
Look I cannot recommend a better way to improve your life than going to the local animal shelter and asking, “what is the nicest cat you have” and then adopting them, especially if they are plain and old
The same goes for dogs fyi you do not need a young and beautiful pet. you just need a really nice one
You also do not need to adopt a difficult pet (unless you have experience doing that / like to do it). Shelters are overflowing right now. There are so many easy, friendly animals out there desperately in need of homes, you can just… choose one of them.
If you want to do something Good but are not sure you can handle behavior issues, and you’re only going to have one cat, consider an FeLV or FIV positive cat. If you are getting a second cat, consider a senior
I think that is also human relationship advice.
We like to ask "where's the weirdest one you have". Always works well for us. 😁 Case in point, see attached 😂
Older cats / dogs: it’s all about the dignity 😍
I lived in a farmhouse once and needed a cat for mice control. Not looking for a pet, I asked the shelter for the least adoptable cat they had. That was a mean, ravished looking veteran called Jack. Took him home where he decimated the mice in a week, after which he turned out to be the nicest dude.
😂 The mice may have (briefly) held a different opinion of his glorious character 😂 All our pets have been rescue, indeed a 2 yr old girlie pup joined us yesterday #ForeverHome
That cat knew who was responsible for his vastly improved life. 😻 Yay you!
An extremely life-improving action!
I have seven cats between the ages of 3 and 19 (or 20, I'm not sure) and every one of them just showed up at my door. I let them in and that was that.
I grew up with cats that just arrived at our door. Where I am now is less rural and so adopting the plain and wonderful cat from the shelter is the closest I can get to that
And I bet your plain and wonderful cats are grateful every day that you gave them a loving home. Thank you for adopting them!
The best ones are the ones that pick you.
Me and my BF adopted a 5 year old cat two years ago, she was living in a tiny apartment with 3 other cats, getting passed from house to house without ever having a home, and now she's our angel baby princess and my BF loves her more than life itself.
Totally agree. For our foster I asked "which one will want to cuddle in bed with us?" and she's not ready to cuddle yet, but she DOES sleep in bed and bring her little mousey toy with her, so I'm confident she'll get there 🥺
Ah yes. Cuddling in bed is the first step. It quickly leads to Step Two: smacking you in the face with their paw at 6am because sun’s up and they want breakfast
One of our resident cats already has that niche covered, so I sure hope not 😂
OMG - she brings her mousy toy?? She loves you!!!! 🥰
💯x💯!!! Or, ask, “what cat (or dog) has been here the longest?” Give a likely-to-be-excellent-but-sadly-overlooked animal a chance.
Some of them are there so long the shelter makes them Not Nice but they usually open up so fast in a good home 🥹
Agreed! Plain and young is also acceptable 🐈‍⬛
That kitty is gorgeous! Plain, my pink tush.
Our shelter had a cat room where they had several cats housed together. We knew we wanted two so my wife and I just hung out and waited to see who would come up and introduce themselves.
This is the way. Cats pick you, not the other way around. 😉
Gray cats are the best
Camouflage cats are pretty good, too.
Adopted a Great Pyrenees in Feb of this year. One of four females thrown away at around three and a half months old. They were almost feral.
How is she doing? We're you able to keep track of the siblings?
Thanks for asking. The rescue kept all four for well over a month as required. All have been adopted, one of them twice. The first folks returned her. No pictures on this device or I'd post some. Took about three weeks to house train her. She's such a sweet dog it's crazy. Typical rescue.
I'm very happy to hear it's going well. I've fostered dozens of dogs. It can be pretty difficult, but stories like yours are what it's all about. ❤️🐶
Not our first adoption with the breed. Adopted an older pair almost 20 years ago, which is probably why the national Pyr rescue let us have this one. Carrie Underwood was her name at the kennel, but we've renamed her Coco. Short for Coquette. Very loving dogs. Yep, adopted many dogs over the years.
Great name, Coquette. I've yet to meet a Pyr I didn't immediately fall in love with. Such soulful dogs. Fostering: It can be painful to let go when they're adopted, but I've stayed in touch with many of the adopters. Some have even become close friends, & the pups remained in my life. ❤️
Patience and a good idea of how to train without getting emotional are key to rehabbing older rescues. The 'leash of shame' works wonders.
"Without getting emotional" is key. I'm not clear on what the 'leash of shame' is, though.
As promised a pic or two. Coco pup. or Coco nut depending on her energy level at the moment. Coco weighed about 50 lbs when we adopted and now she's over 70lbs. Sweetest rescue we've adopted.
She's so lovely! She has the sweetest eyes. Is it hard to reach a destination when out walking because everyone wants to stop & meet her?
We live on 10 acres, so her walks are all runs with her older 'brother' who is a standard Poodle. When Coco went in for her spaying, about a month after we adopted, the fellow said he had never seen a Pyr who would willingly follow on a leash. Trained a bunch of dogs and she's by far the easiest.
It would seem that she's landed in clover. "Ten Acres To Run" sounds like a song title!
Make sure you can afford any vet visits. You will be going multiple times.
Or ask “which animal have you had the longest,” and immediately take that one. Or both.
As someone with a cat we tayt was sick, and wild alone, it's changed my life. I just can't get sad with my cat around :3
We did that with Penny! We like to say that we're her retirement home.
aww! cat/dog friendships are the purest
Adopted #Charliethetomcat 3 years ago. We are so lucky!