
It’s interesting to observe how leftists who have spent years minimizing threat posed by Trump (bc they’ve been too busy shitting on Biden) are now pretending to be singularly focused on beating Trump (by pushing out Biden). Color me skeptical that they’d happily support Harris.
Given that most of them VIGOROUSLY opposed Harris during the 2020 primaries, I have little doubt of how they would react
“Kamala is a cop! She prosecuted people for cannibis crimes! She threatened to arrest parents who were too poor to sent their children to school!”
Yes, she did all those things, which is why she sucks. Good eye!
"She's shrill! Also uppity!"
It's the internet be careful Im just tired of people yelling how I should think Fuck off paid boy How I should think I hate rich people yelling how I should vote I'll do it then, get off me
This is the sort of comment where it would be useful to provide receipts of what you're criticizing. Because otherwise it reads as a weird srawman.
Every MSNBC, CNN, etc talking head gasped after the debate and said this isn't acceptable. It's not the left, the left's voices aren't all over MSNBC and CNN
Truly an example of how twitter/bluesky isn't real life. Morning Joe is seen by easily 1000x more people per day than will ever see those posts. The (now I guess bolshie) NYT opeds have far more influence and reach than Max Berger lol
That’s far more tepid than what’s going all across MSM this morning
Most of the 'pushing out Biden' stuff I've been seeing is from centrists, not leftists.
no, we were similarly against biden in 2020 because his odds of recreating a 2016 scenario were the highest of any of the pool other than, like, bloomberg
god we got through that one by the skin of our teeth
lol the more that guy speaks publicly for the world to see, the greater the odds of him losing
happy to support Harris, as one of those leftists. She’s got the better shot. Hope you get successful treatment for your terminal 2016 primary brain, the rest of us are worried about the republic
Seriously, what is this dudes deal? Punching left even at a time like this is serious brain rot.
I think it burns him that the people he makes into bogeymen were fundamentally right about Biden’s incapacity and have been for years
Leftists didn't start this lol, it was centrist pundits.
Penning my NYT editorial, leftistly
that editorial didn't just fall out of the coconut tree! HA HA HA HAH HA. it exists in the context of all that is, and all that came before it.
Labeled by Bluesky Moderation Service
Then you're not actually left of anything
I am to the right of “let the entire country get destroyed”
Country, or its institutions?
Well in the US leftist just means left of Fascism.
Isn't she going to be the VP anyway if Biden wins?
Have you considered the "shitting on Biden" might have been because leftists were afraid of this exact situation we are in?
If Biden does, in fact, drop out, all the "Harris is a cop" talk is going to come back in a tidal wave of lefty righteousness. That's how it was in 2020. The burn-it-all-down caucus is still a force to be reckoned with... somehow.
Mmm, on the one hand I've also seen more of this rhetoric from non-lefties, on the other hand I've blocked hundreds of alt-left dirtbags in the past couple of weeks. Speaking of which, there sure are some blockables here in your mentions!
One of two things I don't like about BlueSky. Too many aggressively obnoxious and belligerent lefties.
They can show how much they support her by voting for Biden-Harris. If he can no longer do the job, she steps right in…it’s almost like there was already a plan in place for this sort of thing…😒
Labeled by Bluesky Moderation Service
You'd be fine with a Trump presidency. Your politics and his are nearly the same anyway. No wonder you're fine with the Dems running a senile old man as candidate, it's not like it matters to you if Trump wins.
This bizarre take gets 3 likes.
Liberals, 2016: "Stop calling Trump a fascist, you're overreacting" Liberals, 2024: "Why didn't you warn us he was a fascist?"
Nice imaginary world you've come up with there where liberals aren't still the ones telling leftists we have to vote for Biden or Trumo will usher in fascism. Where liberals haven't always warned about fascism while leftists called Biden "senile" and complained about Bernie losing again.
I’m not a leftist. I love Joe Biden. I do not believe he has the capacity to do the job for four more years even if he wins re-election which right now seems doubtful. The actuarial tables say he’d almost certainly die in office, sparking a constitutional crisis. I’d cheerfully support VP Harris.
I love you, Aaron, and truthfully I know zero “leftists” who fit that description. All the ones I know were screaming Biden was too old in 2020, and were told to stfu & vote for him anyway because “only a centrist can beat Trump.” And they’ve all been screaming about Trump since 2016.
I'm a leftist, and while none of my leftists friends like or trust the democratic party very much, I don't think anyone I know wants Trump to win. Plenty of leftists vote blue and I'm sick of liberals shouting otherwise. Fuck, the democrats win the popular vote almost every time. People vote.
It just feels so shitty how libs aren't blaming the voter suppression, aren't blaming the gerrymandering, aren't blaming the money in politics, or questioning whether the primaries work as well as they could. No, it's the leftists because they hate having to vote for an Israel supporter.
They wish leftists would just shut up and fall in line like the republicans do. They want leftists to not only vote for their guy, but to smile and like it as well. Even if they're Muslim-Americans whose families are being killed. Jesus fuck I hate it.
All the leftists I know are blaming those things as well.
I hope I didn’t give the impression that I think some leftists should either vote for Trump or stay home. This is literally an existential crisis and we can’t. I’m just trying to note how our warnings are repeatedly dismissed.
Oh no, I was agreeing with you.
Calling out shallow reactionary Biden-hating “leftists” as the ones who want Biden to step down ignores huge segments of the Venn diagram who are proud leftists AND genuinely concerned for Biden, party, and country. We'll need us and them and everyone else too. Supposed motivations don't matter.
I only agree with the minimizing part. The idea that “it wasn’t that bad before and won’t be that bad now” runs a lot thru discourse esp among Centrist Dems who still struggle with the few “leftist” policies he has enacted.