
It does not get any more pure narcissistic, egotistical god complex than sincerely believing the future of civilization hinges on your tweets.
So he’s saying he keeps putting his hand on a hot stove, which sounds about right
This is the exact definition of poster's madness
There is no cure for poster’s madness. Only euthanasia.
This guy has more money than the entire African continent wants nothing more than to be dril. It's actually pretty hilarious.
"Engineering?" The dude has a BS in physics from UPenn. Next time you want an idea of Elmo's actual grasp of "engineering," spool up a video of a Tesla nuking itself into a molten puddle.
It’s a BA, he offered, weakly. Because you see the Phys dept isn’t part of the School of Engr & Applied Science which offers the BS. It’s under Arts & Sciences, which does only the BA. So that’s what’s on my wall…
And engineering is very much not what the Physics department teaches.
My mistake! Which only makes Elmo's claims to expertise in 'engineering' that much weaker, I'd think...
Well he also wants to save humanity by starting a colony - ruled by himself, natch - on Mars. Rather than, you know, preserve the habitability of the Earth which, in his view, was ruined by woke or some shit
I don’t think he’s ever actually going to fly in space. He could have already, if he wanted. But I think he’s too afraid of it. And rationalizes it with some more narcissism about how he’s too important to risk.
He is such a whiny pissbaby
can't pass the physical
Could be has some particular disqualifying condition he hasn't disclosed, but the physical requirements especially for a non-professional passenger aren't actually that stringent these days. Even the pros often keep flying well into their 60s.
Hell Shatner got shot into space and Ed Dwight just got shot into space last week. Those guys were 90 something. The physical requirements to survive high-g launch and reentry should be reasonable for a tubby Nazi
The unfortunate thing about all this is that they shoot people like Shatner into space and *they bring them back* :(
Musk is not an engineer. He is not even good at posing as an engineer.
So he is also saying he has no special expertise in certain policy areas, but thinks he should be calling the shots nevertheless, because of his very important feelings.
It’s also ludicrous because he’s a terrible engineer. He leads engineers and makes their lives absolutely terrible and chaotic.
Ok, true, but have you ever seen him say one single solitary thing that wasn't just the absolute most colonial mindset bullshit ever? He *really* thinks he's a philosopher king and we are all just bumbling about out here in the dark ages waiting for somebody to tell us how to live.
What a self-aggrandizing douche.
His ego & insecurity, combined w/ privilege, are part of the corrosion of civilization. Story's as old as time.