
I know it is a minor thing but I wish there were a mechanism to meaningfully discourage companies from putting you on their list to spam forever once they have your e-mail address (when you have definitely NOT clicked the "okay to contact me with offers" box). Unsubscribe after the fact isn't enough
At some point I rented a car from Avis and they send me a monthly update EVERY MONTH and it doesn't matter how many times I click unsubscribe in the e-mail, the e-mails never stop.
I wish we could institute like a 900 number type system for email. Want to send me a spam email? $1 each time. If I want the email, I can waive the $1 but it’s my discretion.
I don’t see why not…I’d spam, reply with a standard TOS mail, start sending them bills, then turn them over for collection. QED.
I think that makes sense. They agree to your new TOS by opening the email, just like we do. Times like this, I really wish I could afford a lawyer to file 'frivolous' lawsuits.
Well, they agree to the TOS by continuing to send you mail.
Even better! Nobody could argue that you tricked them. You let them know clearly and in writing. They then made the choice to send you mail after being informed of the price.
I did once encounter a service kind of like this when I was sending press releases but I don't remember what it's called.
Holy shit that’s an awesome idea. I would be willing to pay for that
Funny how they can send you emails right away but it “may take several weeks” to unsubscribe. I’m at my wits end with this.
I no longer get things from 1800flowers because Harry&David kept sending me my "gift list" even after I CALLED THEM AND THEY SAID THEY WOULD STOP.
I once ordered flowers from a company that then sent me something like five promotional e-mails over the next three days. When I called them they said it was a glitch
I ordered a single fork from Replacements, and years later they still send me multiple spam emails per day.
Why is it always florists? We have an online service called NetFlorist here, and it's just a known thing that you will be unsubscribing from their mailing lists forever. And South Africa recently rolled out specific legislation around this, which makes it extra frustrating.
At the end of the 20th century, I was the first full-time employee of MAPS.
Really? Neat. I was there from September 2003 to October 2004.
I have found that reminding people what is required in the CAN-SPAM Act and that it's up to 42k per instance of violation and can I have your marketing director 's name for the complaint please? works really well.
I rented a car from Six10 and they put me on several DAILY email marketing blasts. Took me a couple weeks to fully unsubscribe. Sherwin Williams just tried subscribing me to their, of all things, weekly PAINT COLOR newsletter! No! I just want to buy your product, the one time! Go away!
i bought a car and the dealership emails me weekly about buying another one, which is just ridiculous
I tend to mark them as spam then...
If a company won't unsubscribe me, I report them as spam, because that's what it is. 😁
I've had to politely ask for their information compliance officer and quote the GDPR to get off some mailing lists, but that did work quite promptly. Obviously not guaranteed to work for American companies though!
I honestly find it amusing that I still get junk mail and spam (including from Sigma Chi) for my dad, who died 7 years ago. Can’t seem to get him off the lists. OTOH, The Economist unsubscribed him immediately and sent a very nice condolences email as soon as I told them.
Depending upon your mail app, there's usually a quick way to add the address to your blocked mail list. For example, in Outlook, if you use the "Report Junk" option it will automatically add the sender's address to your blocked list. Certainly no slower than most "unsubscribe" options.
Gmail is pretty good for that too.
And let me do the same from the Republicans. Every third text message is "Hi, this is Nazi McTexas, I need money to fight against basic human rights."
I have had some luck with unsubscribing and reporting it as spam through Gmail, using the Gmail unsubscribe function, but if you aren't using that, I don't know what else to recommend. ☹️
I once ordered thai food from a chain and from then on I’d get “We’re hiring!” emails every couple months. The Unsubscribe link was broken. Never got anywhere until I found one of the company’s execs’ email on Linked In and c.c.’ed him on my email to Canada’s spam laws hotline. The emails stopped.
I report emails from companies that do this as Spam. Eventually they get filtered into your Spam folder automatically, and their email is red-flagged and more likely to get filtered for other users too. It’s the tiniest of small comforts but it’s all there is 😆
I still get emails from infant clothes companies after 7 years - and I unsubscribe Every. Single. Time
I block every sender like that and just get it sent to junk. I agree it’s an appalling cheek and intrusion.
I get this exact same Avis email! For everyone replying to mark as spam/junk in Gmail/Apple mail or block the sender, it doesn’t do enough. Blocked senders go to spam in Gmail (why not ACTUALLY BLOCK?!), which I still glance through to rescue legit emails, so more spam still = more work.
i have gotten weekly emails from the discount card program for a french grocery store in taiwan when i was doing my dissertation research, and i left the country *14 years ago*. as far as i can tell, there is no way to unsubscribe.
Shades of when I subscribed to Reader's Digest and after I canceled, it took YEARS to get off their mailing list. 😖
I just bought optical glasses once and they kept spamming me emails and eventually even sent me spam via post!
That happened to me with Henry's. I sent them a firmly worded email explaining they are legally required to have a simple and functional unsub process, and the emails stopped. I suspect their automatic unsub system doesn't work and they needed to do it manually.
Dear phone companies that sneak shit in with updates: Give me a button to say "fuck off with this shit forever" and respect my wishes, and you will have me as a customer for life.
Dear phone companies that sneak shit in with updates: Give me a button to say "fuck off with this shit forever" and respect my wishes, and you will have me as a customer for life.
Can you just tag it as junk and block it/filter it into the junk folder?
I once requested a quote from a company. Never got the quote. Did get added to mailing list that was not easy to get off of