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exploring oïkos & right relationship, mindfulness, art, poetry, solarpunk 🌞
wip the upside of the +5 yrs of duress fm having to replace a leaky outside wall of our house (including 2 yrs during covid w a tarp over the whole house) is that i got my 1st chance to design a space here’s a corner of it i’ve been working on everything here was discounted, thrifted, or found
Amazing how he can talk about the need for small government to slash regs to protect the ppl & planet, while he’s actually out for big govt, the biggest govt, the biggest of all big governments…
Michiko: what do u mean i need an occupawtion? i OWN this seat. i eez meowjestic queen of my own pownership economy & there’s nuttin u can do about it, so stop complainin & be a good lap while i can haz nap as long as i wannie cat #cat
nothing like november nightfall hastened by murders of crows come home roost your rookery gone rogue since we felled it for the costco now straddling the highway riding ribbons of treeline city planners left us between the hard grey sea of progress cold consolation sheltering our shadow wings
so, here is my pretty pretty in the jar now 🫐🌹🌼🍒🍷🫙 boil boil toil & trouble. modding recipe by heating to 65C then will stash in the pantry to let the yule magic slowly happen base recipe is the blackberry liqueur here: will try to make the foam w it next month
dang, this smells so good rn. mmm mm added some extra *secret spices* of pearly everlasting (Anaphalis margaritacea) & manzanita (Arctostaphylos columbiana) that I wild harvested in the summer. about half of the juniper berries i also harvested time to warm it up a bit.. 🌿🌼
dang, this smells so good rn. mmm mm added some extra *secret spices* of pearly everlasting (Anaphalis margaritacea) & manzanita (Arctostaphylos columbiana) that I wild harvested in the summer. about half of the juniper berries i also harvested time to warm it up a bit.. 🌿🌼
Early Yuletide prep. Dehydrating oranges to make garlands. 🍊 Dehydrating on low this year to see if it preserves the colour better. Also going to try and make a blackberry liqueur to make a bramble foam topping for a Chritmie drink I want to try making this year… 🍷
Early Yuletide prep. Dehydrating oranges to make garlands. 🍊 Dehydrating on low this year to see if it preserves the colour better. Also going to try and make a blackberry liqueur to make a bramble foam topping for a Chritmie drink I want to try making this year… 🍷
A little kitty snuggy downtime your way #cat
reskeet w a banger pic of your cat
reskeet with a banger pic of your cat or other familiar
the consolation of cinnamon & cream cheese on sweet sourdough rolls
Orange Dreamsicle Milkshake 🍊🥛 • orange zest & fresh juice • scoop of vanilla ice cream • vanilla yogurt • milk • honey • fresh ground cardamon • few drops rose water • collagen powder Blend & let it send.. 🧡 (apologies for crummy photo. in hurry to get lo to bed)
armed w oak leaf shield & acorn wand to tackle monday
Did a day trip up to Brackendale this afternoon. Had the pleasure of hanging out with these sky gods gracing us with their presence by the river.
grey skies chill damp all around yet the sun glows still from the death on the ground
don’t stop beleafing
Should have also included this photo I thought the US said ‘no red lines’? what is at the “cusp” of peace? a bloody edge src:
Did a thread on xitter about the links between Biden’s darling glorious new trade deal, IMEC (that they are banking on to counter China’s rising hegemony through BRI with), & the war Israel is waging w Hamas. Will try to import in full, but I have to run rn..
Lakshmi sends you sweet vibes of light in dark times, health & abundance. 💛🩷💛 (Just took this down today. Was for Diwali.)
Went to a trippy fern, mushroom and salal concert last night by Modern Biology 🍄 🎶
Anyone know what this spectacular bush / tree is? Smoke bush, Cotinus coggygria?
A lot of heavy stuff going on out there, so Michiko & Minou send efurrypawdy the eternal love, light & abundance of Lakshmi fur Diwali—or Deepawali! 🌸🌼🪔🦉🪔🌼🌸
Unbelievable that this is a watercolour painting. How many years does it take to master painting water like this?
I did that w mu hub a few yrs ago and we visited Major Oak too! Did you see the Fortingal yew? (I should do a post w my pics of fav trees fm that trip…) The plane tree in Bath is also so amazing!
I forgot to post that I finally got around to trying out a recipe for a shrub! Recipe: 1 heaping cup of blackberries & raspberries, 1/2 c ea water & raw apple cider vinegar, 1/3 c wildflower honey, nub of grated ginger, tiny dash of rosewater. Blend, put in jar in fridge to allow flavours to meld.
Researching food to make when we celebrate Diwali next weekend (dh has Indian background so want our little one to be connected to his heritage). It all looks so good I’m lazily fantasizing we had a big fam who would make it all & we could just show up & enjoy.
I used to post newsy & academic-y professional-ish thoughts on twitter, & mom thots & nature photos to IG. Now post less, but it mostly goes here. Obs bc eff xitter. & yeah, eff meta too. Really hoping doesn’t betray & maintains course to those mossy solarpunk castles in the sky
Mexican corn cake that the Brits would prob call a pudding.
Last night tested the instapot for Sunday roast. Dh made Yorkshire pudding! Tirned out pretty good, and so fast, it’s wild. I can take all the comfort food I can get as the sun recedes and the news gets darker.
6 yo plasticine creations