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Caf fy magu yn Swydd Efrog. Rwy wedi dysgu Cymraeg dros sawl mlynedd nawr, ond does dim lot o hyderus 'da fi. Rwy wedi addo fy mrawd yng nghyfreith byddwn defnyddio cymraeg yma.

She/hers, hi/ei
Reposted byAvatar Miriam
I’d love to chat with anyone with experience either discerning vocation in a rural context, or who does rural ministry as a LLM, deacon on priest. Let me know if you’d be open to doing so - I’d be grateful!
#tinyjoys sitting outside the pub on a balmy summers evening
Reposted byAvatar Miriam
Senate Dems should take one of their assorted gun control bills off the shelf, rename it something like "Trump Assassination Prevention Act," and force Rs to do a talking filibuster to block it
Reposted byAvatar Miriam
FUN FACT: Did you know that The Heritage Foundation is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization? FUN FACT: They are not allowed to participate in political campaigns. Directly OR Indirectly. FUN FACT: IRS Form 13909 Exists. Do with this info as you will. www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/...
Reposted byAvatar Miriam
If you voted Labour with then intention of "pushing them left" once in office and you're not actively trying to do the Angry Brigade at Wes Streeting right now, then you can get in the absolute fucking bin.
Reposted byAvatar Miriam
For those pointing out the harm of Pr*ject '25 on education (banning af-am, queer studies etc) you should know the UK just quietly cancelled its ONLY MA in Queer History without needing a political revolution. Goldsmith's management just said "not profitable", fired the programme lead, & ended it 🗃️
Reposted byAvatar Miriam
James Anderson's cap number is 613. Gus Atkinson's is 704. #ohJimmyJimmy #Cricket #EnglandCricket 🏏
Reposted byAvatar Miriam
The West Indies TMS commentator made a good point - if you're a horrible person and a virus in the dressing room, you'll be dropped, no matter how good a player you are. You won't last 21 years in the team unless you're a genuinely nice person as well. #Cricket #ohJimmyJimmy #EnglandCricket
Reposted byAvatar Miriam
Reupping this. Anyone have any recommendations?
Asking this for a dear friend: can I have recommendations for books helping parents of trans kids? My friend’s youngest has started transitioning and she (my friend) is feeling like she “isn’t doing enough.” (She totally is.) She said, “there’s no handbook for this.” I said, um, actually… so, help?
Reposted byAvatar Miriam
Some months ago I made a whopping playlist called Fuck the Classical Canon. Classical etc. music all by (awesome) composers who aren't white men. It's *lovely* and I'm thanking past me because it's all such utterly glorious music and cheering me right up. :D #TinyJoys (Currently: Ruth Gipps. <3 )
Reposted byAvatar Miriam
It's a beautiful selection!
Some months ago I made a whopping playlist called Fuck the Classical Canon. Classical etc. music all by (awesome) composers who aren't white men. It's *lovely* and I'm thanking past me because it's all such utterly glorious music and cheering me right up. :D #TinyJoys (Currently: Ruth Gipps. <3 )
#tinyjoys walking 11.5 miles with the smells of meadowsweet and honeysuckle.
Reposted byAvatar Miriam
The 100 year rule releases from 2039 onwards are gonna be wild. We know all of the Axis Powers' dirty secrets from WW2, but not our own.
Reposted byAvatar Miriam
people always attribute the spike in autism/adhd diagnoses to more people learning about it But maybe the demands of capitalism skyrocketing over the last century made it harder for ND people to meet the definition of "functioning" & when your functioning is impaired, you get evaluated for shit
Reposted byAvatar Miriam
Realised i've never put out the call here: If you're interested in women's football in London, and helping INDEPENDENT ones compete against sportswashing, then I'm the vice-chair of a club and WE NEED YOU. Volunteers, in person or remote, in ANY capacity or skill. Sponsors too! londonseawardfc.com
London Seaward FC – An independent women’s football club in East Londonlondonseawardfc.com
Reposted byAvatar Miriam
You shouldn't be ok with this. I'm not.
Reposted byAvatar Miriam
Not the best morning (to put it mildly), but the day has been greatly improved by egg and chips, a bargain in the Oxfam bookshop, drinks with a friend, and my sister sending me a funny video of us doing karaoke together at the weekend. Much to be thankful for. #TinyJoys
Reposted byAvatar Miriam
Welp. Bsky pals - Himself has come back from the Cyber Security workshop with these bad pubs. His homework is to come up with better ones - who here is good with dad jokes?
#tinyjoys the one eyed horse living his best life
Reposted byAvatar Miriam
TFW you see up close that Zuckerberg & co. are just as bad as Musk & co.
I tried to post the clip from Casablanca where they sing La Marseillaise on Facebook and this happened
Reposted byAvatar Miriam
Woman on the street in London asked me for directions to her hotel, as I checked on my phone she made a comment about needing to avoid 'the gays' at 'that awful pride march', spoken with a really disgusted tone. So I sent her the wrong way.
#tinyjoys baby seagull wishing to be let in to a closed restaurant.
Reposted byAvatar Miriam
"It is a fake university, issuing fake documents and certificates with no actual campus. It is not the renowned Cardiff University in the UK." Oh dear, somewhat awkward...
Egypt's new education minister has a 'fake' PhDwww.middleeasteye.net Mohamed Abdel Latif says he holds a doctorate from Cardiff City University in US, but online fact checkers say it's a scam
Reposted byAvatar Miriam
I thought this was bollocks until I learned that electoral candidates don't have to prove their identity at all.
Question raised by @bylinetimes.bsky.social over whether some Reform candidates really exist is more than just about the contempt the party has for voters. The number of votes a party gets nationally affects the amount of taxpayer cash it gets. bylinetimes.com/2024/07/03/r...
Reform UK's Invisible Candidates: Who Are They Hiding?bylinetimes.com Absent from hustings, media interviews, and social media, why are Nigel Farage's Reform champions quite so elusive?
Reposted byAvatar Miriam
Westminster have been perfectly capable of ignoring over 50 SNP MPs in the past. They can ignore Farage and four other racists.
Reposted byAvatar Miriam
If you don’t watch cycling I want to share the joy of Eritrean Biniam Girmay, who is the first Black person to win a stage in the Tour de France and now won his second! In the first week! And he’s in green, which means he’s winning the most sprints (and beating Jasper Phillipsen, which is great.)
Reposted byAvatar Miriam