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The harder the DEA works, the harder the drugs get.

Cishet white guy.
Bake a potato, put cottage cheese on it, then put chili crisp on top of that.
It's horrifying and and grotesque that so many people (scientists! Doctors!) for so long claimed (and some still do!) that autistic people don't feel empathy. What a monstrous and harmful lie.
for disability pride month I would like to remind everyone that disability includes people with severe, "ugly" disabilities that are often left out of disability conversations. people w/ schizophrenia, BP1, BPD, DID, and other severe mental illnesses still deserve respect
A lot of autistic people exist in a world where people make it clear that we did something wrong, but hardly ever explain what went wrong. After enough of this, confusion, anxiety, and self-doubt become near-constant companions in social situations
As a longtime NYT subscriber who is completely open to and supportive of the idea of Biden dropping out I find this article breathtakingly irresponsible. I cannot believe it was published.
Breaking News: A Parkinson’s expert visited the White House eight times in eight months from last summer through this spring, according to official visitor logs. The administration has said that President Biden has no signs of the disease.
Parkinson’s Expert Visited the White House Eight Times in Eight The White House has said that President Biden has no signs of the disease and that there has been no reason to update the most recent testing, conducted in February.
I think the worst thing about having bad knees and hips isn’t the chronic pain or even the flair up pain, but having to deal with old, abled people going “sore knees!?! wait until you my age!”
Ok firstly know your race isn't indicated well but you seem white. I don't coddle whites, I keep it pushing. I appreciate your sharing from your antiracist journey. Continue listening to Black people & learning the best ways to relate to us as nonblack. And don't shove multiple responses to us.
My experience is just fearing it; going deeper the fear is I will do something wrong and be disliked and thought racist; going deeper the fear is I will do something racist; going deeper the fear is I actually *am* a racist. But I *know* I'm a racist, that's what I'm trying to change!
I am white - I actually just started indicating it in my profile ("cishet white guy") after being advised to do so by one of your previous skeets. I appreciate your being inviting and your dispensing with the coddling -- I've been stuck too long needing it.
I would fuck up an apology right now, but I fucked up here.
I gotta remember I can't listen by talking.
My thoughts are that my spiritual tradition is Black southern hoodoo influenced by voodoo, Ifa & ancient Kemet, so the New England witch type is not my witch type, but how a Black woman would navigate those more white spiritual spaces is really interesting to me.
The thing about Black folks as a people is that we understand how to keep joy in our hearts during hard times. You see the Palestinian people doing that too during their genocide. White American culture seems to lack this capacity severely compared to us.
There should no outrage about what the NYT publishes anymore. They're established as hella ethically shady & constantly purveying white supremacist capitalism. They also remain one our nation's most important papers of record & still do some things well. But quit being exasperated about them.
My job as a deeply struggling person in life culturally endowed to handle extremities of fascism that people who aren’t Black know almost nothing of what it’s like to bear is not to coddle & say, there, there, to those hopeless about the world. It’s merely to share why that’s not my choice.
If you steal $1000, you can be sent to prison. When health insurance companies steal $50,000,000,000, they get tax breaks, subsidies and government contracts, while the people they steal from die or go into debt. But keep blaming immigrants and poor people for rising crime.
I see...there was another layer of meaning there.
True and valid points, strangely, often have counterpoints which are also true and valid points. This seems true, especially, of very *important* points. I'm not sure which of us is point and which is counterpoint, but I think that's what's going on here.
The AI hype cycle is really a massive mis-investment of society's accumulated wealth (held under capitalism by rich people) that dwarfs the most wasteful bonfires of resources under the Soviet Five Year Plans.
I may actually be a pretty bad person, but I do cut when bled; I still get to advocate for my legit needs.
I actually bleed when cut, not the other way around.
People who feel sorry for politicians should not. If making them miserable will get them to do what's necessary, MAKE THEM AS MISERABLE AS YOU CAN
My experience is just fearing it; going deeper the fear is I will do something wrong and be disliked and thought racist; going deeper the fear is I will do something racist; going deeper the fear is I actually *am* a racist. But I *know* I'm a racist, that's what I'm trying to change!
This irrationality makes it awkward for everyone; please bear with as I improve. Also forgive all the semicolons; they're a crutch I use to make it through the end of each sentence.
apparently Bluesky has received the Mandate of the BTS Army. I'm curious what the thing was that pushed them en masse over the tipping point of leaving Twitter
My comrades in ADHD and/or Autism You are allowed to have needs and take up space Someone getting angry at you for saying a truth they don't want to handle is not your fault You are not responsible for someone else's poorly managed emotions We are not the fault in their flawed society