing all the tour de france roadies have to deal with gravel tomorrow
posting is praxis and always has been the problem is praxis is illusory
also these zoomers have to spend the rest of their lives looking at photos of them in jnco jeans. After millennials already killed them off once. That’s tragic.
Some Millennials in my timeline are insecure because Gen Zs are telling them their ankle socks age them. I can't stress enough that you don't need to care about what a bunch of 20-somethings think about your clothes, mainly bc you don't have to care about what ANYONE thinks about your clothes.
i've decided i'm gonna funnel this anxious energy into something productive, so i'm going to relearn russian. wish me luck.
I committed most of a year to working on the Jan 6 committee because I never again want to experience a situation in which our highest officers are aligned with and encouraging people who *literally strategized how best to do chemical weapons attacks and public executions* against liberals.
Trump's supporters pre-Jan 6 spent months sharing blueprints for guillotines and gallows, planning chemical weapons attacks on the tunnels beneath the white house, and discussing the most painful ways to kill Pence, Pelosi, and Schiff. Trump egged them on. I personally don't want round 2.
Trump's supporters pre-Jan 6 spent months sharing blueprints for guillotines and gallows, planning chemical weapons attacks on the tunnels beneath the white house, and discussing the most painful ways to kill Pence, Pelosi, and Schiff. Trump egged them on. I personally don't want round 2.
I for one am pretty fixated on not having to spend even more years of my life wondering if Donald fucking Trump is going to deploy nuclear weapons
also Trump's supporters have no idea what he's saying half the time! no one does! there's no need to overthink this. Trump is popular because he channels vibes-based grievances and wants to punish those groups who his supporters feel have wronged them. That's it.
Trump has never had a speech impediment, and if you read a transcript of his speeches, they make very little sense, if any. It is apparently elitist to point this out, because "his supporters know what he's saying." When you read what he says, this is basically advancing Trump as telepath.
one of the myriad reasons that I wish that I could wave a magic wand and get the US to adopt the Icelandic electoral system full stop is that Iceland's president (head of state) is often just Some Guy (occasionally, like, a famous poet) who people seem to like, and their job is to basically vibe
i don’t actually know this, this isn’t a rhetorical question, but, like, do other representative democracies expect that their heads of state maintain 14-16 hour a day, 7 day a week schedules, or is that just specific to our national obsession with looking busy?
this isn't an elitism thing, it's a "making sure you don't get played by fascists" thing
i will say it here once again: studying the far right and discussing it effectively takes specific training, and most journalists and even political scientists have little interest in acquiring that training
i will say it here once again: studying the far right and discussing it effectively takes specific training, and most journalists and even political scientists have little interest in acquiring that training
I am no sleep expert, but imo the standard operating procedure of silicon valley startup ceos that is simultaneously forced on them by venture capital ghouls is not something that we should admire ever, and especially not in those we task with making the grand decisions
it’s neither here nor there as far as a trait to be emulated, but i always think about how joffre was unfailingly militant about his dining and sleep schedule, even during the great retreat, which would (and should!) have spooked the shit out of any normal commander
this is by far the funniest thing trump has ever done. this is grand comedy. no notes!
The ramped-up hits on Project 2025 must be landing — Trump just shoved it right in front of the bus
"our most powerful officer's primary job is to delegate, think about strategy, and do sensitive public and diplomatic communications? and he doesn't do any actual operational work? oh he should be hallucinating with exhaustion and lose 10 years off his life"
It's alarming that the people whose jobs are making decisions love bragging about how little sleep they get. If I get less than eight hours I feel like I got kicked in the head. You haven't adjusted, you've just gotten kicked in the head so many times that you don't realize it! That's very bad!