Dr. Angry Anarchist (Free 🇵🇸)

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Dr. Angry Anarchist (Free 🇵🇸)


Archaeologist in the PNW studying land, anarchy, and all things zooarch. Tá mé ag foghlaim Gaeilge, déanaimis comhrá! Catch me in the woods cracking open a cold one with Bigfoot. they/iad
I may or may not have a moving van tomorrow, but there is no way of knowing, bc reserving a rental vehicle is basically just entering a raffle 😵‍💫
it's like this but for genealogical research lmao
I'm just a normal guy, reconnecting with the girl who grew up down the street from me over coffee because she found mystery bones in her bed and I asked if I could have them
Hahahaha huge W my mom's siblings also think her and my dad are bad parents 😂
looks to me like you’re on the wrong side of the RI VER
Incredible 🏺
the Archaeological Institute has excavated a salary from ancient history for this job listing
The Black Trowel Microgrants are back! Funded through a collective, these are meant to "erode ... barriers to make them more permeable for the next generation of archaeologists." A really great initiative, there's links on how to donate as well. blacktrowelcollective.wordpress.com/2024/07/09/r...
Re-Opening The BTC Micrograntsblacktrowelcollective.wordpress.com We are excited to announce a refreshed workflow for the BTC Microgrants. After clearing our backlog, we have developed a new system to ensure the program runs smoothly and effectively. 1. Monthly Appl...
the worst thing about moving is that you have to pack everything you need to live but also you can't pack them yet bc you need them to live
It is 96 degrees outside and my idiot son demanded balcony time anyways...the things i do for this ridiculous dog lmao 😂🥵
My dog has crippling separation anxiety and a natural bloodlust for cyclists and delivery people, but he does not even notice fireworks, bc why would he? What a ridiculous idiot
No justice is possible on stolen land. The stench and weight of the original sins of the United States and all settler colonies—those countless genocides clearing the way for lives of empty consumption and toil—forever invalidate their claims of legitimacy and will ultimately be their downfall.
I love when straight people tell me that actually I would be fine living in deep red rural Oregon bc some of their coworkers at the social services clinic are members of, and I quote, "the rainbow mafia" 😵‍💫🌈
The criminalization of homelessness is a bipartisan project.
Sitting is not a crime. Resting is not a crime. Sleeping is not a crime. Camping is not a crime. Being poor is not a crime. Needing help is not a crime. Homelessness is not a crime, it’s a policy choice.
Gaza is not starving, it is being starved by Israel.
So uh, here's a question...how does this impact the NHPA? Right now most of the guidance we actually work from is in NPS guidelines and bulletins and not the text of the law...🏺
Cops don’t like them; makes it harder to use surveillance footage and facial recognition to arrest people (especially at protests).
Zionists themselves compare colonization of Palestine & colonization of Turtle Island. This is from Ze'ev Jabotinsky's The Iron Wall (1923) "They feel at least the same instinctive jealous love of Palestine, as the old Aztecs felt for ancient Mexico, and the Sioux for their rolling Prairie."
True loneliness is having no one in your life that will rub your shoulders when you need it 😩
Actively prolonging the healing process for my sprained ankle by walking on it every day bc my poor baby dog cannot comprehend me being injured and did not want to adjust his routine lmao
I know archaeology is obsessed with civility politics but I think it’s actually a good thing to be actively hostile to bigots in the field and make them understand that their bigotry is not welcome here.
From "The Graves Are Walking" by John Kelly
"Handouts lack the dignity of wages" is quite literally the public policy position that caused the Great Hunger but ok
You may not work from home. We need you here. The office needs a culture. A business lives or dies on its sense of community. We replaced your coworker with an array of NVIDIA processors. There is no more water cooler, It has used all the water
"Indigenous Peoples have generated and cared for data for millennia, passing down knowledge through traditions like storytelling, art and language. This knowledge is crucial to Indigenous ways of life, including the sustainable stewardship of ecosystems." 📣📣📣
"Handouts lack the dignity of wages" is quite literally the public policy position that caused the Great Hunger but ok
•68% of people in poverty are in work •4 in 10 people on Universal Credit are in work •7 in 10 children in poverty are in a working household Where's the dignity in that? Get employers to pay proper wages, instead of propping them up with taxpayers money - since you are 'the party of business'
I cannot emphasize enough - we have a global pathway to net zero. That pathway burns to cinders the moment we accept powering “AI” as an acceptable use of energy. Climate action is wholly incompatible with expansion of “AI”