
Like half the people I know either have covid right now, or “some sickness that definitely isn’t covid no I haven’t tested for covid why do you ask?”, or “oh I just have bad allergies (affecting me in non-allergy ways) (in the middle of winter)” Take this how you will 🫠
yup. I still have side effects from getting the covid. though my allergies are ALSO acting up because I keep letting cats get in my face :')
Nonsense the cats aren’t blooming this time of year /j
They shouldn’t be, but due to the recent unseasonably warm temps some have.
lmaaooo okay that was really funny
This is the whole reason I stay masked up at work
"I have allergies" the fuck you do, Linda, it's early January and your uncle you visited during the holidays is on a ventilator 😖
😭 accuracy +horror 😔
Although it does seem like there might be some other respiratory disease going around as well? Not diminishing the concern, au contraire, just saying that there is something odd about the situation. My partner and i just had covid in november / december and now we have been struck again?
Enormous sick waves that public health authorities say is not covid? I dont know whats happening
Had to double check the date on this one
A lot of flu and other bugs going around here in the UK. Hospitals have historically been stressed at this time of year, I think everyone's more tuned into it now because of the pandemic.
That is why our goverment just decided to massively scale down waste water monitoring, ain't they smart?
「 smart 」 in the sense of despicable and following trump’s advice
I know there's a covid resurgence, but the article on Italy specifically mentions that Covid declined there over Christmas, and that flu has reached levels not seen in recent years.
Yes exactly that is what i am curious about
How closely is the UK gov tracking Covid hospitalizations though ?! Because in the US, according to the CDC there’s been a major upswing since November (x2) and a quasi-continuous rise since summer (with a hump in the early fall)
COVID Data CDC's home for COVID-19 data. Visualizations, graphs, and data in one easy-to-use website.
That is also my assumption, but i am keeping my eye on the situation
There’s flu and rsv right now as well but the people in the second option ain’t testing for those either lol
I wish i could but thats not an option where i live 😭
One thing that has never been effectively communicated is that because of constantly overlapping variants and poor immunity from infection people can get reinfected in mere weeks.
The current variant driving this wave wasn’t really around much in November but has exploded over the past month. Having been previously infected with a different variant doesn’t guarantee immunity against a new one. It’s a constant merry go round, it’s not seasonal, it’s just wave after wave.
And of course there are plenty of other bugs around, people still get colds and flu and rsv, but covid is by far the most prevalent and the most infectious of the lot, and so just going on sheer probability any illness like that is more likely to be covid at the moment than the others.
Ahhh this would make sense (currently going through the second covid infection in 1-2 months in our household and felt confused over it )
I hope you all recover quickly and fully, lots of rest!
There are other things circulating but there is an enormous wave of COVID rn which is expected to peak shortly at a couple million new cases per day with 1/3 of the US population infected and similar elsewhere
I definitely agree an enormous wave of covid is going around! I just wonder whether there is something additional going on too, or a new strain, or reduced resistance due to covid infections, or increased vigilance, or it is just same old covid. Conclusion stays the same ofc, mask up and stay home
Oh to be clear, in the US it’s a HUGE amount of covid based on wastewater monitoring
Oh holy fuck what the hell. This is fucking horrifying. 1 in 3 folks in the US will likely get covid in the next week, with ~2 million infections per day and likely ~100 million people total.
There is, I know 3 people got it last week
I think weakened immunity from repeat COVID could be a factor
Fewer people having boosters, constantly waning immunity, weakened immune systems because of previous infection, and continually evolving variants that are better and better at evading immunity and at spreading quickly, just as we completely abandon what little we were doing to curb spread.
Covid ravages in ways that leave the body susceptible to other infections creating new variants because they have so much room to play. It's not pretty
I've recently had the croup and rsv, and i haven't had those in forever...have had covid 4x. My Battle Axe nurse has had covid more times than she can count and says she's had a bunch of weird infections since COVID
Yeah, both are definitely happening. Right time of year for it, too.
tbf a lot of people probably do have allergies doing all kinds of weird things to their bodies in the middle of winter because they have covid-acquired MCAS now (and also they have more covid)
That said, with current warm temps in places that are usually cold, you're gonna end up with leaf mold. Some of us really react to it.
Yup. My wife, daughter and I are still having our normal environmental allergy symptoms because we haven’t yet had a solid killing freeze in *Northern Illinois*.
I discovered that air purifiers and N95s when outside really help.
They do, for sure. But thankfully it’s more “this congestion is mildly annoying” than anything else.
You’re really making me nervous about my “after four negative COVID test results, this must just be a mild cold” self-diagnosis. Maybe I need a PCR test?
PCR can’t hurt if you can access one.