
PSA: I am asking everyone to please use the ALT tag when posting pix. It only takes a few seconds, is the right thing to do for people with low vision, and it can be used to add extra info or even something funny (as long as you get the basic description in there first). Please.
Amazing to me that I can ask (even using "please") that people help those with bad vision, and I get a couple of assholes complaining I'm telling them what to do.
ALT: they are assholes (i try to use alt test all the time. i've missed some, but a quick check of my images shows i've remembered a lot recently)
i have the ALT text reminder configured in my settings so that helps a lot
It takes so little effort to behave like a decent human. JFC.
Hopefully you threw them down the Forgetting Hole.
I'm trying to remember Phil, I'm trying.🫡
It's as if those types have become emboldened in the last 8 or 9 years.
Sorry about that, but those people are the ones who so easily get blocked for just being jerks
I spend most of my time on Mastodon, where filling in the Alt/Text is done by almost everyone. I had to learn to do it, too. But I have a deaf/blind follower who mentioned once that what I write gives her a full understanding of the photo, and I now do it every single time. Because why not?
you can also put it in bluesky's settings for it to require you to add alt text! literally a single switch under accessibility, so you never forget to do it!
Yup. It's great. Having that reminder on really helps.
I found turning in the setting to make it mandatory really helps. It's something so small that really helps make the community more accessible
I did that myself. It also makes it where I have to think about what I'm posting and if the image is really necessary.
Last time I asked someone to use alt text they blocked me! Hope You have more success.
Once you’re in the habit of doing this every time it becomes second nature.
Bluesky Team, maybe hash uploaded images & save the Alt text so next time the same image is uploaded give the poster the option to use existing text, edit existing text, or write new text. Also maybe a button to autopost to; #AltText Ty.
If you're feeling particularly pressed for time, this exists:
the thing is, alt text is frequently contextual to the post / thread / poster, so you can't just reuse it every time
True, but this would help, as if you are able to select from the last.. say 5 alt text uploads and edit them. I try to add alt text, however if I’m tired and it is the same image I’ve uploaded and alt texted before it become tedious. I also am sight impaired, again not making it easy.
You can always ask for help. The Alt4Me keyword summons human volunteers to supply alt text for posted images. noaltfeed
Ty, I did not know anything about alt text support
I’ve learned to write the post *and* the alt text in notepad, then copy/paste the whole thing & delete as needed. This also makes one a little more intentional about posting, which is probably a good thing.
That's an image description, not alt text. I think that's part of what stops a lot of folks is that they think we're asking for in depth image descriptions. This alt text could literally be "image from airline pamphlet"
Screen readers already say that there's an image. If the context is airlines ppl will understand that the image they aren't seeing relates to airlines. "Image from airline pamphlet" adds no information. The point is to allow ppl to be as in on the conversation as *sighted* ppl. Hence a DESCRIPTION.
You're correct. Image descriptions and alt text are (for whatever reason) considered to be one and the same on Bluesky. 🤷🏾‍♂️
it would be nice if you could add alt text after something is posted (im guilty of forgetting alt text) :(
There is a setting to require adding the alt text before posting. Maybe activating that would be a good reminder for you?
You can respond to the post yourself with this, I believe?
I'm definitely prone to adding "because he's a huge piece of shit" after posting (and properly identifying) photos of Republicans
There’s a nice setting that reminds you to do it.
Some of us (ok, me) have no idea what you’re even talking about.
Alt text describes an image. Screen-readers will read it aloud so people who are visually impaired can hear what’s in the image. It means people who depend on screen readers will get the point or joke you’re making. More here:
Image An introduction to how accessibility impacts images on social media.
Thank you. I now know what it is. Not sure how to include it tho.
I did a thread a while back which had a basic how to… for BlueSky.
OK, but then how. Add an image. Tap on that ‘alt’ button. Describe the image and then hit save. Damn. Lost track of my thread numbering. Er, 6/n
So when you are posting a photo, it has the word "alt" in the top left, showing before you click reply/post. You click "alt" and type a description of what the pic shows. If it's a text screenshot, I paste the text into the alt text. If it's a photo, your description works best! Click the alt text 😀
I find it very useful when someone posts an image I don’t recognise in a meme thread! I’ll be like “what’s that from?” And if there’s alt text it normally tells me.
Yes!! It helps me get the reference/inside joke and I don't feel left out.
Let me try this out.
That's at least a foot and a half.
So you know how stuff is getting harder to read for some of us as we level up (get older)? Alt text is an editable text field built into bluesky for images, so I can click on the text field and read a description of it. I sometimes use the magnifier accessibility tool, but it doesn't always help.
I’m with you on the failing eyesight bit. I don’t know how to include alt text tho.
I replied with a how-to, let me know if it works. I got bifocals, and I still can't see! I had to give up all sorts of stuff like sewing because my eyes just won't focus on anything close. My kid got a splinter, and someone else had to remove it. It sucks!!!!
I hear you. My hobbies have changed to ones I can do without having to see small details. Thankfully making beer doesn’t take great eyesight!