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42 year old Trans sapphic pan from Fresno.
Finally living MY life, starting March 17, 2023

@aranyani on Discord
Reposted byAvatar Becky
i feel like one of the funniest things capitalist society has ever done is take the most lethal toxin ever discovered and use it to make rich women look a few years younger
Quit my job today. 42 years old. Been working hourly jobs since I was 14. So tired.
Reposted byAvatar Becky
i bet it feels so good for the electronics when you peel off their little protective film
Reposted byAvatar Becky
smoking weed on 4/20 is a sacred ritual that keeps hitler trapped in the shadow realm
Reposted byAvatar Becky
i love being transgender. i love looking like a bitch and sounding like a fag. i love t4t. i love it all
Reposted byAvatar Becky
Reposted byAvatar Becky
breaking my silence on this important issue: i am and will always be the white girl who says "thank you" in the blunt rotation because it's POLITE.
Reposted byAvatar Becky
i love seeing so much trans joy today 🥰 i’m proud of every trans person who sees this. yes, especially you! whether you’re out and loud and visible and proud, or if you’ve just cracked your egg, haven’t told a soul, and aren’t sure where to go next. you are beautiful, and you’ve got this! 🏳️‍⚧️💕
I don't think I can. too much trauma today. this is an amazing series, thank you Allie! its everything. clothes that didn't fit and ideals I didn't share and activities I didn't enjoy.
on a serious note i think the point of TDOV is to share our stories not for cis people to cry over but so our siblings in waiting can see themselves in our reflections. trans people: quote this with a feeling you had before coming out that you thought you were alone in feeling
Reposted byAvatar Becky
you can really tell that transitioning for me was really "starting to give a shit about personal hygeine" because suddenly i could look in the mirror without throwing up, and thus it started to matter that i combed my hair.
i made a conscious effort to not choose the worst vs absolute best photo because if i did that uh
Reposted byAvatar Becky
i have entirely immersed myself in people constantly seeking and moving towards the best versions of themselves . most people don't live like that . im so fucking grateful for queer community ahhh <3
Reposted byAvatar Becky
Transfemmes are forged in a crucible. They've looked patriarchy in the face, and blazed their path anyway. That kind of secure knowledge of self is something I deeply admire. Our lives are beautiful. We have chosen beauty, tenderness, compassion. In a world that is angry we even try.
It's Trans Visibility Day today 🏳️‍⚧️ Let's spread some trans joy Say some nice things about trans people
Reposted byAvatar Becky
Reposted byAvatar Becky
After losing my bathing suit earlier in the trip, my partner lent me her bikini. I wasn't happy with the bottom piece, but everything worked out great... gave me an excuse to wear my favorite gaff panties fully exposed in public for the first time, which happened to match the top flawlessly 🥰
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It is morally justified to lie to your hrt provider to achieve care.
Reposted byAvatar Becky
when will cis people realize it's not just us "being upset" about anti trans laws... like no sweetie - how about *you* try having your existence legislated away hm? see if you're "upset" then? unless you've experienced the terror - don't fucking talk to me
Reposted byAvatar Becky
Welcome new Bluesky users!
Reposted byAvatar Becky
Goodnight sluts. Just remember: *you’re awesome *you’re hawt *you’re wanted and desired *you’re smart *you’re appreciated *you have value. 💜💜💜
Reposted byAvatar Becky
trans women love to develop hyper-niche kinks after very elaborate dreams/nightmares they had in their youth
Reposted byAvatar Becky
"good girl taking your estrogen 💕"
Reposted byAvatar Becky
Reposted byAvatar Becky
dear terfs, gender crits, transphobes of all stripes, you are not wanted and are not welcome here. go back to twitter you hateful pieces of shit. we will not put up with your garbage. we will block you and leave you in a hell of your own making.
Reposted byAvatar Becky
this doesn't necessarily disprove the "she's dead" theory
Reposted byAvatar Becky
I just want people to be safe, happy and as healthy as they can be. I don’t think this is a big wish, but capitalism feels otherwise.
Reposted byAvatar Becky