Sarah Jamila Stevenson

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Sarah Jamila Stevenson

I write things and draw things. I also cook, travel, play the Switch, speak Welsh, and try to keep two cats entertained. She/her

Webcomic with Josh Berk at
The growing field of Indigenous data sovereignty demands that Native communities maintain the right to decide how data about their people are collected, owned, and used.
Indigenous Nations Are Fighting To Take Back Their Indigenous data sovereignty is the idea that Indigenous Peoples should decide how to collect, own, and use their own data.
Morning everyone
So, I woke up from my nap to see we're all either freaking out or posting warnings about freaking out. I get it. But. Have you considered that instead of that, you could make a character sheet for your cat?
Lily, Neutral Good Cleric of Bast STR 8 DEX 14 CON 15 INT 10 WIS 15 CHA 12
“They want to eliminate national parks” is a very simple way to get just about anyone on the Stop Project 2025 train. Are there much more glaring and life-threatening goals of P25? Yes but even your most bigoted cousin does not want to see the parks system sold for parts.
This!! Start with “they want to end no fault divorce, sell national parks, and ban porn” end with tax structure.
This is nuts! I had no idea this existed and I am today years old learning about it. I must have driven past it dozens of times over the years and had no idea. (It’s about 90 miles south of where I live.)
A beloved palm and pine tree mark California’s center. Now they’re being cut Local residents are mourning the planned removal of the trees, symbols of the state’s northern-southern divide
"you're not American why do you care about the 4th of July" mate I'm Indian, any day someone got the Brits to fuck off back to their country is a national holiday for me
1933 Vanity Fair cover. Drawn by Paolo Garretto.
Simon is an incredible letterer and anybody would be lucky to have him on their comics/graphic novel/etc project.
I’ve been massively let down on a major project and I now have a large hole in my schedule (and finances) from July onwards. Anyone needs a letterer with 20+ years skill + experience, please get in contact. Currently working for DC, 2000AD, Boom, Dark Horse. Reposts very much appreciated!
“Bust a Move” is now in a pharmaceutical commercial and once again I feel ancient
How is Steve Bannon not dead yet from all the festering evil in his soul?
Someone fully took cuts in front of me at the Costco pharmacy today. I was standing politely behind the yellow line and this lady goes and stands right behind the person being helped. Not even looking to see if anyone was waiting in, y’know, the designated spot.
In case anyone’s looking for suggestions for a back tattoo…
TIL the Wikipedia entry for Detachable Penis adjusts for inflation
Brontësaurus. Ink & gouache on Strathmore grey toned paper, 151 x 147mm, 2014. Because this seems to be doing the rounds again elsewhere. Perhaps the only piece of mine to have gone mildly viral, shunted uncredited like an orphan from workhouse to workhouse across the Internet over the years. 🤓
“Cole’s nature in America was idealized — a latter-day continuation of Eden in his mind. …But even when rendered sublime, the notion of wilderness itself had the effect of evacuating the land of its original inhabitants.”
Thomas Cole’s Landscape Painting Through an Indigenous Unlike European Christian notions regarding human dominion over all of creation, the Haudenosaunee belief is that our relationship with the earth is one of responsibilities.
make a band milder localized panic
Make a band milder. Jane’s Substance Use Disorder
Fact: As a child, I misheard the name of the band The Cocteau Twins as The Cocktail Twins. Understandably, I didn’t know who Cocteau was (yet I knew what a cocktail was 🤣🤣) Band names you misheard as a child? Hit me
I made this Pride flag using only NASA images and our team thought it would be cool to share on social (I work on the NASA heliophysics communications team), but it's getting all sorts of hate on the bird app and Fbook. Thought y'all might be more appreciative of it here. ☺️🏳️‍🌈💖
There are outlets that are reporting that the Supreme Court dismissed the case. It did not. The Supreme Court remanded the case. It will be kicked back down to Matty K. where 3 plaintiff states are prepared to litigate. I'm so frustrated by mainstream coverage of this case.
Fact: As a child, I misheard the name of the band The Cocteau Twins as The Cocktail Twins. Understandably, I didn’t know who Cocteau was (yet I knew what a cocktail was 🤣🤣) Band names you misheard as a child? Hit me
Kinda crazy that artificial intelligence needs the entire output of a nuclear reactor but actual intelligence can run on Twix bars and cocaine, for example.