Alexandra Manglis

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Alexandra Manglis

Writer | Cypriot | Immigrant | CW '17 | repped by @rhaliterary
Absolutely delighted to say that THE SAINT OF BRIGHT DOORS has won the Locus Award for first novel! Thank you so much everyone!
Wow a dynamite duo speaking in 5 mins!!
TODAY! Join award finalists Tananarive Due and Kelly Link reading from their incredible work live on zoom. Check out the schedule here for more readings: @[email protected] #LocusAwards2024 #sff
"We Are Lady Parts" is the british comedy show I didn't know I needed. Five young muslim women making it in a punk band. It's so good and the songs are brilliant.
Got my first donation for #write-a-thon last night! Wow! This week's goal is an outline for a new Writing the Other book co-written with Alaya Dawn Johnson. Support a fantastic writing workshop promoting BIPOC authors and me too?
Clarion West Nisi Shawl's Fundraising Page
My first sale was to It’s no exaggeration to say that I probably would’ve given up if they hadn’t given me that precious first chance. Help support one of the longest-running, most genuinely inclusive speculative magazines do what they do best.
It's THAT time of the year again! The annual STRANGE HORIZONS FUND DRIVE is now live. To donate: Over the next 36 days, we're looking to raise $13,500 to stay alive through 2025, and beyond for some very special special issues!
As someone who's born and raised in the MENA and I know heat: do not go outside during the hottest part of the day, do not go for a walk, do not decide to do DIY, do not do manual labor, just do not! You can weed your damn garden at 7pm. Go back inside, turn on the ac/fan, hydrate, eat popsicles.
there are a lot of people whose response to anything illegal immigration-related is "just come here legally" and when you try to explain how the legal immigration system actually works they simply don't believe how tremendously awful it actually is
Here’s a nice simple guide to the US immigration process. Easy peasy
Here’s a nice simple guide to the US immigration process. Easy peasy
So much of what I write takes places in the eastern mediterranean, including my long wip, and whats happening in Gaza makes it feel like any words at this point are useless. Is anyone else feeling this way?
Seeing a lot of "this story is depressing not inspiring!" And yeah. Here's an actually inspiring story you may not know about: school lunch (and breakfast!) in Massachusetts is free for all students starting in 23-24 thanks to Democrats using money from the voter-passed millionaire's tax to fund it
A fifth grader has paid off the entire meal debt, and then some, for his elementary school. In a video shared to his mom’s Facebook, Daken Kramer had challenged “friends, family and local businesses to donate what they can to this cause.” He wound up turning in a check for more than $7,300.
A Missouri fifth grader raised enough money to pay off his entire school’s meal debt | Kids can now eat without breaking the piggy bank – at least, at Thomas Ultican Elementary School – thanks to fifth grader Daken Kramer.
Also I feel like a broken record but please god more non-American submissions. I think every accepted story I have right now is American and I can't deal with it. (They're all sick as fuck, but I can't put out an all-American issue, I just can't)
In this influx of rushed out opinion pieces about Palestinians and Gaza and protests, I've been much more deliberate about turning to thinkers who've been doing the work on these issues for decades. Achille Mbembe, Arielle Azouley, Franz Fenton, Fred Moten, Ussama Makdisi. Looking for more recs!
NEW FLASH FICTION up today: "There are three children jumping over a can outside a bodega" by Mark Galarrita, with a podcast narrated by Annette Oliveira.
I live in a town of a bit less than 33,000 people
With more than 33,000 Palestinians killed so far in Israel's military operation in Gaza, according to Gaza's health ministry, the deaths of three British aid workers there this week may be what ultimately changes the course of the United Kingdom's foreign policy.
Why a majority of Britons want the U.K. to halt arms exports to Countries including Canada, the Netherlands and Spain say they're suspending arms sales to Israel. After an Israeli strike killed British World Central Kitchen workers in Gaza, will the U.K. too?
Raising your toddlers in the USA's northeast means that they come home from daycare and proceed to check your head and back carefully for ticks.
Avatar has an incredible piece on the importance of and why they deserve our support. This bit, about labor, really hits at the heart of why art and the coverage of art needs recognition.
So thrilled to see Sammy Lê's first publication happen at <3 A perfect match for his wonderful poetry.
I was trying to Google how many calories a baby should take in a day and the first result google showed me was how many calories are in a baby if you were to eat it.
5.5 more hours in the Locus Auction! Go check it out! Rare first edition of Children of Dune, Tuckerizations by Scalzi & Doctorow, Tiara by Sara Felix, Voicemail by Neil Gaiman, limited editions from Brandon Sanderson and Ted Chiang, art by Donato!! locus.betterworld.or...
If anyone has recent experience of being in the English/Comp Lit programs at Glasgow University, I’m curious if they’d recommend it. A family friend is trying to decide between there & St. Andrews.
“It’s a little bit of an unfortunate situation there, but from Israel’s perspective I would do my best to move the people out and then clean it up,” Kushner said. Congratulations, everyone, we have now officially reached the Gaza Trump Tower stage of "ethnic cleaning."
Jared Kushner says Gaza’s ‘waterfront property could be very valuable’ Donald Trump’s son-in-law also says Israel should bulldoze an area of the Negev desert and move Palestinians there
Cyprus: selling off its land piecemeal to the highest bidder. The madams in our red light district have more integrity than this.
Watching Cyprus get itself roped into this genocide is so deeply upsetting to me. I'm under no illusions that the "humanitarian corridor" they're helping create under the excuse of sending aid will probably end up serving another Nabka.
don’t forget to set your clock ahead an hour this morning. then another hour. and another. keep going. don’t stop. unyoke yourself from the time stream. when the sky runs red with blood, set your clock ahead one hour more. and then, you run.
Oh my god. The allegation here is that Israel literally tortured UNRWA staffers to make them speak against the agency… which of course was then used to undermine funding so as to produce famine. The depravity knows no bounds.