
Aren’t the same people freaking out about Biden the ones perfectly happy to weekend-at-Bernie’s Feinstein — or play along with that — as long as they could? This is a genuine question; I don’t know.
Her seat was CA, where in the first round she got 44.2% to the highest R candidate (who came in third) getting 8.3% tho.
Which is perhaps to say, the freakout is also highly driven by how close the race is
Oh yes, definitely. Eh. I’m not freaking out about Biden; I am freaking out about the press, the pundits, the donors, and especially the campaign. This seems to me to be the You Have One Job of a campaign and that they can’t manage it scares me. It’s not a surprise!
Right. And folks can (and plainly do) have lots of opinions on what to do now, but the overriding concern here, and in the D party apparatus isn't "will Biden be ok in the Oval Office" but "is his campaign going to get him there" and if not, can we fix it, and can someone else fix it, in that order
Yeah. I’m mostly just noting the hypocrisy. Which — I am well aware doesn’t really matter! But I like to try to understand the processes.
I didn’t much like Biden and never liked the primary system. I thought he was too old in 2020! But the time to fix it was before the primaries. I don’t have the impression that he’s changed much, only the world, both in very predictable ways.
I think it's safe to say whatever solution they come up with, this past week has been a big mess, and it could have been handled a lot better
Yes! Thanks for answering btw. I’m trying not to freak out too much. As a risk analyst…that’s not easy. It’s just own goal after own goal…
I think the thing for me is there's still 4 months left. That's not a giant amount of time, but it's also plenty if they really did light the fight in the campaign
The problem is this is just a really hard election to properly model; in some profound ways it's not like any election up to 2016, and has some very important differences to 2016 or 2020 too in lots of important directions. Which isn't great for anxiety. But it does mean it's still all to play for.
Is it? Most international commentary I read have been assuming a Trump WH for months - not as something that will necessarily happen, but as a strong likelihood. Most polls have went only one way so far.
That's begging the question tho. The interpretation of polls is by reference to election models
Aren't there still big money differences, campaign offices, staffing and staff quality differences favoring Biden - the mechanics aren't much changed are they?
Yes. Lots of advantages there. The number that worries me more than favorability tho (which is the big one that's usually quoted) is "enthusiasm to vote" numbers, where Ds consistently poll below Rs
That's repairable, we're still a ways out, but it's the one that troubles me more. I think there's going to be big problems with ensuring turnout
The flipside to that as well is that the R groundgame is basically trash, which makes even those types of numbers a bit hard to interpret. Basically the whole cycle is a flock of black swans and everyone's trying to peer through frosted glass a bit to interpret what's going to happen
A lot of both problems: people imputing to polling a false precision, or throwing up their hands and saying polls don't matter they're all junk. Interpreting them can be nuanced, even experts can misread all the time. But sometimes they're not that ambiguous, and that Biden's losing is such a case.
I’m not so confident as that; I think low response rates are amplifying disparities between people who do and don’t respond, probably in Trump’s favor
Election held tomorrow, he'd have a shot. But not a good one. 1 in 4, being generous. 1 in 6 would be plausible. And worth remembering, Trump overperformed the polls in both 2016 and even more in 2020. If there's a polling error, it could be cutting the other way and Biden's in even worse shape.
Poll misses aren’t really predictive of future poll misses (and if they were pollsters would already account for them) I don’t know what the odds are. I know people hate Trump and he’s lost the popular vote in two straight presidential elections. We’ll see.
True it's not predictive itself, but we know something of the reason why and it hasn't changed: Trump boosts turnout by marginal voters. It's why Dems have been doing better in special elections and midterms and worse when he's on the ballot. He brings out people who otherwise don't usually vote.
To's point about enthusiasm: Trump fires up marginal voters in ways that make up for, by some indications more than make up, his other weaknesses and the groups he does worse with. A polling error understating his performance is still likelier than the reverse.
You're overlooking the fact that there are abortion referendums on the ballot in key states. If you think that won't bring out marginal female voters, you're not seeing the whole thing.
Yeah but did you consider that those are women so they don’t actually count.
Certainly most of the commentariat and the doomers here think so
I don’t see it that way, but we’ll just have to see unfortunately.
I might agree, but when you get polls that say there's gonna be a 35% shift in the Black vote towards Trump, I have a hard time taking them seriously at all. Like that's just polling error incarnate.
Vibes are a bad way to make predictions.
I get texts all the time “will you vote for Joe?” (of course), but I don’t truly know where they’re coming from so I always delete. Polling now is dicey at best: who is being polled? Who answers the phone? So it’s a media panic attack right now that may or may not have a basis in reality.
Those texts are spam, not any kind of legit polling at all. They just want money.
Exactly, so how do legit pollsters get respondents? Who is being polled and how do they reach them? I honestly don’t see how any poll in the-year-of-our-lord-2024 can be accurate.
They get enough respondents by asking a vastly larger number of people than the number of responses they actually end up getting. By an order of magnitude or two. And that was always the case, but the low response rate has pushed up how many more non-responses you have to go through.
Nah. This doesn't pass the smell test.
You don't have to agree. (Clearly you don't!) But I feel like the burden of proof has ALWAYS been on people who think Trump can win.
The smell test is not data, of which we have quite a lot. There is a wide range of nuance in how you interpret the polls. But I don't think there's any reasonable case to be made his chances are any worse than tossup right now, and a lot of indication they're a good deal better than that.