
Making to-do lists was stressing me out too much so I decided to change tack and instead make a list of all the tasks I am NOT completing and for reasons I can’t quite articulate it has improved the situation
“Here is just a list of the things that you in some way intend(ed) to do but are not in fact completing. I’m just leaving this list here. No judgment.”
I think this is a great skill to develop, really.
I do a variation of this! I have an “engagement” status tag for each item on my to-do list. Options include: abandoned, actively working, dreading, excited about, ignoring, loose idea, meh, researching, stalled, waiting for spoons. It’s refreshing to be so damn honest with myself.
The “Didn’t Quite Do Yet” list
I am soon 75. The real prob has always been: write a list. 2. You then forget the list elemens since you have written them for future reference. 3. You forget to bring the list.
The best bit would be crossing them off and saying “There! Never going to be done”. I’ve started doing this with stuff. Prints I got at an estate sale and was going to frame? Poof!💨 Big fancy bottle I was going to put bath salts in? Poof!💨 Rhododendeons I was going to plant! Poofpoofpoof!💨🤣
I'll add a "do not buy" list on my grocery shopping list if I'm accumulating too much of random staples (usually Panko bread crumbs, etc) that I tend to grab "just in case"
I no longer use to do lists. I just email myself and try to keep the blood dimmed tide of my inbox below critical mass. It's like closing your eyes as the ocean recedes around your feet. Constant anxiety and yet still safe
katie this would end me
Maybe it would be freeing!!
i mean i guess there's freedom in being deceased? 👻
How about an "I already accomplished THESE tasks, so I deserve a nap" list? Bonus: when you're done making the list, you can take a nap!
I use GTD software (au). Based on GTD philosophy, it has multiple settings. The principle is you just write it down, step back, and the software does the rest. If you're the kind of person who thinks you have to do things, recommended.
Home - ThinkingRock is a powerful project management software designed on the GTD methodology. Get organized and more efficient, optimize your time. Plan your professional and private life.
I call it my "To Don't" list. In the hopes that if I don't get around to doing things on a to-do list, I -might- get around to doing something on my to-don't list. Less pressure by far. :)
OT of appreciation: I've been listening to the podcast you and John Green are doing on The Universe, and I'm singing your praises to my spouse about how beautifully and clearly you are explaining such complex stuff to non-physicists. It's a masterpiece. Thank you both for this.
Thank you so much!
To don’t lists. Love it.
Reminder: Don't do what Katie Don't does.
I definitely willn't do that.
I like making little lists of the things I have actually done, instead of just having a list of the ones I'm failing to do.
imo i think it's like, "focus is not just choosing to do one thing; it's also choosing to not do an infinity of other things". so listing out the Other Things is a way to deliberately defer them (esp if they're legit important!) making it possible to set them aside to do the Current Thing.
what i noticed in myself personally is that asking myself to defer/ignore a worthwhile or important thing can be difficult, so i have to be extra intentional in doing so in order to free up the mental space for anything else. (else it's decision paralysis)
This is brilliant. *takes notes*
My MO is to make lists of minutia tasks AFTER I have completed them so I can cross them off and feel a shred of accomplishment.
Hmm, interesting. Sometimes I make a "ta-da" list of things I actually did get done. :)
I need to try this for a while.
Yes! I always suggest ppl maintain a "Don't Do" list along with their "To Do" one!
Husband and I, after getting frustrated things on our “to-do” lists never got done, decided to call them the “do be ignored” lists instead. We have a short-term to be ignored and a long term to be ignored list. Surprisingly, things are ignored less on those lists than previously.
That’s a great idea 👍
It's like how people will do everything they normally hate in order to put off an uncomfortable task. This is a way to put that to use.
Dude I just changed my strategy too. I have a did-it list. I start with blank paper and fill it up with things I actually did. I do *a lot* of things between the lines of a to do list that I want getting credit for in my head. Now a 4 item to do list turns into 14 lines on did-it list. Way better.
One reason: when you get it out of your head and onto the page, it makes room for something new to come into your head.
The "things not ready to be started yet list" is one of the best fast track ways to both clear your mind and quickly prioritize stuff
I enjoy whittling down my mindlessly ubiquitous Netflix queue. Accomplishment and necessary task avoidance all in one.
Always fun to watch something from my Netflix list and then realize it's been there for SIX YEARS.
Some of it goes away and comes back "New!"
Yes, that's jarring as well. "Hey, I'll bet you forgot about this old classic that you never got around to watching before it left our catalogue. Well we didn't."
things are becoming less incomplete
...I really have to try this
Ooh. A look at all the things I don't have to worry about list sounds great.
Mine (in chronological order) - learn to play the... oh, I don't know, an instrument - stop changing careers every 20 minutes - achieve world dominance in... something
I’m always looking for the perfect todo list, until I remember that there’s very little I have to do anymore. Retirement takes all the fun out of experimenting with new apps.
I too am struggling with this. I can see how lists would benefit me greatly, but I am unable to create and use them. I last about a day or two, before I'm "too busy". There has to be a solution to this...🤔