
The number of people who have replied to either argue or bemoan that “MAGA doesn’t care” like that’s the voting bloc we have to mobilize is going to make my brain melt out my ears like taffy on a warm summer’s day
“They want to eliminate national parks” is a very simple way to get just about anyone on the Stop Project 2025 train. Are there much more glaring and life-threatening goals of P25? Yes but even your most bigoted cousin does not want to see the parks system sold for parts.
no but you’re so right because there are so many things like parks and roads and water that low-info voters like snd would hate to lose but don’t think of as “political” so they don’t trigger the same instant polarization as if you try to talk to them about healthcare or libraries
Yep! Because the goal would be activating low-information voters who don’t realize just what weird little freaks most of the GOP has become.
and because it comes from a published plan in their own words it can’t be spun as just like, “well, this is what the hysterical woke left that’s burning down all our cities says but they’re just exaggerating to make the right look bad”
I feel like the trick with Project 2025 is exactly the same as the WGA strike. little snippet screencaps going viral all over normie social media that make some shocking thing you had no idea about instantly digestible to anyone regardless of their information level or background
i was thinking i could make a collection of these (graphic design IS my passion (actually i’ve worked on some really successful visual design for covid awareness etc, millions & millions of views & got into higher offices) i need help with the research tho if anyone wants to team up??
i don’t have the energy to connect the dots but i can whip up designs eg i think it’s important to have a counter for the claim that trump doesn’t know about it or whatever lie du jour
I've got the DocumentCloud version bookmarked, have some graphic design skills of my own to help with brainstorming and am willing to put my slightly creaky journalistic skills to work doing the research, so you can do the designs. DM me if you're still looking for a researcher.
that would be great! thanks! i’ll let you know shortly
I filled it out yesterday! I'm looking forward to the emails from you, Amy. Not sure why the DMs aren't open.
oops, sorry, i was going down my list of open replies and forgot to check if you'd already done so! yay! you probably would've had to follow me back for me to be able to dm, but don't feel you need to!
Hi Amy, I'm an admin of a digital progressive listserv, and I've got some design, web, and data connections that could be helpful. Would love to connect and see what I can do to help.
yes! awesome. i think the power move here is to create meme graphics that can be shared in various groups eg i found posts against project 2025 in my celiac group, bc of the food label shit they’re pulling it has HUGE potential to reach normies and even people who otherwise might vote trump
Count me in for design and research/strategy! can I get an invite the slack channel, please
This is great. I completed the form. Ready to help to combat this P25 obscenity.
Amy, you are a superhero for democracy, like Wonder Woman, Rogue or Catniss!
Submitted! Thank you 🙏
Just filled it out. Don’t know if I’ll be useful but I’ll leave that for folks to decide!
I can't help in any way but I'm so glad that people are self-motivating to take action! it's inspiring.
I would be happy to provide Spanish translations
If you’re looking for pro-level design, that’s not me, but if you’re looking for folks can write and make simple memes very quickly, I’m in. Also, I can help mod wherever you set up the writers room
Also I am very handy with Airtable if you want to get this stuff organized
I’m not a pro but I’m hella quick in Adobe Express (and hella slow in Illustrator, but am proficient nonetheless). I can turn ideas into visuals very quickly, as long as I have a general outline or example. I’m interested in helping out w/ whatever resources I can provide
Hey Tiffany, DM me and I'll send you an invite to our discord.
I think that’s really brilliant, and I am absolutely not the right person to help with this but can boost if you would like?
Ditto with the boosting. I'm not multilingual, but if there people who are, getting translations could be helpful to reach communities who vote but may struggle with English. Also. I'm a project manager if that's useful.
Note this, too:
I think billboards highlighting each chapter of Project 2025 placed in specific locations. For example the chapter on gutting military benefits should have billboards on highways near big military bases. Plans for destroying Social Security have billboards all over in Arizona and Florida.
that is a great idea but way out of my wheelhouse!
we do what we can with what we have, where we are! hopefully if it picks up traction on social media, Dem campaigns will start realizing this should be their #1 pitch
I’m just thinking in terms of a central clearinghouse. Like, say, one group puts up a billboard somewhere, then makes the art available for others who want to do the same elsewhere.
good idea to give the memes a permissive copyright license i'll have to see what we can do if they are a group project
That seems like a great fundraising project for you to take on, while Amy focuses on building the infographics project out.
and then ask every Republican candidate at every town hall or public debate to confirm if they support it. most will say yes, to jazz up the base (who wants it), or will try and hedge; but that might be enough to sway independents or undecided moderates. even potentially some libertarians
I would absolutely love to help with this. Let me dig into my research schedule and see what I can do
awesome!! please feel free to dm me when you do
Amy this response you’re getting is so exciting
it is!! i was not prepared lmao. i am tired today. luckily someone volunteered to set up a slack channel
If I can help with any of the illustration front I'm totally down; I'm already working on some things for fellow Jewish Voters and possibly for the NCJW to use. Anything but sitting on my haunches
Seriously!!!! I think I speak for Claire - please keep us in the loop on this and how we can boost.