Allen Tien, MD, MHS

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Allen Tien, MD, MHS

web technology, k12 student mental health, prevention of suicidality harms and deaths, behavioral health integration, general semantics, energy network science, health sciences informatics, 地球
Art I post from Willie Kohler or Alyssa Hinton Cape Breton
Not a bad week in Europe: Labour sweeps the UK, left-wing alliance wins French parliamentary elections. There is hope. 🍾🍷
The US (4% of the world's population) has caused about 20% of all historical greenhouse gas pollution to date. Because global temperature rise scales linearly with historical greenhouse gas pollution, the US bears outsized responsibility for causing climate change - and therefore for fixing it.
Analysis: Which countries are historically responsible for climate change? - Carbon Carbon Brief looks at national responsibility for historical emissions of CO2 from 1850-2021, updating analysis published in 2019.
A few notes on impacts. Note that Jamaica does not evacuate people from their homes (who’s protecting the possessions left behind & where would families gather safely?), and most commercial buildings & ~50% of homes are made from concrete blocks (CMU). It’s mostly wooden roof structures that fail.
Trump will be defeated. Everyone needs to pitch in every way we can. The fascists are a MINORITY. Media is exaggerating their power. Don’t fall for it. United, we will take them down.
She's got firsthand knowledge.
#VoteBlue2024ProtectDemocracy #POTUS 2024 #JoeBiden 2024
Why is it the entire MAGA GOP are behind a convicted felon,rapist, pedophile, traitor and wouldn’t dare suggest that whack job, lunatic, imbecile, wannabe dictator drop out! Let’s add old too! Biden is running I support him 100%. Our Dems need to do the same. It’s ludicrous. #VoteBlueDownBallot
The best thing I can do in the coming months is to continue to support public schools. And to make the experience of public schooling as positive & equitable as I personally possibly can.
Advice no one has asked for: Instead of despair, get out in your community. Be a part of something you care about. It won’t always be sunshine & roses. If the world ends next year, at least you’ll have done something.
BREAKING NEWS: Voters turned out in numbers not seen in decades to stop the far-right National Rally from taking power in the French National Assembly. Polls predicted a first-place finish for National Rally, which instead came in third in initial results as polling stations closed.
Projections in France's election show voters rejecting the far Voters turned out in numbers not seen in decades to stop the far-right National Rally from taking power in the French National Assembly. Polls predicted a first-place finish for National Rally, which ...
July 7, 2020 As the pandemic continues to rage, Trump announces the United States is withdrawing from the World Health Organization. Candidate Joe Biden promises to immediately reverse this if elected. (He did, in his first hours in office.)
What if I told you the way forward for community prosperity is a different economic system that doesn't have governments or businesses? After all businesses haven't always existed throughout history and I believe they will fade away along with the government.
America has been subjected to the stupidity and vile people of the NYP for far too long. Idiots.
Businesses and government now have harmful side-effects; as systems structures they are essential and important to improve: #BusinessScience #GovernmentScience aka #Economics #PoliticalScience Progress examples: #MMT #ModernMonetaryTheory #MiltonFriedman #UBI #UniversalBasicIncome
Media hijacked by #GreedLogic#LiesFearHate #SermanticManipulation v What we know #SharedFacts guiding #GoodPolicy for #CommunityProsperity #Vote and help others #Participate
No news re: the DOZENS of times Trump was mentioned in the Epstein files Of how he and Epstein were bosom pals & how he regularly had sex with girls at Epstein’s home About how Trump is suffering cognitive decline Why? The media WANTS Trump to win -Lindy Li
Trump’s alleged ‘sexual proclivities’ graphically detailed in new Epstein The new papers contain ‘incendiary claims’ about the former president
No; but was surprised to learn how strongly he endorsed #UBI
Are you a Milton Friedman fan?
Systems require structural components, no matter what they are labeled
What about it?
What if I told you the way forward for community prosperity is a different economic system that doesn't have governments or businesses? After all businesses haven't always existed throughout history and I believe they will fade away along with the government.
Businesses and government now have harmful side-effects; as systems structures they are essential and important to improve: #BusinessScience #GovernmentScience aka #Economics #PoliticalScience Progress examples: #MMT #ModernMonetaryTheory #MiltonFriedman #UBI #UniversalBasicIncome
Businesses and government now have harmful side-effects; as systems structures they are essential and important to improve: #BusinessScience #GovernmentScience aka #Economics #PoliticalScience Progress examples: #MMT #ModernMonetaryTheory #MiltonFriedman #UBI #UniversalBasicIncome
Thanks for sharing this. I like the general idea and it has definitely influenced Me by reading the abstract. Will read the rest later but I did skim through it and while I like the general idea I don't agree with retaining businesses and government.
Like the idea of shared learning. Also are you interested in extreme egalitarianism at all? Also have you ever looked into sociology and anthropology?
Continual shared learning and measurement-based policy improvement towards the goal of #CommunityProsperity
It's for sure racist and agree with you there. What would you say your goal is for society in the world? what kind of society and world you want? Also why is voting the way for you?
Every Trump appointed judge should be assumed as corrupt and in violation of their oath to the Constitution. This isn’t for the campaign; it’s for after, when we win and we have to fix the government. You get a Section 3 purge; you get a Section 3 purge; everybody gets purged by Section 3!
If you can only win by breaking the rules, then you can’t win
What happens when democracy is built affirmatively instead of its believers reacting defensively? What if we can’t negotiate with tyranny any longer? “We are done negotiating the past; now, we declare the future.”
July: Declaration | Kaitlin Byrd - Get more from Kaitlin Byrd - GothamGirlBlue on Patreon