Average Jane

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Average Jane


I mostly talk about pets, board games, gardening, coffee and recipes. I only speak for myself. Yes, I will go to brunch with you. | She/her
I can’t enjoy those videos of people rolling glass jars down stairs or off a building because all I can think about is the cleanup.
I don’t know how I got so lucky, but in my household of four cats and a dog, there is 100% dgaf about fireworks. Every one of them is all, “This has nothing to do with me.”
Reposted byAvatar Average Jane
I can’t think of a clever caption for this. It just breaks my fucking heart.
Reposted byAvatar Average Jane
Do you sing the choppin broccoli song when you prepare broccoli or are you young
My birthday is next week and I’ve already gotten my coupons for a free donut, $5 off a coffee (which will cover a drip coffee completely), and a free sub sandwich. That’ll be a good day.
See a tort, share a tort! This is Trillian with her typical expression.
See a tort share a tort!!
Headed out this morning to help the spouse set up for this. If you’re in the Kansas City area and drums are your thing, you should stop by.
When I was helping my dad downsize, BuyNothing was amazing for getting rid of nice, usable things that were too small to sell. 1/
I found much joy in buy-nothing Facebook groups and just putting stuff on my porch and posting pictures. All it required was PM-ing people my address for pick up - no haggling, no bartering, first-come-first-served, no holds. I have been AMAZED at the stuff people will take off my hands…
I appreciate the rain we got last night but today’s humidity is no bueno.
I’m being viewed with suspicion.
Reposted byAvatar Average Jane
At last, a scientific study that proves my lifestyle is objectively better than yours
Sedentary coffee drinkers had a 24 percent reduced risk of mortality compared with those who sat for more than six hours and didn’t drink coffee, according to the lead author of a study published recently in the journal BMC Public Health.
More good news for coffee drinkers from a study of sitting and sippingwww.washingtonpost.com Sedentary coffee drinkers had a 24 percent reduced risk of mortality compared with sedentary non-coffee-drinkers, a researcher found.
My dad also has a bobcat story. He was working in a logging camp and one morning he awoke in his cabin to find a bobcat kitten curled up next to him in bed. He tossed it out the window while it was still sleepy, before Mama Bobcat had a chance to come looking for it.
Reposted byAvatar Average Jane
Share your kiddie nightmare fuel. Johnny Sokko and His Flying Robot, Terrifying Space Mummy episode. It made me afraid of drinking fountains. (We watched whatever was on TV when I was a kid, okay?)
Share your kiddie nightmare fuel. The Dark Crystal. Terrifying.
Me welcoming new users to Bluesky.
me, welcoming new users on bluesky
Reposted byAvatar Average Jane
Reskeet your age using a vague proxy: Dialing a number on a corded phone to find out what time it was.
repost your age using a vague proxy: I can still decode numeric pager messages
I would like to request that the critters in my back yard stop knocking over the birdbath during the night.
One of the cats brought me a ball to play fetch and after several throws, the dog found HER fetch toy for me to throw. They don’t respect my work hours, is what I’m saying.
Reposted byAvatar Average Jane
It was quite a depressing scene in the recent Little Women movie, when Jo gets offered $150 for a story in the 1860s, and I thought that was more than most places offer now.
It’s a good day to boil kettles of water to kill weeds.
If you see this, post something yellow.
If you see this, post something yellow
All the peony bushes that bloomed in my yard this year. (Actually, there are two of the white one, but they’re the same.)
Fungus of the day from my yard. It’s a phallus hadriani or dune stinkhorn according to Google Image Search.
Saw Cake in concert tonight and learned that they give away a tree at every show and people post updates about them on the band website. www.cakemusic.com/copy-of-forest
FOREST | CAKE Musicwww.cakemusic.com A world map of the trees and their owners provided by CAKE at shows.
Making strawberry jam and for a hot second I thought I was somehow low on jar rings until I stumbled across the grocery sack full of them that I’d forgotten in the 15 minutes since I put it on the counter.
Heard a catbird for the first time (as far as I know) while buying my garden plants for the summer. Sounds just like a loud kitten!
New rule: If all the pets in your house are in bed with you when it’s time to start working, you automatically get PTO. Aw dang, one of the cats just jumped down. Guess I’ll get up.