
Special holiday wishes going out to everyone who is spending the day sick and/or isolating. It’s a rough virusy time. I hope you get lots of rest and blankets and nice warm drinks and think hopeful thoughts for the new year! 💙
My dad is in hospital for another reason and has just tested positive. We think he got infected in the ER, where no one wore face masks (neither doctors/nurses nor patients) 🤬 The rest of family hoping that we haven't caught it during visits… someone has to look after him.
I’m so sorry to hear this. Hospitals dropping all patient protections around covid is unconscionable
If it makes you feel better, in my recent (11/25-12/7) stay in the ICU and Transplant Unit at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center EVERYBODY wore a mask, from admission to discharge and all visitors were required as well. Not all hospitals are taking foolish risks.
I still don't get it. Our local teaching hospital went back to masks for visitors and staff as soon as cases started to rise in November....
In the UK, the NHS has not brought back masking guidelines, despite WHO recommending it.
They aren't allowed to implement them by law in my state (Florida)
That's exactly the most dangerous place to be. N95 if you wait more than 10 minutes in such a high risk environment.
Oh! Thank you! Doesn't really feel like Christmas this year, honestly. Bowing out for the holiday with these positive tests (seven now!) is the best present I could give my family, I think! But thx for the wishes. Love and health to you and yours ... ♥️🤘🎅🤘💚
That’s really tough but I’m glad you’re keeping your family safe! I hope you feel better soon!
❤️ we had a brief scare that had myself and other relatives isolating from each other until one family member's PCR came back negative this morning. Not the way I was hoping to start my vacation, but at least everything turned out okay and at least we all care enough to try.
I’m glad to hear everyone is okay and caring for one another!
I'm down with chronic pain from injuries(no one I know jokes about being hit by a bus anymore) but I know 10 people who tested positive for covid and two for influenza A over the last 24 hours. This variatiant is sneaky as hell.
I hope you all feel better soon!
At least mine isn't contagious! I have second round of diagnostic injections on Friday and hopefully a nerve ablation mid-January could give me 6 months to 2 years of pain relief. I've already had both of my sacroiliac joints fused. Was on an E scooter and if I hadn't had a helmet on I'd be dead.
my stepmom tested positive this afternoon. she's 91. this is the first time she's had it. i guess imma get next... also been dodging for almost four years. we are vaxxed, i mask. 🤬
Hoping for good outcomes for both of you 💙
I am overwhelmed by how many people, in my life, and here, have Covid this Christmas,
We’re in a huge surge right now
And no one knows. We have been fielding an extraordinary number of COVID calls since thanksgiving
My cousin just called to say the whole family in Maine has it.
A friend of mine is an ER nurse, and she says it's been deck chairs on the Titanic kind of situation for nearly a week now in suburban Chicago
And yet Covid isn't even mentioned on the BBC front page. They're determined to stick with the Government's "Covid is over" narrative.
Just heard my MIL is “very sick, but it can’t be Covid, because she doesn’t know anyone who’s got Covid.” Even though they just had a large gathering at their son’s house, full of sick people, none of whom ever got a Covid vaccine. 🤷‍♂️
* We're heading into the biggest surge we've ever had Fixed it. Unfortunately unless people were going to stay home and not visit family, this was bound to happen with how JN.1 is. 🥹 And the next two weeks are going to be so much worse.
I tested negative again just in time not to have to spend Christmas alone, with this being the first Christmas without my mom. I think the booster in November helped me get better so fast. 5 days.
Vacationing in Europe and it is out of control.
I spent ages dodging and this cold hit me square in the teeth. Rude. my non-existent immune system is like 🤷‍♀️
Aw I’m sorry to hear it! I hope it passes soon! 💙
Thank you! Really the weirdest part is although I hate being sick, I find it fascinating and weird sick so differently? My lymph nodes are not involved. I don't really fever. The cold happens in my body and my body...rides the wave? WEIRD. 😂🤷‍♀️
Tested negative for Covid, influenza a and b. Must've picked up from the school kids. After 3 years of not being sick (I still KN95 in public places, closed spaces), it is quite a shock.
Thank you! Tested positive on 22nd, Christmas moved to online. Trying to sleep sigh
Sorry to hear. Hope you're fit again soon. Merry Christmas regardless.
Hope youre feeling better soonest, Aliette!
A month ago, my 4YO was the only one in the house to dodge a truly gnarly stomach bug after he and I had just recovered from Covid. Guess who threw up in my arms and throughout the night worrying that Santa wouldn't come because he wasn't sleeping…
(Obviously, I told him that Santa would come even if he was sick. Fortunately, I had literally just finished putting presents under the tree when he exploded.)
I hope everyone feels better soon!
Oh man. When my kids were little, it was a “tradition“ that norovirus struck at Christmas time. One year we all had it at once. I set up inflatable mattresses and stacks of sheets and everything lined with newspaper in the living room. Easier to clean up the explosions Weirdest sleepover ever.
I told my kiddo that Santa wears lots of PPE 😂
This came through at the perfect time. Cheers, from under my fuzzy blanket!
Thank you Katie. My partner got cold symptoms on Christmas Day & tested Covid positive today. We had boosters recently, so *hopefully* neither of us will feel anything worse than a bad cold. My lungs are a bit of a risk factor though. And Covid symptoms just seem so random! Hope you are well. 🤞🏼❄️☀️
I hope you are both well soon!