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Half tech/politics, half gaming and FFXIV nonsense. No, I will not be separating into two accounts to fix that.
Reposted byAvatar Arhat
Reposted byAvatar Arhat
Reposted byAvatar Arhat
Avatar's splendidly strange debut THE WEST PASSAGE is out this Tuesday! YOU MUST NOT MISS IT! ❄️winter has come (when it shouldn't) 😱the Beast is comING 🐝the honey is all-powerful (and the hives are WEIRD) 🏰beware (and worship) the Ladies in their Towers...
Miracles and Mirabilia: The West Passage by Jared Pechaček - Every Book a If you forced me to describe The West Passage’s aesthetic, my answer would probably be: Medieval marginalia meets Pliny's Natural History with a dash of biblically accurate angels.
Fuck you Microsoft, don't try to advertise AI bullshit at me and tell me I need a new PC. I disabled TPM on purpose so you won't "accidentally" "upgrade" my perfectly good machine.
Reposted byAvatar Arhat
ah my cat, my adorable purring cuddly source of comfort in a tumultuous world ow goddammit stop biting me STOP
Drop a ship not from Star Wars or Star Trek
Drop a ship not from Star Wars or Star Trek
Reposted byAvatar Arhat
Reposted byAvatar Arhat
Oregon has had 6 straight days of record breaking heat and the Oregon GOP just tweeted out the "This is fine" meme, only unironically.
Reposted byAvatar Arhat
Have you ever just lain in the sun next to your cat? Good stuff.
Reposted byAvatar Arhat
Reposted byAvatar Arhat
I’m still mad at the leftists in 2016 who were like “this system is shitty so I’m voting for Trump as a destabilizing influence so we can build something new” like sure the shitty house is on fire, but maybe don’t vote for the gasoline when there are still people living in it
Reposted byAvatar Arhat
Don't forget the Sharpie.
Reposted byAvatar Arhat
#Junelezen2024 Day 30 - Free Choice I debated a bit over whether this was a free choice slot, or whether the prompt was to show freedom of choice, before finally just posting a shot I like, lol. Tried for something more dynamic than my usual. "Face justice, fiend!" #Junelezen #Elezen #FFXIV
#Junelezen2024 Day 29 - Goodbye "It's not easy, coming back here to where we lost you. But I have to run towards something, not just away from that pain." #Junelezen #Elezen #FFXIV
Reposted byAvatar Arhat
I'll share the actual work I did for Riven at some point in the near future, but more importantly here are some of the ✨Bespoke Memes✨ I made for the team over the past eight months
Reposted byAvatar Arhat
I had been hearing Legends & Lattes is a warm hug of a book. It really is. (I mean, why would one need a warm hug of a book in these times, right???) A fantasy setting but mainly a delightful, briskly moving, sweet & smartly observed hangout book. 2nd Baldree book equally fun. Moar pls asap ty 💚🌸🗡️🍰
#Junelezen2024 Day 28 - Homecoming Home is where the hearth is, eh? Whenever we remodel, it doesn't feel like home again until we put him back in the fireplace. #Junelezen #Elezen #FFXIV
Reposted byAvatar Arhat
a cool thing about burn out is that it just makes you numb at a certain point, so you can know what those husks from Mass Effect 3 felt like
Reposted byAvatar Arhat
the difference between a colon and a semicolon is a colon introduces a list or examples and a semicolon is optimus prime’s butt hole
Reposted byAvatar Arhat
Anyway I now have to finish writing this and read it this weekend, newsletter probably Monday, episodes Wednesday and Friday. The parasitic, nihilistic financial poison killing the tech industry and large parts of other businesses - The Shareholder Supremacy
Every time I make a connection like this I love it but I also feel like I'm in Hell. All of these poisonous business worms crawl in the dirt together
#Junelezen2024 Day 27 - Dream On second thought, let's not go to Dohn Mheg. 'Tis a silly place! #Junelezen #Elezen #FFXIV
Ask for the cat who's been there longest. 9/10 times you'll find a middle aged or older black cat who wants nothing more than to cuddle endlessly. It's surprising but stereotypes about black cats still affect adoption rates, and black cats who aren't kittens can be stuck there for a long time :(
Look I cannot recommend a better way to improve your life than going to the local animal shelter and asking, “what is the nicest cat you have” and then adopting them, especially if they are plain and old
the heck am I supposed to do with all these hours before dawntrail
#Junelezen2024 Day 26 - Late You ever have those dreams where you're late for class, even though you've been out of school for half your life? Yeah. #Junelezen #Elezen #FFXIV
Reposted byAvatar Arhat
Reposted byAvatar Arhat
dawntrail prep status: all mods disabled except for The Most Important Mods Of All #ffxiv
#Junelezen2024 Day 25: Old Friend(s) This one's a little special -- unedited screenshot from 2014. Our very first clear of T5. Erril, Laisren, Seri, Pluta, Evan, Asukui, I hope you're doing awesome whenever you are out there. And Qeo, I'll see you in Dawntrail, buddy XD #Junelezen #Elezen #FFXIV
#Junelezen2024 Day 24: Lost "Over here! I think I see a way out!" #Junelezen #Elezen #FFXIV
Reposted byAvatar Arhat
[to the tune of "eleanor rigby"] kosher dill pickles giving me salt from the fridge in a jar with a crunch like them a bunch