
I increasingly think this elex is a referendum on whether anything matters anymore. There's no rational case for Trump, but there's a loud faction on the left that just wants to burn it down. Combine that w/low info voters & Rs circling wagons & you have outlines of a calamity. Hopefully we wake up.
its the shitposter vs normie election and we gotta put all our eggs in the "the normies come through" basket
For some reason after reading this, Revenge of the Nerds popped into my head. #GoNormies
You scolding people is not just ineffective, it’s actively destructive. Build a coalition or shut up.
Good point. The question then becomes, is it more feasible and are there more votes if you coalesce with the center right. If the left is intransigent (or a Biden lock for that matter) something is better than nothing. Lefties should pick winnable battles.
Imagine saying this in the 1960s regarding winnable battles. There is no center right, or left btw.
I respect that radicals want to move the window. But sometimes it backfires. Nader and Stein gave us Bush and Trump. By taking votes from Gore and Clinton, and because the reactionary right scares middle-of-the-road voters by conflating unpopular radical positions with the Democratic agenda.
Equal rights is radical to people like you and imaginary mid road voters. Democrats only need to take steps to insure every voter who wants to vote can vote as easily as possible. But since they don’t, we should acknowledge it is actually a center right party and the radical right are fascist.
I acknowledge nearly all of that 😀 ❤️ ☮️
Aaron, I’m voting for Biden and will urge others to do so. But I would like to know: do you think the Biden administration bears any responsibility whatsoever how people vote, including “the left?” And has it met those responsibilities?
I think Biden has scored a lot of important wins for progressives but there is a loud faction that wants to make the perfect the enemy of the good. He’s been a very effective president, especially in the context of where the country was at in January 2021
I also think Biden has done good things. But we’re almost eight months into Gaza now. Do you see why reasonable progressives might find his Gaza policy infuriating?
He's not President of Israel. War is never acceptable, but the US has many reasons for alliance with the only democracy over there. Netanyahu is a war criminal. Israel has a right to exist. Square the circle
Sounds like you do not consider Israel’s war in Gaza as constituting war crimes, ethnics cleansing and/or genocide, OR, you do, but are broadly okay with unstinting material support for that war. Is it more the former or the latter for you?
It's neither. War is appalling. But handing the US to Trump is idiocy and won't help Gaza at all while harming everyone who isn't a rich white guy. You do know his Evangelical backers want the place nuked to bring about Armageddon, right?
But he is the president of a country sending huge supplies of weapons to Israel to aide in it's ethnic-cleansing campaign, as well as running critical diplomatic interference on Israel's behalf.
Perhaps Biden should stop arming the war criminal then.
I believe a country committing war crimes on the regular, being a settler apartheid state, has no right to exist.
So America needs to disband and return the lands to the Natives. That's not going to happen. Neither is Israel going to stop existing.
it’s not a war, it’s a genocide. and no country has a right to exist, especially when that right requires killing groups of people.
"only democracy" "israel has a right to exist" go away
Wait. So You're saying Netanyahu is a war criminal who is democratically elected? But the society that elected him does not bear any responsibility for his actions? Please square that circle for me.
No one has a right to Apartheid. Until they find a way to exist without that, they don't have a right to that either.
Israel a democracy? No, it is worse than an Apartheid State. Israel is just like Russia: two occupiers and land-grabbers, who arbitrarily imprison opponents of their abusive regime. Israel steal Palestinians land for the last 75 years.
foreign policy measures exist and the admin is employing none. also no israel does not have a right to exist
Why does Israel have a right to exist
Yea one of the big ones is that you’re both war criminal scum.
Do you think that Trump or RFK Jr will do better? Will they be a better oppositional foil for the progressives? Or will they scorch the earth?
AF, do you support or oppose the Biden admin’s stance on Gaza?
You act as if Biden only has this one interest group to worry about. Not all Democrats agree on the Israel/Gaza situation.
James are you saying if Biden followed a different policy on Israel’s campaign in Gaza he might risk losing voters who support the current policy?
I'm saying that this issue isn't as cut and dry and the pro-Palestinian crowd makes it out to be. So yes, completely abandoning Israel would have a massive backlash for Democrats with voters who actually vote.
yeah some like biden are fascists
you can’t simultaneously argue that Biden can’t possibly effect extremely important things like Gaza policy, COVID policy, out of control GOP governors regarding immigration; AND that he’s been “very effective”
the "perfect as the enemy of the good" canard doesn't hit as hard when the "good" includes genocide.
I am fine letting bad and its enemy bad fight it out without my vote
Here’s the thing, for me “Perfect- enemy of Good”? Yep, agree It’s a binary choice. One can have real issues with Biden, feel Biden isn’t “this or that” or “let me down” because your ideology is more important than our democracy, but the truth of the matter is… … this is the bad needing defeat
"Good" in the case is Genocide. You just called genocide good. Congrats.
Welcome to language. That’s not what he said.
Except he literally did. His example of the good in this is literally a man who is doing genocide. Go jerk off to dead Palestinian children and leave me alone, freak.
Sometimes words have both a literal meaning and a metaphorical one.
The idea that asking for better means demanding perfection means you are assuming that what already exists is already as close to perfect as it's practically possible for anything to be
“Asking for better” but refusing to consider that things are, in fact, better than where we might have been had Biden handled things differently
How dare I focus on reality rather than inventing hypothetical universes and focusing on them instead. I don't know what I was thinking tbh.