Andy Elrick

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Andy Elrick

Director of the Center for Sports Communication and Assistant Prof. of Sports Communication at Marist College. Former cog at ESPN, CBS Sports and FIBA. QPR, Cubs and UConn.
I haven’t watched a second of Stewart since he came back but I just can’t imagine his approach works anymore. Like, for anyone.
people get mad if you point this out but Jon Stewart was always like this: it's just that his brand of "can't we just use common sense instead of being liars and hypocrites" moderate populism was the most left thing that was allowed in mass media post 9/11
Reposted byAvatar Andy Elrick
The Founders anticipated all of this, and that is why they buried throughout the constitution various secret hints and rules that would, centuries later, make it illegal to notice or get mad when a powerful and extremely dumb guy repeatedly commits obvious oafish political crimes.
It needs to be acknowledged that there's a fundamental asymmetry in the level of difficulty (as it relates to messaging, actual political goals and structurally) between the two party's projects that makes the kind of fantasy described here especially dangerous.
I wrote about the problem of Dems living in a Aaron Sorkin’s West Wing paradigm, which is not equipped to explain the current moment:
Opinion | Democrats Need to Wake Up From Their ‘West Wing’ In the real world, noble ideals don’t guarantee a victory.
I have a persistent memory of a story that Pete Incaviglia could hit a baseball “through a piece of plywood.” I have no idea where I heard this or what that would even look like.
Reposted byAvatar Andy Elrick
We drove past a small-town laundromat that had "Hawk Tuah Do Your Laundry Here" on a sign out front. I think that's super, obviously, a great spin on a classic bit. But my daringly heterodox take on it is that it's just as funny to have Do Your Laundry Here on a sign outside your laundromat.
Mark my words Mike Gundy will run for Governor of Oklahoma some day. His platform will be making welfare and food stamp recipients flip over tractor tires and run stairs before they can get their benefits. Some people deserve punishment and some people don't in his eyes. Simple as that.
I got McDonalds for the first time in over a decade today. The two cheeseburger “value meal” was like $11.
Avatar The heat lamp flickers and goes out, plunging the grey, sweaty meat into a dusky gloom. "Mr. President," the man removes his paper chef's hat and swallows. "We're out of au jus." The floodgates open now. His back hunched, he sobs. What have you done to me Madam Justice.
I love a slice of pizza as much as the next guy, but my repeated requests that they not leave it in the oven until it’s as hot as the surface of the sun to often go unheeded.
One of the distinctive experiences of living in New York as a young person for me was getting a new apartment in July or August, going to Bed, Bath and Beyond and buying $300 worth of home goods and then to save money getting it all back on the subway where it’s 400 degrees.
I think think the guy I just watched put a whole air conditioner into the basket of a CitiBike in Williamsburg qualifies as today’s New Yorker Of Distinction
The "excuse my language" part is a nice touch.
Avatar I didn't see the debate, but I JUST got an email from Joe Biden this very morning. He was warning me about how dangerous Donald Trump is and asked if I could spare $25. He sounded great, hadn't lost a step from what I could tell. Have you heard from him?
Reposted byAvatar Andy Elrick
the conservative theory of law in one headline
The whole thing about our politics is that the fallout just isn’t coming. Nothing can happen that will move the majority of people. This is more true of Trump than it is of Biden I suppose but I find it hard to believe his numbers will crater to a degree that it would be impossible to keep him.
In the aftermath of Biden’s Thursday night debacle, Democratic members of Congress have largely stood behind the president in public. That could change – very quickly – if post-debate polling and research show that Biden’s debate fallout is likely to cost Democrats the House come November.
Frustrated Democrats watch for debate fallout as Republicans pounce on Biden’s poor showing | CNN Pennsylvania Sen. Bob Casey, a Democrat whose seat is crucial to maintaining his party’s slim Senate majority in November, faced a new attack ad Sunday from GOP challenger Dave McCormick’s campaign — ...
Reposted byAvatar Andy Elrick
Kitting out my new office and can’t decide whether to bring my Chauncey Billups Colorado jersey or my Muggsy Bogues Wake Forest jersey. I could bring both, but then I risk being stuck at home without an obscure college jersey to wear. thoughts?
Reposted byAvatar Andy Elrick
It’s hard not to see the election media coverage as a performance of, for, and by a very specific set of people who ostensibly spend their days trying to understand the motivations of The Common Person but who really just want to dictate to them how they should feel and act.
Voters: they’re mysterious!
I love Cape Cod but expend so much energy resisting the urge to give every reference to lobster or chowder the full Tom Hanks in Catch Me if You Can. It’s exhausting.
Thankful tonight there may there’s no video on here.
Provincetown, MA Little Library. Danielle Steele remains undefeated.
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Now that the dissertation has been 100% put to bed I can share this bit of news. I'm pumped (this photo is an accurate representation of me at my most pumped) to begin as Director of the Center for Sports Communication and Asst. Professor of Sports Communications at Marist College on July 1.
Experienced Sports Media Professional and Educator to Lead Center for Sports With professional experience, including stints at ESPN, CBS Sports Network, and abroad, Andrew Elrick brings a global perspective to Center for Sports Communication.