Michelle C

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Michelle C


There is very little in this world where my first reaction isn't "wait, WHAT?" (she/her)

Queens born but haven't lived there for ages, aggravated by nature, crocheter by hobby

Oakland should not be this warm
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Same stupid motherfuckers made Tressie nope out of here. Being an asshole to Black people online because you’re ineffective at helping people in the real world isn’t praxis, actually.
It's all so self-defeating, and will accelerate this place dying on the vine. Bouie's among the handful of brilliant columnists fighting the good fight at major outlets. (One could argue that he's the best of his generation.) Don't drive him off for having the audacity to interact with you!
I don't know how or when or why but at some point it's going to become clear that Joe is staying in for a reason and everyone out here throwing tomatoes is going to spend THAT day all "oh, Joe understood the assignment!". Yes, he does understand it. Impeccably. And has for quite a long time.
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it’s gonna be a slow rollout as everyone works through this huge document to find all its buried horrors but oh boy oh boy oh boy when the labor union organizers get to this one things are gonna get lit on actual fire
They want to take away overtime pay “How many hours did you work this week?” “60” “Well well well looks like we only need you for 20 hours next week, so no OT, sorry about that”
I'm just catching up on today's "news" and the first thing I thought of was that he just signed something Parkinson's related. Not that he HAS it. Are we next going to say he's got student loan debt because of the EOs he signed wiping it out? People have lost their minds
Is it possible that IDK, the expert was there to help consult on the bill? I honestly expected better from Peter Baker. However, this 100% explains why one of my JHU professors in nuclear weapons got into an argument w/ him, and was STILL so mad about it, he mentioned it in a paper comment to me.
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But there are ways to word your concerns AND yes, you should also be calling campaign offices too. Working on a few scripts + a carousel, will share when I can.
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Where are the columnists who are experts in specific fields, breaking down what the Heritage Foundation + Trump want to do to each individual federal agency? E.g. I read the section dedicated to our intelligence agencies, and had to stop, since I was starting to feel a little nauseous.
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You're entitled to your despair. But understand that when you catastrophize on social media, you risk spreading learned helplessness. Which is exactly what fascists want, for people to lie down and cry.
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I've been writing a series of pieces about what I've learned about how various key systems work, and the latest is on money: How the ultra-wealthy see money in a fundamentally different way than the rest of us do. It's not a bucket! www.anildash.com/2024/07/02/m...
Systems: How the Ultra-Wealthy Think About Money - Anil Dashwww.anildash.com A blog about making culture. Since 1999.
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The world sucks and things are bad but hey, you know what you can do right now to make things easier on yourself and others? Wear a face mask. We have to be alive to fight back.
I believe with all my heart that some long distant Greek ancestor of mine coined this word. We are same.
oh my god
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The Federal Trade Commission, of all entities, is out here writing absolute bangers about AI snake oil. www.ftc.gov/business-gui...
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Here’s the role that personal choice plays in climate: a lot of the things you can do for personal choice that are in some vague sense of the phrase good for climate are also good for preparing you to be climate adapted.
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I'll say, again, & again, & again, that jamming "AI" into everything w/o considering the privacy & security implications is a) going to cause a major breach of at least two US laws, and b) just a really silly and terrible idea which is going to put a lot of people in danger. Roll it BACK, microsoft
So Windows Recall takes screenshots every few seconds, OCR's them, and then stores all that in plaintext in a SQLlite database. It's impossible to understate how much of a security issue this is. Easily compromised spyware installed by your OS!
Windows feature that screenshots everything labeled a security “disaster”www.theverge.com Windows 11’s new Recall feature faces privacy and security concerns.
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listen, Biden may have his flaws (lots of flaws) (like so many flaws) (basically twelve flaws in a trenchcoat) but one thing we know is that he’s a petty motherfucker who absolutely hates this guy suggesting he pardon the asshole who literally tried to violently overthrow him is ABSURD
So much glee on the timeline right now, but those of us from Queens have an extra special little glow in our hearts today !🍾🥂
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Nobody’s asking for my advice, but if they were, it would be simple: pay attention to who is trying to destroy you, like Jack, and which valuable voices you’re losing, like Tressie, and destroy the former while moving mountains to embrace the latter.
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“I guess it’s like Steve Jobs always said: ‘We’re going to build a bicycle for the mind . . . and then we’re going to crush the bicycle in a 2-ton press, just flatten it right in front of you, so you can feel our destructive power. Take that, bicycle lovers. You all suck.’”
Creative Good: Apple made a terrible mistake: it told the truthcreativegood.com
AI = plagiarism software. Not just that the ad should be deleted, but there needs to be some self-reflection on why as a society we've allowed things to get this far. The billionaires have made the decision of the Trolley Problem for us and we are not on the same part of the track they are.
Dear Tim Cook: Be a Decent Human Being and Delete this Revolting Apple Ad | MZS | Roger Ebertwww.rogerebert.com A new ad for Apple says the quiet part out loud: the tech industry hates artists and wants to destroy their livelihood
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people also act like the water used in generators or in cooling systems can just be reused for other purposes, so it's not wasted water. That is ... not true.
We're not just talking about water for cooling servers, people. You need water to turn into steam to run turbines, too, and the more energy you need, the more water you use for that process.
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The unifying factor between this and yesterday's SCOTUS hearing is that a woman's suffering simply doesn't carry the force of law when relief from it challenges power itself, that the state and the state alone gets to say when and where her humanity matters
Breaking News: New York’s highest court overturned Harvey Weinstein’s 2020 felony sex-crime conviction, a stunning reversal of the #MeToo era’s biggest trial. It’ll be up to the Manhattan district attorney whether to seek a retrial. Follow live updates. nyti.ms/3JAX6hk
Tech bros developed CAPTCHA to prove we're human. The whole point of CAPTCHA is interpretation, not something algorithm-able. So, why again are they thinking AI art is a thing? Humans >>> machines!!!!
Via Vincent Proce on Twitter (@vproceart) some hope vs the Ai glut (repost to add alt text)
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In memory of Dr. Ruth Reck, who passed away yesterday, I'm sharing this article detailing her early (1960s) work as a pioneering climate scientist at General Motors Research Labs--including early warnings (then summarily dismissed) on CO2 & global warming.
A Woman Warned GM about Warming, But Men Didn't Listenwww.scientificamerican.com Ruth Reck did pioneering climate change research at the automotive giant, where she says she faced sexism
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I work at a chain retail pharmacy and I have *A VERY IMPORTANT PSA!!!!! * If you’re eligible/ due for a covid booster get it IMMEDIATELY. All pharmacies will be returning current stock by early May and we will not have ANY Covid vaccines until fall (most likely September) Spread the word!!
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All those things you want your shiny new technologies to fix won't shift even a little bit unless the humans involved fix their fucking hearts, first.