
Liz Borkowski
Liz Borkowski
Public health researcher at George Washington University (Jacobs Institute of Women's Health), managing editor of Women's Health Issues. She/her, views are my own.
Yotam Shmargad
Yotam Shmargad
Computational social scientist and associate professor in the School of Government & Public Policy at the University of Arizona. I research online influence and social norms.
Christen Rexing, PhD, MPH
Christen Rexing, PhD, MPH
No indoor voice, Laughs the loudest, Injury & Violence Prevention, gun violence prevention, Political Determinants of Health, Outsidey, Former Academic, Current Badass 🏊🏻‍♀️🧘🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️

Opinions & typos very much my own

Derek Bambauer
Derek Bambauer
Irving Cypen Professor of Law, University of Florida Levin College of Law. AI and alligators, with sides of patents, Internet censorship, and cybersecurity. Loves SCUBA diving, cats, Boston Red Sox, Legos, and cartoons.
David M. Perry
David M. Perry
Journalist & historian. Pub musician. Dad. Husband. Fishing obsessed. I also do dishes. Read: #TheBrightAges
Drew Harwell
Drew Harwell
Tech reporter for the Washington Post •
Christopher Soghoian
Christopher Soghoian
Work: Senior Advisor for Privacy and Cybersecurity, Office of Senator Ron Wyden.
Serge Egelman
Serge Egelman
Scientist. Dir. of Usable Security & Privacy at the International Computer Science Institute ( Founder, AppCensus ( All opinions are those of his employer(s), and not his own.
Peter Hull
Peter Hull
Economics Professor at Brown, studying discrimination, education, healthcare, and applied econometrics. I like IV
Jules Polonetsky
Jules Polonetsky
CEO, Future of Privacy Forum
The Washington Post
The Washington Post
Democracy Skies in Blueness
weird medieval guys
weird medieval guys
fibre arts enthusiast
Cartoonist, scientist. I draw cartoons for newscientist. I wrote a book once.
Ian Coldwater 📦💥
Ian Coldwater 📦💥
High tech low life. Minneapolis. They/he. Stay punk 🏴
Writer, lawyer, Dodger fan, internet dog. nycsouthpaw18 at gmail.
Jonathan Zittrain
Jonathan Zittrain
A small creature who likes to run around in universities.

Prof. Harvard Law School, Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, and Harvard Kennedy School. EFF Board. Director of the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society and the HLS Library.
Matthew Cortland (they)
Matthew Cortland (they)
🖋️ Lawyer, advocate, writer, public health nerd
🦠 Immunocompromised, chronically ill, disabled

Then: SSI, SNAP, Medicaid
Now: data & policy, disability, healthcare.

Bethany Albertson
Bethany Albertson
Associate Prof at UT Austin. I study political psych & public opinion. I also post about soccer and my cats.
Doron Dorfman
Doron Dorfman
Associate Professor, Seton Hall Law School. Disability Law, Health Law, Employment Law, Family Law, Torts, and Empirical Legal Studies.
Michael Hobbes
Michael Hobbes
Solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short.
Matt Novak
Matt Novak
Tech reporter at Gizmodo. I’ve been writing about the history of futurism at since 2007.
kilgore trout
kilgore trout
turnip shepherd & bad person
Very Very Common Mike Dunford
Very Very Common Mike Dunford
Father, Army Husband, lawyer. Chronic student recently dragged kicking and screaming into the practice of law. Litigation disaster tour guide. Proud member of the terminally online community since 1993. he/him
Alexander Tin
Alexander Tin
Reporting for CBS News in D.C. on federal public health agencies. Raised in sunny Nevada. Email [email protected], ask for Signal.

More places you can find me:
Frank Gonzalez
Frank Gonzalez
Dad of two humans and two dogs; former death metal drummer; current amateur ukulele-ist. Also, Assoc. Prof. in Political Science in SGPP at UA. Political psychology, race/class/inequality, pol. neuroscience.
Shoshana Weissmann, Sloth Committee Chair 🦥
Shoshana Weissmann, Sloth Committee Chair 🦥 Institute Digital Director and Fellow on occupational licensing reform, Section 230, social media regulation, 1A.

Sloth Institute Associate Fellow. 🏔Mountaineer 🪡Seamstress 🎬TCM 📸Marmot paparazzi
The American Political Science Association (APSA) is the leading professional organization for the study of political science.
Matthew Guariglia
Matthew Guariglia
Historian of race, policing, surveillance, and technology. Senior Policy Analyst at EFF. Book on race and the origins of modern policing out now! Book available here:
Jennifer Doleac
Jennifer Doleac
Economist. Executive Vice President of Criminal Justice at Arnold Ventures. Host of the Probable Causation podcast. I study crime & discrimination.
Ariel Edwards-Levy
Ariel Edwards-Levy
Polling editor at CNN, keeping (cross)tabs on public opinion and the news. I like puns.
Tech policy researcher at Stanford. Former litigator. Dum spiro spero. she/her
post malone ergo propter malone
post malone ergo propter malone
mostly politics. some Seahawks. emoliberal.

oh and one more thing
you aren’t going to like
what comes after America
Taha Yaseen
Taha Yaseen
Communication learner- UN, Polisci, Data.
National Security Counselors 🕵
National Security Counselors 🕵
Public interest law firm for natsec & info/privacy law. kel at nationalsecuritylaw dot org. Primary poster is he/him/his. Charitable tax-exempt donations always welcome at
Mark Lemley
Mark Lemley
William H. Neukom Professor, Stanford Law School. Of counsel, Lex Lumina. I teach and write in IP, antitrust, internet, and video game law
Ed Yong
Ed Yong
Writer, journalist. Science, health. Pandemics, animals. Birder, photographer. Many words, some awards. AN IMMENSE WORLD, I CONTAIN MULTITUDES. Married to Liz Neeley, parent to Typo. he/him

📷 Canon R6mkii + RF 800mm
Dave Hoffman
Dave Hoffman
William A. Schnader Prof. of Law at Penn Law

Teaching writing & tweeting mostly about contracts.

Against et al. Pro legal jargon. Neutral on legal process.
Kendyl Hanks
Kendyl Hanks
Full time biglaw appellate lawyer, part time #FlyFishing angler, orchidophile, native Texan & erstwhile New Yorker, mom to furbabies Molly & Lady Bird. Speaking for me not my firm, not your lawyer. #AppellateSky ⚖️ #Orchids #LadyLawyerDiaries
Kevin Collier
Kevin Collier
I cover digital threats for NBC News. Tip me! @kevincollier.01 on signal, [email protected].
Stacey A. Tovino, JD, PhD
Stacey A. Tovino, JD, PhD
John B. Turner LLM Program Chair in Law / Associate Dean for Scholarship and Enrichment / University of Oklahoma College of Law / Areas: Torts, Health Law, Bioethics, and the Medical Humanities
Liz Baldwin
Liz Baldwin
Professor at University of Arizona. Environmental policy, polycentric governance, invasive species, water, & energy.
Boston University Center for Innovation in Social Science
Boston University Center for Innovation in Social Science
Launched in September 2021, CISS is a clearinghouse and incubator for all things social science at Boston University. Affiliates welcome!
Hannes Rusch
Hannes Rusch
Independent Max Planck Research Group Leader @ Max Planck Institute for the Study of Crime, Security and Law & Assoc. Prof. of Economics @ Maastricht University;; researching the dark side: discrimination, exploitation, conflict, war
Dr. Jennifer Henrichsen, PhD
Dr. Jennifer Henrichsen, PhD
Assistant Professor, Washington State University's Murrow College of Communication. Affiliated Fellow at Yale’s Information Society Project. Affiliated Fellow at Annenberg Penn’s Media, Inequality & Change (MIC) Center. PhD from UPenn Annenberg.
Sam Kamin
Sam Kamin
Lawprof posting about food, travel, politics, policing, drug policy, Liverpool FC, and poker.

Or not at all, probably.