
Richardson Dilworth
Richardson Dilworth
Professor at Drexel U and managing editor of Urban Affairs Review. Author of Urban Origins of Suburban Autonomy and Reforming Philadelphia, 1682-2022.
Yum! Brands
Yum! Brands
Just here for the attire.
Ellen Tilton-Cantrell
Ellen Tilton-Cantrell
Developmental editor & workshop facilitator for scholarly writers. PhD in Japanese lit. She/her. Based in Minneapolis.
Dispatches from the End of The World
Dispatches from the End of The World
Tree Hugger, Lovers of List, Anti Fascists, Radical, Left Wing, Green Party, Free Gaza
Brianna Chesser
Brianna Chesser
Not the character of the day 🫶
Dr Emeka Njoku
Dr Emeka Njoku
Assistant Professor @iddbirmingham | Associate Editor @JISBjournal | #terrorism, #counterterrorism #civilsociety, #development, #gender, #sexuality
I study Congress and watch Alabama football
Jesse Crosson
Jesse Crosson
Asst. Prof, Purdue Political Science. Legislatures, interest groups, parties, and institutional reform. Co-Director, Program on American Institutional Renewal (PAIR).
Help You Got Rich Pick
Our game always Go Green men#join Channel Be Lucky Win 🏆
Scott Meinke
Scott Meinke
Political scientist at Bucknell University studying & teaching about US institutions. Congress nerd.
Joe Ura
Joe Ura
political science. law and courts. higher education. revolutionaries. tar heels. tigers. aggies. (different) tigers. clemson, sc.
Miranda Yaver
Miranda Yaver
Political scientist. Assistant Professor of Health Policy & Management at the University of Pittsburgh. Cal bear and Columbia PhD. Bylines at NY Times & WaPo. Writing on health insurance woes.
Jamie Levine Daniel
Jamie Levine Daniel
Associate Professor of Nonprofit Management and Public Service. Lifelong CLE fan. Co-founder of @GoodTroubleIN. she/her. All views are my own. Tweets? Threads? Posts? Whatever they are on here, they will probably have typos.
Center for Ballot Freedom
Center for Ballot Freedom
America’s political system is broken. We are a cross-partisan nonprofit project that aims to protect and strengthen American democracy by reviving #FusionVoting 🗳️✨ Learn more:
Jeremy C. Young
Jeremy C. Young
Program Director @PENamerica. Historian. He/him. Personal account. 'It is a terrible transgression to intimidate and awe teachers with fear of want.' — Clarence Darrow
Michael Nelson
Michael Nelson
Political Scientist and DGS @ Penn State. Courts, judicial legitimacy, state politics.
Sebastian Karcher
Sebastian Karcher
Associate Director Qualitative Data Repository (personal account).
Data, Zotero, Social Science Methods
Julie Novkov
Julie Novkov
Academic, administrator, gymnastics fan, resident of upstate New York. Go Great Danes! #polisky #skystorians
Shamira Gelbman
Shamira Gelbman
Author of The Civil Rights Lobby
Brooklyn in Indiana 🏙️🌽
Poli Sci Prof at Wabash College 🔔
I tweet solely in my own capacity, not on behalf of the College
Victor Asal
Victor Asal
UAlbany professor Studies insurgency/ terrorism & Ethnic & LGBTQ Discrimination & Pedagogy.
Alexandra Guisinger
Alexandra Guisinger
Political science professor at Temple University; author of American Opinion on Trade; co-PI for the Foreign Policy in a Diverse Society project (; and inconsistent social media user.
Ralph Hanson
Ralph Hanson
Comm Prof@UNK. Blogging since 2004. Author Sage’s Mass Communication: Living in a Media World, now in 8th ed. Husband, dad 🏍. he/him Black Lives Matter
Maya Sen
Maya Sen
Professor @Harvard | JD/PhD | Political science | Law | Author, The Judicial Tug of War | she/her | 🎢🦉🏖️
I’d rather be a hypocrite than the same person forever-Ad-rock
Buy and sell your products on our marketplace 🤩 100% Direct Trade, 100% Sustainable 🌱
🤩 #EconomyOfLife 🤝 #OrganicGeneration 🌿
Jason P. Casellas
Jason P. Casellas
Associate Prof @UHPoliticalSci, Legislative politics, REP, co-author of Governing Texas, RP & *-≠-endorsement
Ben Noble
Ben Noble
Asst. Prof of Political Science at UC-San Diego. WUSTL PhD.
Andrew Strasberg
Andrew Strasberg
PhDing @ WUSTL Poli Sci, running around a soccer field @ who-knows-where
Women in Legislative Studies
Women in Legislative Studies
Working to engage, support, and promote women who study legislative politics related to Congress, state, comparative, and international legislatures.
Malliga Och
Malliga Och
A Colorado girl in the flat Midwest. Asc. Professor of Politics and Public Affairs @Denison University. Expert on Women, Gender, and Politics.
Colin Brown
Colin Brown
Poli Sci Associate Teaching Professor at Northeastern: migration, representation, parties, Europe (esp. NL), pedagogy & SoTL. Co-editor: Political Science Educator. Chaotic Neutral. Oregonian, originally.
Alexander Benjamin
Alexander Benjamin
Here for the ex-tweets, political science debates, and bad NFL takes.

“Our lives are the sum of our choices”
Amar jeet
Amar jeet
Ray E. Boomhower
Ray E. Boomhower
Biographer of Ernie Pyle, Robert Sherrod, Richard Tregaskis, John Bartlow Martin, and Malcolm Browne. Writing bio of journalist Wallace Terry, author of "Bloods: An Oral History of the Vietnam War by Black Veterans."
Jihed Ncib
Jihed Ncib
NLP | Political Data Scientist at University College Dublin | Manager of the Connected Politics Lab | Member of the Research Group
Zach Valladon
Zach Valladon
Publishing Professional, Writer, Musician, Eater of Food… was I supposed to do more things?
Heather Yates
Heather Yates
Professor|Author|Editor|Jayhawk|sometimes a political commentator. Studying American politics—the Presidency, political behavior, public opinion, gender and Identity.
Christopher Geiger
Christopher Geiger
Single unifying interest in board governance / technology / antiquarian books / sustainability / wilderness / organizational resilience / a cappella choir
Christy Sadler
Christy Sadler
Acquisitions editor for IR, comparative, and public affairs textbooks at CQ Press / Sage Publishing.
Ochette the Beastling
Ochette the Beastling
I like food & video games.
Did digital stuff in the Senate. @senategabe.33 on signal
Jessica Wehrman
Jessica Wehrman
Health editor at CQ Roll Call. Former Ohio reporter. Still a Midwesterner. Don't boss me.
Matt Graham
Matt Graham
Political Scientist. Beliefs, polarization, democracy, measurement error.
Matthew Geras
Matthew Geras
Assistant Professor of Political Science- University of Illinois Springfield
OU PhD- Former Fellow: Carl Albert Center
parties, elections, Congress, representation
views are my own
Rob Mickey
Teach pol. science @umich; US Reconstruction in Comparative Perspective w/ David Waldner; policing w/ +; Snarky Puppy w/ Jake Bowers.

website/bad picture: