Bad Horse

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Bad Horse

Reposted byAvatar Bad Horse
They say you should never say bad things about the dead, only good. Bennett Braun is dead. Good. So many were imprisoned, harmed, or killed because of this hack's fraudulent "psychiatry" that fueled the satanic panic. The fact he lived a full life is his final injustice. Rest In Piss, Bennett.
Bennett Braun, Psychiatrist Who Fueled ‘Satanic Panic,’ Dies at He diagnosed dozens of patients with what he said were suppressed memories of being tortured by cults. He later lost his license.
Reposted byAvatar Bad Horse
Ah, yes, what we remember about Hitler and Mussolini is their genius
Such a weird place to be as a country.
Reposted byAvatar Bad Horse
PSA: I am asking everyone to please use the ALT tag when posting pix. It only takes a few seconds, is the right thing to do for people with low vision, and it can be used to add extra info or even something funny (as long as you get the basic description in there first). Please.
Reposted byAvatar Bad Horse
I don’t know who wrote this, but it’s absolutely perfect
Reposted byAvatar Bad Horse
Reposted byAvatar Bad Horse
I call Elon Musk's social media platform "X" because I want to remind people that Twitter is gone. We can't make it "ours" again by calling it Twitter. It was never a public space, which is why one edgelord billionaire could kill it. Beware of privately-owned spaces that masquerade as town squares.
Reposted byAvatar Bad Horse
Reposted byAvatar Bad Horse
Reposted byAvatar Bad Horse
Fuck this hustle-culture bullshit. When I’m a skeleton I’m not doing a goddamn thing
Reposted byAvatar Bad Horse
I recently made a comic complaining that NASA refuses to listen to my good ideas for improving the Solar System ( To my delight, NASA’s Science Mission Directorate has sent me an actual expert panel evaluation of my “flatten the planets” proposal! Sadly, they decided not to fund it.
Reposted byAvatar Bad Horse
I love the Murderbot series of books by Martha Wells. So, I decided to read one of her fantasy books - King of the Witches - even though I'm not a big fantasy guy. Let me tell you, Martha Wells is amazing. Her imagination is off the charts and she's a masterful prose writer.
Reposted byAvatar Bad Horse
Reposted byAvatar Bad Horse
Reposted byAvatar Bad Horse
In the great sacrifice chamber In the high tower In the basalt castle overlooking Lake Hali There was a crystal ball And a three-lobed burning eye... Goodnight chamber. Goodnight dead moon. Goodnight crystal ball And the three-lobed burning eye Goodnight shoggoths Goodnight moths Goodnight kittens
Reposted byAvatar Bad Horse
Reposted byAvatar Bad Horse
Everyone knows about the 14th Amendment Sec 3 cases. But there's also a 14th Amendment Sec 2 case, which if successful would strip congressional seats & electoral votes from states that disenfranchise voters. Longtime civil rights attorney Michael Meltsner explains:
After Section 3 Comes Section The election lawsuit about the 14th Amendment that you might not know about
Reposted byAvatar Bad Horse
St Louis! Coming your way this spring! *Technically still winter
Reposted byAvatar Bad Horse
Don’t let anyone from made up countries like “Australia” say happy new year to you before it’s midnight here, time was invented by Americans and it’s our call when it’s a new year
Reposted byAvatar Bad Horse
End of feed.