Anton Hur

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Anton Hur

Translator, author. TOWARD ETERNITY (HarperVia, 2024), 하지 말라고는 안 했잖아요? (어크로스, 2023). Repped by Safae El-Ouahabi at RCW. He/him.
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No, I can't tell you how to get to Sesame Street.
My US tour is happening this week! I'm only doing three dates in America! First stop: New York!
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Finally reading Octavia Butler's PARABLE OF THE SOWER. I know everyone talks about how prescient it is, but I was honestly shook on the very first page.
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I am really lucking into some fantastic reads lately. Today I finished YOUR UTOPIA by Bora Chung, translated by Anton Hur. If you just pick it up for the story “A Song For Sleep”, you won’t regret it but really there is not a bad story in the bunch. 👀📚💙
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This is lovely. It made me think of fantasy and also technology. #collectiondevelopment
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I’m incredibly excited about The AI Mirror being part of the Edinburgh Book Festival and being an author there for the first time: on Aug 10 for the Festival Gala and Aug 14 in conversation with Anton Hur, author of Toward Eternity. BUT…
Festival Gala: A Toast to the From Sat 10 Aug - Our Future Tense theme asks us all to consider the kind of future we want to share. In tonight’s gala event, we bring you a kaleidoscope of perspectives and provocations, from the ho...
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finished Counterweight (2021), by Djuna, Anton Hur (Translator) I liked it a lot
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Came back from Canada to a true abundance of bookmail! Some I’d ordered myself and some wonderful review copies from publishers. My July reading is all set! What looks good to you?
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In case you're interested in a powerful American novel about volatile political times that is equal parts anger & hope, big picture & small moments, stylistic pyrotechnics & good old fashioned truth-telling, let me again bring I Hotel to your attention
I Hotel (Paperback) | Porter Square Dazzling and ambitious, this multivoiced fusion of prose, playwriting, graphic art, and philosophy spins an epic tale of America's struggle for civil rights as it played out in San Francisco near the ...
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This is so cool! Frog & amphibian have been dessimated by the disease chytridiomycosis, caused by a fungal pathogen. Researchers have realised that the fungi is heat intolerant so little brick saunas for frogs can help kill the fungi! Recovered frogs more resistant to further infxn 🧪
These frog 'saunas’ could help endangered species fight off a deadly How a hot resting spot can help frogs survive chytridiomycosis infection, and the decades-long hunt for dark matter in black holes. Hear the biggest stories from the world of science | 3 July 2024
As a Korean Green Party founding member, I am so envious of the UK Greens—well done, well done! I know you wanted more, but you still have so much leverage now. Use it down to the ground and give ‘em hell in Parliament.
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If one more cunt tells me “its okay, progress is slow“ i will progress them out the fucking window
😂 Trans rights became a wedge issue all right, just not in the direction transphobes wanted lol
Kelly-Jay Keen aka Posie Parker received 196 votes in the electorate she stood for, meanwhile, this woman won the seat with over 24,000 votes
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Korean book Twitter taught me this. We publish A LOT—highly literate nation, invented moveable metal type centuries before Europe—but the print runs are usually minimal. So if you see anything remotely interesting, just buy it. It won’t always be in print. Read it later, but buy it NOW.
ICMYI I wrote about the importance of being a citizen archivist. We've seen so much incredible art and writing from marginalized people, and we need to preserve it in the face of a huge, well-funded backlash. This is something concrete you personally can do!
We Should All Be Lately, I keep obsessing about two seemingly opposing but interrelated trends: 1) The past decade has seen an incredible bounty of art and self-expression...
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I think the idea of making a living from your art is close to being a myth now. Just because we see The Famous Ones able to do this blinds too many people into thinking everyone is (or can) do it also. And it masks the years of hard work most people put in to get to that level.
I’m a writer with a day job. I actually publish & work full time with a gig. It’s cool if you can support yourself off your art alone, but no shame if you can’t, because many others are in the same boat.
It’s 1400 won to the dollar and 1800 to the pound right now and as someone who lives in Korea but makes most of his money from America and the UK it is… pretty amazing
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Just absolute brain fog. Will finish this tea and stop trying to work in this café and go home.
Too much work. I'm so tired.
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Just listened to's lecture on translation from Bread Loaf 2024. Full of great insight and recommendations, and just very inspiring overall. Always great to be reminded that this is what I want to do and why. (Anton is *not* the individual in the thumbnail, but well.)
Audio Recordings | Middlebury Bread Loaf Writers'
This is the funniest post I've seen all day
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I hope Janet Jackson is having a wonderful day.
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Oh my God, it actually happened!
I do not understand Denmark. 99% of the 'native' population don't eat spicy food. At all. But every supermarket seems periodically to have Samyang buldak ramyeon. Sometimes even the 2x spicy. Is it just us immigrants eating these, or is there a Danish underground I've never found?
Samyang: Denmark recalls Korean ramen for being too The food authorities said the instant ramen contained such high capsaicin levels consumers could be poisoned.
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NEW: Our team identified and located four Ukrainian children who were abducted and taken to Russia and are now advertised as up for adoption on a Russian government-linked adoption website, including one child given a false Russian identity and age.
Russia lists abducted Ukrainian children on adoption FT identified and located four missing Ukrainian children in Russia, including one given false identity
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More to come, but we're thrilled to announce that we've reached a tentative agreement. We're proud to bring this to our unit for ratification. ✊