Alex Koppelman

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Alex Koppelman

Working on something. Previously @CNN, @GuardianUS, @NewYorker. My wife says I have to tell you I got my Bluesky invite from her and that it means she's the cool one in the marriage.
Tucker's incredibly diminished now, but it's still worth noting: This kind of rhetoric is absolutely a justification for violence, the same way the rhetoric after the 2020 election was. (And of course he threw in a dose of his standard white nationalism too.)
Did a quick search and it looks like — removing letters to the editor, duplicate results, unrelated stories, etc. — the New York Times alone published more than 50 stories that included the words "Biden" and "memory" in the week after Hur's report was released. Oops!
Al Pacino in his 80s is the single most From New York person who has ever been from New York
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New York municipal and state officials will casually talk of making subway riders go through TSA-level security theater — and meanwhile, a motorist with dozens of citations can hit and kill a kid before law enforcement gets involved.
I was going to post “I can’t wait for random frisks in the NYC subway to devolve into de facto racial profiling” — but as the observation below gets at, it pretty much already is.
Feels like a good day to post the single worst email to staff losing their jobs I'd ever seen before today. (Weird coincidence that the emailer went on to be an exec at Vice!)
Reposted byAvatar Alex Koppelman
I’m not as certain as everyone else that the issues with media are greed or malice so much as it’s just plain old incompetence. It’s people who think that because they know money they can run any company finding out over and over again that their belief isn’t true and never learning a lesson.
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Bill Ackman starting to talk about seed oils is a big flashing red warning light for Online Poisoning for basically everyone on this website, and I’m starting to think it’s very bad for the elites in this country that they can’t pick up on the signals we can
I think it’s great that social media has completely dispelled the notion that people are rich because they’re smarter than you
If you want to know how the current leadership of the other site is doing, here's Linda Yaccarino with an excited reply to an account that is not Tracy Chapman retweeting obviously copyrighted video posted by a former revenge porn site operator
Reposted byAvatar Alex Koppelman
Reposted byAvatar Alex Koppelman
It saddens and angers me that a person notorious for blatantly lying on his social media accounts to puff up his companies and investments gets this kind of coverage for unsupported assertions of the same kind.
Brain chip start-up Neuralink implanted a device in its first live human subject Sunday, Elon Musk, the company’s founder, said on social media. The patient “is recovering well,” Musk wrote Monday, adding that initial data from the device was promising.
Musk’s Neuralink implants brain chip in its first human The device’s aim is to allow patients to control devices like phones or computers with their thoughts. Clinical trials are open to some individuals with quadriplegia.
Truly just the worst, least narratively interesting Super Bowl matchup we could have gotten, we are cursed
Instagram just showed me a reel about a cheesesteak with scrapple on it so everything bad about social media is officially forgiven now
Reposted byAvatar Alex Koppelman
This kind of rhetoric is called accusation in a mirror and is historically what leads to at scale social violence from genocidal minority political movements. This is the language of genocide and mass death.
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being an adult is realizing no one can stop you from buying a whole cheesecake on a normal weekday and eating it all at 3AM. growing up is realizing that buying a whole cheesecake on a normal weekday and eating it all at 3 AM is exactly as cool as you imagined
Just last weekend I found a choose your own adventure-style baseball book published by SI that I read as a kid and would gladly buy for my kid now. So many ways for SI to make money. Problem is to do that execs would have to prioritize quality and the long-term and that is not how media execs roll.
One important piece of history leading up to today's Sports Illustrated news: Jeff Bewkes and co spun off Time Inc. in 2013 loaded up with $1.3 BILLION in debt, $600 million of it just for a dividend. These magazines were set up to die, just took a while for it to happen.
One important piece of history leading up to today's Sports Illustrated news: Jeff Bewkes and co spun off Time Inc. in 2013 loaded up with $1.3 BILLION in debt, $600 million of it just for a dividend. These magazines were set up to die, just took a while for it to happen.
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Reposted byAvatar Alex Koppelman
one of the most important lessons a person can learn is that every single organization is an embarrassingly chaotic dumpster fire behind the scenes
The fun thing about watching The Firm after not having read a Grisham book in like 15 years is I'd forgotten how insane and legally absurd the plots are and it's so great
Reposted byAvatar Alex Koppelman
If you are a college/university administrator, and you don't have a detailed, specific plan for dealing with online campaigns and targeted harassment, you are failing as a leader. And this means educating your Boards on how all this works, too. Lead, don't crumble. Because they'll come for you, too.
Reposted byAvatar Alex Koppelman
The NY Times and other media that treated Gay's academic misconduct as a national story were an essential part of the right wing campaign to have her removed. Compare how they treated the President of Stanford, who faced much more serious accusations of academic misconduct.
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this year, I have had to explain trans people and the idiom "learning the ropes" to a seven year old trans people took like 30 seconds, "learning the ropes" took days of the most annoying follow-up questions you could possibly imagine, including watching videos about 19th century sailing
“But how will I explain trans people to my kids?” Bitch that is extremely easy, like 100x easier than explaining the plot points of The Phantom Menace
Reposted byAvatar Alex Koppelman
The end of low interest rates is showing us what the tech companies really built over the past 15 years and it’s nothing like what their PR hacks once promised. Everything is more expensive, more invasive, and far less innovative or improved than they led us to believe.
Amazon Prime Video will start showing ads on January Get ready for ads — or pony up an extra $2.99 each month.
Something I've been thinking a lot about recently is how execs treated cord cutting like an inevitability, rather than something that happened because cable was a bad, expensive product (with lousy customer service) and now they're just doing the same thing all over again
Reposted byAvatar Alex Koppelman
Here's some of the other articles on retail theft from the Times, w the pages on which they were published. Honestly, not picking on Times here. I think this is just such a common pattern: salacious crime headline on A1, retraction on D14. This is one reason why ppl's views on crime are so bad.
The line about Jada is just kind of sad now
I couldn't sleep last night and this morning my brain is dealing with that by just running through "Gettin' Jiggy Wit It" over and over and over again. I long for the embrace of the void.
I couldn't sleep last night and this morning my brain is dealing with that by just running through "Gettin' Jiggy Wit It" over and over and over again. I long for the embrace of the void.