Andrew Dessler

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Andrew Dessler

Prof of Atmospheric Sciences & climate scientist @ Texas A&M; AGU and AAAS Fellow; Native Texan; find out what I think at
Anyone who thinks that temperatures in the 1930s were as high as today's is confusing global temperatures with temperatures in the U.S., which makes up 2% of the surface area of the globe. Globally, the 1930s were much much cooler than today.
Then the monstrous Beryl comes along, the strongest every July Atlantic storm.
This is yet another demonstration of the power and success of climate science. Successful predictions like this demonstrate that we understand something fundamental about the climate system. In fact, climate science is a parade of successful predictions.
Let's review the successful predictions from the climate denial community:
Climate change is making all of this extreme weather more extreme: the heat will be worse and the rain will be more intense. The cherry on top is that more extreme rain will make any flooding worse.
Mandatory Univ. training modules are not a waste of time at all.
regardless of how many legs you have, it's still "show your stripes" day!
sea level rise — caused by humans — is making this worse. any house with less than about a foot of water in it would be dry w/o human's warming the climate.
Humanity about to find out: you broke it, you bought it
With half the month now behind us, June 2024 is very likely to be the warmest June on record. It is on track to beat 2023's record by nearly 0.2C, and may represent an ominous sign that global temperatures are not falling very quickly despite the fading of El Nino conditions.
I literally can't think of a worse way to prepare for a thesis defense than this.
front page of the @washingtonpost: it's all climate, all the time. this is a taste of the future.
How it started vs. how it's going
The world we live in: Talking to someone analyzing heat-related deaths. Turns out you need to subtract deaths from mass shootings or it skews your results.
An interesting plot: For everyone out there who's arguing that the Hunga Tonga volcanic eruption added a lot of water vapor to the atmosphere, here's a plot of total atmospheric water vapor (60N-60S). I've removed the dates on the x-axis, so please tell me when the eruption occurred.
here's the answer, with HT's eruption marked as the dotted line. as you can see, it injected a trivial amount of water vapor into the atmosphere. it was unusual only in that it injected it into the mid-stratosphere, but water vapor there has little impact on the climate.
I don't know if I've ever submitted a paper to a journal and not had it get kicked back to me because I violated some formatting rule: this time, my table has shading.
with forecasts of an active hurricane season, re-upping this TCB post: Climate change is making hurricanes more destructive
One of the ways they're fighting back: they have pivoted from spreading climate misinformation to spreading renewable energy misinformation. In fact, many of the people who used to spread climate misinformation are now spreading energy misinformation.
Sanity check. I filmed an interview today and got the following release form. It gives them the right to "simulate and impersonate" me. Does that sound as bad to you as it does to me?
how it started vs. how it's going
someone is having too much fun naming buildings on the TAMU campus
If you're wondering whether climate change played a role in yesterday's wind event in Houston, I think it's unclear but possible. Future research will tell us more, but here's (I think) the relevant paragraph from the IPCC report (Sect.
wow, so many things wrong with this. also, I'm guessing this service just takes the points you wrote, puts them into chatGPT, and then returns to you the resulting letter.
Q: How to make a small fortune in real estate? A: Start with a large fortune and invest in Louisiana real estate. h/t to from her terrific substack post
I've been on this beat for a while:
literal LOL with a side of guffaw
when you're the only author of a paper, you can feel pretty good about yourself.