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Read daily coverage of anti-trans propaganda in US right wing media on

he/him transgender

I'd *still* rather be playing pinball
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Pretty impressive that Peter, Michael and Rhiannon have managed to keep this partnership under wraps for the last three months
Breaking news: President Biden is finalizing plans to endorse major changes to the Supreme Court in the coming weeks, including proposals for legislation to establish term limits for the justices and an enforceable ethics code, according to two people briefed on the plans.
Biden set to announce support for major Supreme Court The president has discussed the plans with constitutional scholars and members of Congress in recent weeks.
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what is the best way to fundraise for a project these days?
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the transsexual question should be "how can I make sure they flourish?"
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daniel craig embodying the 4 butch aesthetics:
Daniel Craig playing an entire geology department himself:
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“Nutritionist” is a meaningless label, not usually backed by any certifications or licensing. If you need actual dietary advice, you want a Registered Dietitian (RD), who will have a degree in the field, an internship, and certification under their belt.
I can't know how I'd feel writing this as a white trans person who'd taken the other side, or a trans woman. I try not to fault people for defensive responses bc goodness knows I can be defensive sometimes, and sometimes that's been part of learning hard lessons. But, me, I got through fine.
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So why did Trump need a new VP? Many media outlets don't ask the question when discussing his pick of J.D. Vance.
Media outlets bury the reason Trump needs a new VP in discussing Vance
Thank you for this. I'm sorry to read you lost sleep to adrenaline (boy do I know that feeling well).
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seriously the best thing you can do right now is just start talking
I was getting my hair cut and I brought up Project 2025. None of the five men in the barber shop had heard of Project 2025.
I can still go there for the books though, right?
Something wild to me is that I haven't lost followers. Which... um... if this is about NYTs coverage of trans issues... you'd think some of the people upset about that might follow Assigned Media? But apparently no? Maybe I was too lib coded already... or maybe it's something else.
(And by something else I mean using this as a pretense to put a Black person in his place out of racism.)
Yeah, I dreamed of working for them one day (though understood with my atypical career path it was unlikely), but the more I've learned the less I've glamorized it and the more sure I've been that I'm better off w/o.
Evan here, This may be true of some, but me? I knowingly torched any option of ever working for the New York Times by starting an independent trans news site best known for the times I call them on their anti-trans shit.
Not just the NYT, either. There are whole swaths people in my industry who will never give me the time of day. I wear it as a badge of pride. If Assigned is the last thing I do, so be it. (I just think dogpiling Black writers who have very clearly supported trans rights in their columns is wrong.)
I think you can argue it both ways.. Short term, neither has any chance. Long term, their anti-gay coverage changed, but it took a changing of the guard in leadership among the Sulzberger family. So, potentially, the person we can eventually win over isn't in charge yet and won't be for decades.
Is there any way the NYT's place in the culture as the paper of record and most trusted source of news in the US can fall before then? Maybe. But the wider news industry is imploding and they've been growing stronger and more dominant, not less.
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"The Daily Femail thus issues a formal notice to all opponents of transgender people - eat shit, cope and seethe, trans people will always exist." 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
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Frustrating to me that now we have ended up in a position where talking about anti black racism is seen as taking a position against trans people and vice versa
What. The. Fuck.
Oh yall chased Lydia Polgreen off of here too? My goodness.
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So saying that Tressie or Jamelle leaving doesn’t “make or break this place” communicates to me that the person’s definition of success doesn’t consider Black users as a whole. Which, good luck with that given what we know about how things become widely popular 4/?
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My latest column entry! Give it a look, my favorite line is at the very end of the article. You'll know it when you see it
Conservatives know one thing, and one thing only: They are OUTRAGED a nonbinary runner will be competing against women in Paris. Do they know the runner's sex assigned at birth? Nah, learning any details just dilutes the rage. skewers cons in her latest column for Assigned.
Conservative outrage machine is angry that a nonbinary person exists in sports — Competing as your sex assigned at birth is not enough for conservatives. A track runner, assigned female at birth, is accused by conservatives of being a man simply due to their non-binary identity.
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"According to [one] writer... Hiltz identifies as a 'made up gender.' Imagine the author’s surprise when they find out that all genders are made up because all facets of identity are made up."
Conservatives know one thing, and one thing only: They are OUTRAGED a nonbinary runner will be competing against women in Paris. Do they know the runner's sex assigned at birth? Nah, learning any details just dilutes the rage. skewers cons in her latest column for Assigned.
Conservative outrage machine is angry that a nonbinary person exists in sports — Competing as your sex assigned at birth is not enough for conservatives. A track runner, assigned female at birth, is accused by conservatives of being a man simply due to their non-binary identity.
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Nikki Hiltz is just more evidence that the "Save Women's Sports" crowd has never been about "fairness" and has always been about hating trans people and erasing them.
Conservatives know one thing, and one thing only: They are OUTRAGED a nonbinary runner will be competing against women in Paris. Do they know the runner's sex assigned at birth? Nah, learning any details just dilutes the rage. skewers cons in her latest column for Assigned.
Conservative outrage machine is angry that a nonbinary person exists in sports — Competing as your sex assigned at birth is not enough for conservatives. A track runner, assigned female at birth, is accused by conservatives of being a man simply due to their non-binary identity.
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Conservatives know one thing, and one thing only: They are OUTRAGED a nonbinary runner will be competing against women in Paris. Do they know the runner's sex assigned at birth? Nah, learning any details just dilutes the rage. skewers cons in her latest column for Assigned.
Conservative outrage machine is angry that a nonbinary person exists in sports — Competing as your sex assigned at birth is not enough for conservatives. A track runner, assigned female at birth, is accused by conservatives of being a man simply due to their non-binary identity.
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Conservatives know one thing, and one thing only: They are OUTRAGED a nonbinary runner will be competing against women in Paris. Do they know the runner's sex assigned at birth? Nah, learning any details just dilutes the rage. skewers cons in her latest column for Assigned.
Conservative outrage machine is angry that a nonbinary person exists in sports — Competing as your sex assigned at birth is not enough for conservatives. A track runner, assigned female at birth, is accused by conservatives of being a man simply due to their non-binary identity.