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exploring oïkos & right relationship, mindfulness, art, poetry, solarpunk 🌞
You thought Twitter didn't represent the general population, oh boy do I have good news for you
i was thinking dolphin? 🐬 but this is way better. & gets a follow!
Reposted byAvatar marï𓆃
agree. lack of care for those w mental health needs is huge. where i live, part of our homelessness & crime issues stem fm when they closed big treatment facilities & literally released ppl ‘to the street’. (not that those hospitals provided the greatest care either)
Yes. I’ve heard there is higher %age of ppl w conditions like schizophrenia in the prison population. I wonder if prison psych docs have found fantasy/magic books can exacerbate conditions of some inmates, so they just blanket ban?
Reposted byAvatar marï𓆃
high in the bur oak branches raining acorns down on my detractors with extreme prejudice
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Discourse around misinformation doesn't always line up w/ our research team's findings re: how falsehoods actually spread in online spaces. Here, I provide a more nuanced view, describing the problem of misinformation as one of collective sensemaking gone awry:
Reposted byAvatar marï𓆃
Want to search your old posts? Try
you can do that here: If you log in, there'll be a toggle to search only your posts. If you don't log in, type " stuff"
Two things: 1. Don’t eat fruitcake w fake ass Maraschino cherries Just don’t 🤢 2. This reminds me that I should stop what I’m doing & go make the fruitcake I told myself I’d make this year…
Ok, ok, let's look beyond the ancient, hacky jokes and have an honest chat about FRUITCAKE...What are you opinions about this seasonal staple? Actually delicious? Nasty trash? Somewhere in between?
7 Reasons You Should Never Eat Maraschino First of all, the way they're made is terrifying.
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Reposted byAvatar marï𓆃
One of my last and most precious elders has entered hospice. My heart is broken. Please help someone this week in whatever way you can. The people who truly love us tend to be rare and it all goes so fast
hey my birthday is next week — celebrate with me by sending $5 or $10 to someone’s mutual aid! 🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁
I’m so sorry Kate. What a good reminder
Reposted byAvatar marï𓆃
Folks: do not sleep on this amazing new tool launched by Al Gore called "Climate Trace". I have never seen an emissions map quite like this. Uses satellites and *assigns emissions to company sources* (!!) Look at what we've done to the North Sea:
you otter be in pictures
Reposted byAvatar marï𓆃
Unbothered. Moisturized. Happy. In Her Lane. Focused. Flourishing.
i’ve been watching this space for a while—at least the corners that led to things like kingsnorth’s & dougald’s dark mnt project in the uk, doomer optimism in the states. watched kingsnorth’s brief foray onto twitter, & the piece he wrote that lead to ppl yelling at him about being a fascist, then
him leaving & a bunch of ppl saying more foul things about what they saw as his blood & soil views. i’ve watched full fascist takes circling DO on x. i’ve had eco types ask me if i’m part of it and ask me not to post about them & DO in the same line as they see it all as eco-fascist. did a course
a while ago out of the M Bookchin linked ISE, & did my first deep dives into some of the history of eco-fascism & how it’s re-presenting in the west. my take is that the doomer to fascism pathway is legit. there are ppl walking that path through the tangled wood but it’s not the only path
an example of a diff doomer path is that of engaged buddhism. thich nhat hanh in particular has given some remarkable dharma talks about not losing yourself, your soul, to despair in the face of clear, present & potential collapse & annihilation and there is also a lot of variability out there
Reposted byAvatar marï𓆃
Vonnegut’s axiom that we become what we pretend to be applies even when we don’t realize what we’re pretending to be.
wip the upside of the +5 yrs of duress fm having to replace a leaky outside wall of our house (including 2 yrs during covid w a tarp over the whole house) is that i got my 1st chance to design a space here’s a corner of it i’ve been working on everything here was discounted, thrifted, or found
I found the birch bark cylinder in a park in Québec. I loved the patterning & was amazed how it was hollow yet so intact. It even survived the 6 yo appropriating it as a car tunnel for a week, then being stuffed w socks and crammed in a suitcase to come back home.
i’ve thought about pouring concrete/resin w a form in it to make a proper vase. then i remembered these pussy willows i found in the kootenays when visiting my dad, so i tried them out..& i gotta admit i kinda 🖤it life & rest of house is a mess but i can come, look at this corner & recharge
yes! huuuuuge bonus. this yr it feels like we’ve finally kinda (sorta maybe hopefully) crawled out of the pit we fell into since 2020. there are some uni practicum placements w the class too & they are so fun & awesome
That’s great! U in UK? there can be a lot of variability fm one school to another, esp in how they approach pedagogy, so we kinda lucked out that ours covers the local curriculum. We also started young w parent & tot so he was used to it ☺️
is he (& us parents too) healthier, but the friendships are better, healthier. Less bullying. Less na na na na boo boo nasty attitudes. Better ratios, more supervision. More creativity & interest. And, I thought with them tramping around outside in the forest so much this yr that academics would
be a bit of a sacrifice. But I was wrong. Academics are better than ever. We do extra math practice at home, and read every night, but aside fm that, just had teacher meeting today & learned he’s ahead of the average, unlike last yr when it was avg or below on many items. We are fortunate to have
some great forest school programs near us where we live, w amazing inspired teachers, but omg I wish that more kids could benefit from this kind of experience & that there was more academic research to compare child wellness & learning in such programs.