
Reskeet how old you are, using a vague proxy. When I was 16, you could get three tacos for a dollar at Taco Bell.
Reskeet how old you are, using a vague proxy. When I was 19, swimming was banned at the beach where I was a lifeguard because medical waste was washing up onshore. It made national news and popped up in We Didn’t Start The Fire.
There needs to be an inflation index keyed to the price of lunch at taco bell. Anyone could eat like a king for $5 at Taco bell when I was 16.
I would be physically unable to eat all the tacos you could get for $5 in my youth!
Worth noting, if you use the app, they have a very respectable secret combo meal on there for $5.99. But yeah, gone are the days when you could plunk down two bucks, eat well, and still have a quarter left for the arcade next door.
“It's cheaper than food,” we used to say.
The only place to get a 32oz drink cup was 7-11, and people thought it was absurdly huge.
McDonaldLand had a mayor, a police officer, and a talking tree that grew fruit pies...
One of my earliest memories is seeing some old commercial of the McDonaldLand Fry Kids squealing and jumping around like pom-pom superballs, and being utterly, UTTERLY terrified of them. And also thinking that the scrubbers in the car wash might be secret Fry Kids, and freaking out.
Me, a baby:
Reskeet how old you are, using a vague proxy: I was born when the Soviet Union was still a thing. My wife, who is very slightly younger than me, was not.
My first "crumble into dust and blow away on the wind" moment was when a coworker had never heard of the Berlin Wall. I vaguely remember it coming down, and have a cousin that was there when it happened.
Good Lord! I watched it on TV. Never having heard of it…ouch.
The coworker in question was born in 1993, so ~3.5 years after the wall came down. Still somewhat amazed that they'd never heard of it, but at least they weren't older than its destruction...
Geez, I'm younger than this coworker but I've still *heard* of the Berlin Wall. Did they just not go to history class?
I was taking German in college that year, and during the lead-up we'd practice on newspaper articles from Berlin talking about various ways in which the effective wall was already crumbling.
I remember watching it on the news while playing with my aunt's vintage paper dolls.
The fall of the Berlin Wall was the first major political event I was aware of contemporaneously. (I think. My memory doesn’t store things by time very well.)
I was born after the wall came down, but my high school German textbook said it was still there
I have a piece of the wall a friend brought back shortly after the Berlin Wall fell. I remember it clearly.
I‘m German and only learned about it from the paper the next day because it happened on my birthday. Image my face! 😂
I think of their "59/79/99" jingle far too regularly.
Ohh, I used to get 2 big bean burritos for a buck when I was in college. Slathered them in the free hot sauce packets and it kept me going on days when I couldn't afford much else.
Do you remember when the burrito supreme had a black olive mounted in a dab of sour cream on top?
Taco Bell started their descent when they stopped putting three olive slices on every enchirito. It was over when they discontinued the enchirito itself.
I always got the tostada supreme that had the taco meat, sour cream, and olives added to it. Along with tacos and a bean burrito. It all added up to like three bucks.
The Toronto Maple Leafs last won the Stanley Cup when I was a few months old.
Hehehe, that’s a good one!
I’m just worried you guys are going to fill Lord Stanley’s Cup with poutine and maple syrup.
Neither of which is traditional to Edmonton. Also: this topic is like saying Beetlejuice 3x the way I can be expected to show up and drop some Leafs memes.
Imagine if the Leafs actually won one year...
They totally should! I’m just a hockey fan from California, but almost literally lifelong - my dad really did hold me as he watched that Stanley Cup. And I learned early sports 💔when the California/Oakland/SF Seals left town.
My first Big Mac from McDonald's was packaged in styrofoam. And it really was a big burger. See, back in those days -- where are you going?
That 3-for-a-dollar deal saved me so many times as a young idiot who had just started a web design company and didn’t have a steady income yet.
Three for a dollar was a little bit higher than the regular retail price would have been when I was first able to buy a Taco Bell product.
I recorded C30, C60, C90 Go! on a C90.
I was a freshman in high school when American Graffiti was filmed in my hometown.
When I was 5 I got my first gaming console - A Magnavox Odyssey. It played pong and breakout.
Rebloot, you mean? 😁 OK, you could get a 20-pack of smokes AND a box of matches AND a beer for 50 cents in what was Salisbury, Rhodesia. And tip the waiter 5 cents on top of it 😁
Section 28 was repealed while I was at secondary school.
I was starting college at the place and time that Lost Boys was filmed.
....oh my gosh. I'm a little younger than you, but I'd totally forgotten that was a thing even when I was a little girl.
The year I turned 16 they were selling two tacos for a dollar at the KenTaco Bell I worked at. (KFC/Taco Hell combo store I worked at.) Later that year, two large passenger planes would be crashed into two very large buildings on the east coast and very little would be the same ever again.
I was born the same week as Prince Andrew.
I recall getting change for a dollar after a burger, small fries and small coke at McD's when I was a kid.
When I was five, the Lego lunar lander's legs were made from an eight-step staircase of blue 2x2 blocks, capped by sloped pieces. So chunky, and only vaguely suggestive of the actual lander's shape.
Back when they tried to do everything using real Lego pieces?
I don't know that I really buy into the implied Lego-Originalism, but yes, back then.
When I was 17 McDonalds had 29 cent hamburger and 39 cent cheese burger days.
When I was five they televised the first Micky Mouse Club at five in the afternoon. Every housewife in America must have blessed them.