
Another banger from BI: "Traveling across the country with six people costs money. Did you know there are things you can do closer to home that are cheaper?"
With tips like "nature is free," a subscription to BI easily pays for itself
is renting bikes free?
Cheaper than buying a mountain bike suitable for the terrain. Although, just because the bike is suitable for the terrain, doesn’t mean the rider is.
Every once in a while, I wonder if BI is just a really subtle parody where most of the jokes don’t land.
Rent bikes for your family of six! If you just grab them and bike away from the counter before they can charge you, that's free too!
Definitely no difficulty in convincing your family to spend the day outside when it's 95° with a dewpoint of 75°.
I frequently make use of the binoculars lender at my local trees
That pervert was asking you to toss up the binoculars he dropped, not lending them to you.
Not sure what you mean, he says I can have them as long as I don't call the cops. Must be one of those ACAB people, but it's easy enough to avoid doing so I accept his terms.
Sunshine? Cost of sunscreen, hats etc.
TBH learning some frugality is newsworthy to that audience as wealth equality improves.
If I am BI-curious can I get a trial subscription?
“As a family of 6 our grocery bills are 30-50% higher than a family of 4, next summer we’re selling a child.”
Finally the economy is looking up for me - the savvy bottle washing facility magnate
Locally today’s heat index is going to be 110 degrees. Go out into nature?
I’ll give them some slack if they keep dunking on Ackman
and Wally World wasn't even open! I ATE A DOG PISS SANDWICH FOR NOTHING! So your honor, I ask for leniency in regard to sentencing for my multi-state crime spree. This is, after all, a movie in the 1980s so I feel I should get credit for not committing and sex crimes
Objection! The defense fails to mention leaving Aunt Edna strapped to the roof of the wagon. Leniency is not warranted. Sustained!
These tips are absolutely extraordinary. It's really tough to imagine that we went to the beach early this morning, got some sunshine, it was totally free, and then we returned home to shitpost on social media and determined someone already knew what we found out on our own!
Currently 2700 miles into a cross-country roadtrip with the family. Shocked to learn hotels and gas aren’t free.
That’s cheap! What’s his secret?
I prefer the interpretation of the headline that they’ll leave some of the kids behind next time.
I was thinking they’d bring all the kids, but 2 of them have to hide in the baggage and they can alternate meals.
I know! Once you've paid the inevitable legal fees, you are certain to be a few sawbucks ahead.
you know what is also expensive, i want to ask them? the whole family getting disabled by yet another covid infection, from traveling in yet another surge (also, with bird flu on the way)
Save money by buying fewer candles!
My family did cross country vacations in the car instead of flying.
In my day if you had six or more people in your family you either didn’t go on vacation, shared expenses with other families at the beach, vacation was visiting out of state relatives you drove to, or camping (or a combo thereof).
“But things are so much better when they cost more money.”
Save money by having a lottery to see which kids get to stay home this time!