Annie Heffernan

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Annie Heffernan

AP in political theory at University of Michigan working at the intersection of disability studies, feminist theory, and democratic theory. she/hers
I wish the knee-jerk reaction to this wasn't to express offense that cognitive unfitness is being equated with physical disability. We can be critical of the assumption that having a disability disqualifies someone from the presidency, but there have to be better ways.
IMO this is a straight-up ageist and ableist image, no?
Everyone is always afraid to say why people like Trump or Marie Le Pen have some level of popularity and it’s just that there’s a lot of people in the world who believe in racism. You end up with these goofy ass explanations for Trump where it’s NAFTA or shit and it’s like no you know what it is
As part of Disability Wrath Month, I present to you a syllabus of readings on Palestinian liberation & disability justice There's no disability pride in genocide
This majestic chonk is headed back to Ann Arbor today and I could not be more excited to be absolutely covered in cat fur at all times and no matter how many lint rollers I stash throughout my house/car/office.
This beautiful, devastating article by Francesca Mari on memory, grief, and family has me sobbing, but is well worth a read (I grew up with Frannie and she captures her father’s brand of gruff devotion so, so well). (Gift link)
Racing to Retake a Beloved Trip, Before Dementia Takes My dad always remembered his childhood journey through Europe. Now, with Alzheimer’s claiming his memories, we tried to recreate it.
I barely follow hockey, but as a sort-of Canadian, I still balk at the idea of any team outside the original 6 and Canada (or, at the very least, somewhere cold) winning the Stanley Cup.
“florida hockey” is up there with “utah jazz”
“UW researchers found that ChatGPT consistently ranked resumes with disability-related honors and credentials — such as the ‘Tom Wilson Disability Leadership Award’ — lower than the same resumes without those honors and credentials.”
ChatGPT is biased against resumes with credentials that imply a disability — but it can UW researchers found that ChatGPT consistently ranked resumes with disability-related honors and credentials — such as the “Tom Wilson Disability Leadership Award” — lower than the same...
Ep. 144: “We Hear the Voices of the Children In Gaza” + talk to Palestinian Soccer + York’s Charlotte Phillips about repping Palestine during the Gaza genocide, the student protest movement + the role of athletes
I really need to stop saving all the home, appointment, medical and miscellaneous tasks and phone calls for a day in which I also need to do work. I am one (poorly organized, but singular) human, I do not know how parents do this.
GPT-5 will suffer four consecutive years of severe emotional breakdown trying to say something new about Foucault
the wikipedia page for the drake-kendrick beef uses the same table that you find on articles about actual wars
The Federal Trade Commission, of all entities, is out here writing absolute bangers about AI snake oil.
walking very very slowly and quietly today so the humidity can't find me
Please witness the majestic corpulence of the University of Michigan central campus squirrel in summer
If you are a certain kind of nerd and need an escape, I heartily recommend HBO's "Ren Faire." And by certain kind of nerd, I mean the kind who may or may not have been obsessed with the Black Point Renaissance Pleasure Faire ca. 1993-96 (ahem) but also enjoyed Succession.
If you’re a genocide studies scholar and you’d like to sign onto an open letter to President Ettinger demanding Dr. Segal’s appointment be honored, please get in touch with me! University of Minnesota faculty are appalled and are mobilizing
The University of Minnesota has paused the hiring of Israeli scholar Raz Segal to head the institution’s Holocaust and Genocide school over his principled position that Israel is perpetrating a genocide. Truly reprehensible.
Please enjoy the Great Plains Skink, a reptile that evolves from a baby goth scene kid into an adult who works in finance and wears designer shoes
This piece on remote work—who gets it, who doesn't, and why it matters—has honestly been brewing in the back of my mind since March 12, 2020, but it finally took form this year, so please go read it!
Reworking Making workplaces more inclusive requires normalizing accommodations like those offered at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Update: They arrived. Our missiles are Guided By Pride! 😀🌈
Once again, “innovation” has won out over actually, y’know, making things accessible (or, apparently, talking to any disabled people). As another skeet noted (I’ll link below), the things move at about 1m per hour, play a JINGLE, and stop when in proximity to an obstacle. It’s a cursed robovac.
American Airlines rolls out wheelchairs that can automatically take passengers to their gates - Fast Whill's autonomous chairs will zip passengers to their gates, avoiding obstacles, then return to their starting place. American Airlines rolls out autonomous driving devices at two U.S. airports
From the pundit who brought us “Martha-Ann Alito is the life of any party,” it’s:
You might think this wretchedly embarrassing piece of writing is from a random family friend who the WaPo gave space to. Nope, it’s Kathleen Parker their long employed columnist! All these fucking assholes just run around in the same social club and defend each other!
Also: that “dive under your desk, butt-to-window” move is INGRAINED. I had no idea how ingrained until i was in a meeting with my dissertation chair (a full 10 years after my last full scale earthquake drill) and a truck drove by (it was a very old building). I caught myself just in time.
If you didn’t grow up in an earthquake-prone area, let me tell you, big earthquakes are terrifying and devastating. Tiny earthquakes, though? They are what you talk about at school and work. (“Did you feel it?”) If you didn’t, you feel left out. Small earthquake FOMO is real.
Holy fuck it’s a consequence
NEW YORK (AP) — Former President Donald Trump is convicted of all 34 counts in his New York hush money trial.
I am somewhere over Labrador, but WHEW. Just did a tiny cheer.
Does anyone here know the regulations governing walking aids at uk airports? I just had my hiking pole, which i use as an assistive device, taken by a UA check in agent, who claimed it was sports equipment.