
Ken Burnside
Ken Burnside
Game designer (Attack Vector: Tactical, Squadron Strike, Minimus, Federation Commander), writer, monkey servant of Theoden Cat, Lord of the Kittermark, Trampler of Keyboards, High Rider of the Back of the Chair!
$1.25 Quarterstaff
$1.25 Quarterstaff
I'm at the JFC, I'm at OMFG. I'm at the combination JFC OMFG.

He-ish pronouns, I won't be insulted if you use others for me, I'll do my best to use yours correctly. City: Comma, Serial (Not Oxford), North Carolina.
gamera obscura
gamera obscura
robin sky leigh

writer | wastrel
socialist | singer
rabble | rouser

she | her
Liviu Giosan
Liviu Giosan
Earth Historian
Troy Moon
Troy Moon
Working to make my city my sustainable and resilient. Coffee lover. ☕️ Probably riding a bike.
Johnny Vector
Johnny Vector
Engineer raised by a family of scientists
Sandra T.
Sandra T.
Biochemist. Former Science Editor. „Ein Leben ohne Mops ist möglich aber sinnlos.“ 🐾 Currently in Michigan. She/her.
Alix Hui
Alix Hui
Historian of science, environment, sound, and silence. Raising small kids through covid. Pie hobbyist. The Johnny Appleseed of googly-eyes.
Alex Ross
Alex Ross
Survivalist 😉

First responder, search and rescue, forager, bushcraft, science and philosophy, prehistory, sustainability, rewilding, silly old romantic!
Joey Gurney
Joey Gurney
Currently working in Local Gov strategy. Casual China watcher and former think tanker. School governor and charity trustee.
Dilbert Hornbuckle
Dilbert Hornbuckle
mostly I take care of kids. sometimes I roleplay at 'job'
Nancy Huntly
Lior Hamovitz
Lior Hamovitz
PhD student @ Boston University || CSSN scholar || 🏳️‍🌈🎗️

🌿 regional climate ethics // intersectional environmentalism 🌿
Glenn Jaecks
Glenn Jaecks
Geology Professor, Cyclist, Commuter, Beach, 'n' stuff. I think I might be a Le Guinian anarchist, with a tinge of Marx and democratic socialism. I teach climate change.
Lorenz Noe
Open data, statistics, international development.
Fabian Wolf 🌻🇺🇦
Fabian Wolf 🌻🇺🇦
Lebenslang linksgrün-weiß. 💚🤍
Ich möchte auf der richtigen Seite gestanden haben, wenn die Geschichten erzählt werden. Aufstehen jetzt.
En-ROADS Ambassodor in the making.
Born @ 335ppm - follow<->refollow
small fat dog

Durham, NC
Craig Schofield
Craig Schofield
Biology, Bicycling, Bird Watching, Computers, Camping
Chris Geroux
Chris Geroux
I want to roll in all of nature’s riches around me and never wonder what they’re worth 🌈🍃 • climate optimist • systems thinker
Ari Ihalainen
Ari Ihalainen
Engineer, CMAS*** diver, loves clean nature and healthy ocean and lakes.
Richard Smith
Richard Smith
Soil scientist
Lawrence Torcello
Lawrence Torcello
Moral and Political Philosophy; Liberal Democracy; Bioethics; Climate Change and Science Denialism | Rochester Institute of Technology
Franklin D. Roosefella
Franklin D. Roosefella
Shitlib 4 politics
Toffee 4 fitba
Bikes 4 transport
NATO 4 security
NAhFO 4 russophobic, cartoon dogs
He / my oblique & possessive pronouns are clear from my nom. pronoun
Breuklyn & sometimes RI, USA
Scientist watching the world burn from Tahoe. PhD in neuro stuff. Retired, I guess. Time currently mostly spent on writing, art, reading, volunteering, and staring at large bodies of water. Wx obsessed.
Barb from post
Barb from post
Fervent Dem. We must win this battle.
c. johnson-nwosu
c. johnson-nwosu
climate & social impact
aviation/weather/music/defense/car/sports/truck enthusiast/book reader and Eglin AFB native. Right winger🐍🇺🇸
Deanne aka deakat
Deanne aka deakat
Reader, dog trainer, dog is life
Burrito Justice
Burrito Justice
tacos en paz, burritos en guerra

NPR: “a little bit of a burrito thought leader”

senior member of TAPBL (The All Powerful Bike Lobby)
Urs.Hu 🦉
Urs.Hu 🦉
maybe not 'nice', but honest 🐾
#VoiceAgainstHate 💚
#VoiceAgainstFascism 💚
born @317.79ppm 🍀
🐬suffering from constant Meerweh ⛵
Prodemocracy. Climate action now. Upper Left, USA. Live music fan.
Dan Freedman
Dan Freedman engineer, UIUC alum, open source enthusiast, he/him. Opinions my own, etc.
Mastodon: @[email protected]