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Just here for the attire.
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Historically bizarre messaging to be telling people that fascism is at the gates and this is the most historic election of all time. Also we're going to put forth a semi conscious candidate and stop campaigning so the temperature can turn down and we wish Hitler 2 a speedy recovery
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This is how you do it.
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you see your pets twitching their little limbs in their sleep and say to your partner "look, it is running through a field in its sleep", you are wrong: your pet is in a casino: throwing dice, playing slots and video poker, walking on two legs and betting large on a blackjack table
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fuck off microsoft, the only one drive i need is the drive to the liquor store
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this is by far the craziest longshot candidate replacement idea I’ve heard, but if the technology’s there I’ll hear them out
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Like we get to read stories about how Google's ceo made $220m in 2022 and the company is doing a $40bn share buyback as Google search falls to ruin and emails come out that involve the money guys saying "yeah man why don't we find ways to make more money even if it's worse."
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does anyone else feel goofy trying to recycle and conserve power after reading about how much energy AI consumes on a daily basis
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Possibly the most enraging thing about the Democratic party right now is that it seems to have no capacity to reckon with this reality - they look at Jaws halfway up on the back of the boat, ready to sink the whole thing, and fantasize that it's Mitt Romney and John McCain waving to them
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Google’s emissions are up 48% in 5 years. Microsoft’s are up 30% since 2020. Those soaring figures are being driven by mass investments in data centers to power AI tools. Generative AI is a climate disaster and data center expansion must be stopped.
Generative AI is a climate disasterdisconnect.blog Tech companies are abandoning emissions pledges to chase AI market share
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if i had to pinpoint the beginning of the internet's long decline i would say it's when "search-engine optimisation" became a thing burying the worthwhile beneath the profitable has been the death knell of every industry ever
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i think i could survive the hadron collider
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i'm gonna be on my deathbed in 40 years mumbling that clyburn had 6 weeks to come up with a line for when dobbs officially dropped and his day-of answer was "it's a little anticlimactic"
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yes, we boiled the planet, but it was worth it to make a machine that, instead of adding two plus two, takes the statistical average of every answer to questions containing "what" "is" "two" and "plus" from a database of illegal cell phone transcripts and returns a fake nude pic of a high schooler
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sometimes people will be like “would you trust him to be alone with Putin” what are you talking about buddy
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for me the Biden conversation is entirely about whether he can win in November. i’m not worried about whether he can actually do the job because i don’t think it’s a real job.
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There have been so many of these but they still find ways to shock me
Change in Headline
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And then they brought on some other jar of mayonnaise to say the SCOTUS ruling legalizing Watergate wasn’t the end of the world because future presidents will realize on their own that they shouldn’t throw their enemies into gulags.
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Roses are red, Curry has cumin,
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Things are going very well when we've reached the "Don't worry, the military won't obey orders to kill civilians" stage of democratic backsliding. It's the sweet spot, where good things happen. Right where we want to be.
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Voting is not a remedy to the party that you vote for being rendered illegitimate by their opposition
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BIDEN: Today’s Supreme Court decision on presidential immunity imposes no meaningful limits on a president’s exercise of power….why is why [grinning widely, opening nuclear football]
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we're all overlooking the important question though, which is are the justices all still friends having fun, despite their disagreements
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presidents have immunity for "official acts" lmfao We. Are. Fucked.
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in a 6-3 decision, scotus today ruled that the rich may hunt the poor for sport and that the poor do not have standing to sue when maimed nor their families when victims succumb to their mortal wounds. justice clarence thomas wrote in the court’s decision “i’ll see you at dinner later harlan.”
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Invested all my money in acorns which became a forest which makes more acorns, I am a financial genius