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software engineer, PLT + FP geek
sometimes musician, often photographer
liberal socialist
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@incrementalized from Twitter
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a new life awaits you in the offline colonies
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were adam and eve in a situationship
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One of my favourite Art Deco pieces, over the door of the Fulton County Dept. of Health and Wellness. Swole spirit of medicine fights off the grim spectre of death, reminding you that medicine is Cool
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Hickey drastically underestimates the impact of static type systems on program correctness, especially those derived from categorical laws? You got that from r/Haskell, right? Yea I read that too. Were you gonna plagiarize the whole thing for us? Do you have any thoughts of your own on this matter?
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Well as a matter of fact, I won’t, because Hickey drastically underestimates the impact of static-
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and the UNIX philosophy. Thats gonna last until next year, then youre gonna be in here regurgitating Rich Hickey, talkin about, you know, the difference between ease and simplicity and immutability and time and designing systems from uncomplected components.
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Of course thats your contention. Youre a 1st year programmer. You just got finished writin some REST backend, node.js probably. Youre gonna be convinced of that til next month you get to Rob Pike and then youre gonna be talkin about goroutines and message passing and how concurrency isnt parallelism
"software engineering isn't real engineering" is mostly cope
"all u-turners will be barked at"
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Biden’s other problem is that his only memorable line was that Trump has “the morals of an alley cat”, which fundamentally misreads how people feel about cats in 2024 vs 1954
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"Why does Biden look and sound fine when his campaign is shooting him on film the day after and didn't when it was the news hand of David Zaslav's company?" has its own answer if you just think about it a little bit
alright folks what’s the steelman for replacing Biden at this point? not having watched the debate my general feeling is that it probably doesn’t matter that much however bad it was.
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Overturning Chevron is going to usher in an era where self-taught judicial expertise in technical areas such as chemistry, statistics, mechanical engineering, biology, geomorphology, epidemiology, mathematics, and many other fields will once more be able to shine forth as it did in the Middle Ages.
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Joe Biden and Donald Trump are only three and a half years apart in age. It's not that one of them is significantly older than the other. What I am saying is, there would be no problematic age gap were they to fall in love.
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Is Tipping Culture Out Of Control? Not So Fast, Say These Extremely Corrupt Justices
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There is a road near LAX named “Sepulveda Westway,” and I submit this is a truly powerful wife name. If you had a wife named Sepulveda Westway, who would dare stand against you?
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Jacobin article at 9am on a Monday: A low key really insightful 4,000 word piece on the obscure history of the social-democratic tradition in prewar Florida and Georgia Jacobin article at 1:30pm on a Wednesday: Here's Why We Should Legalize Drinking Whiskey While Flying An Airplane, For Socialism
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Back in 2021, I started wondering why the Northeastern US has so many window air conditioning units, and so few homes with central AC - which sent me down an interesting data-crunching and map-making path. The regional differences remain pretty stunning.
Why the Northeast Sucks at Air Conditioning (And Other Cool Facts)faineg.substack.com Using data to explain why some parts of the US are less cool than others.
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real blackpill moment these last couple years is how many leftists would prefer low prices without unions, tho they’d claim the opposite but i take solace in the fact that if the attendance of the 2023 cricket world cup joined the left, us left would double or triple in numbers. wait,,,no thats ba
Sony isn’t allergic to unions either.
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Roberts: wait Bruen says WHAT? Fuck fuck fuck I gotta stop voting on shit when I’m drunk. Okay. You can do this Johnny. You went to Harvard. Let’s parse our way out of this mess. Fuckin’ Thomas, I should have known better.
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So once again if you are someone who is somehow informed about these deliberations or has a keener eye than me on the coverage (I can only halfway read Arabic, even less so Hebrew) hit me up.
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It is also not clear 1. If the Council will ever have a democratic mandate 2. If the Council has a time-bound transitional element into statehood 3. If the blockade of Gaza will be permanently lifted 4. If Gaza will have its airport and seaport finally rebuilt 5. If the Israelis will commit to 2SS.
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It is not clear 1) to what extent this ideas is actually developed and whether or not it comes with the input of the PLO or any of the Arab states, 2) whether this "Council" will also eventually take over the West Bank as well, 3) how the U.S. expects the Israelis, of any government, to agree to it.
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According to the eminent reporter Nahal Toosi though this idea remains in flux and is not yet fully concretized, in large part because Israel doesn't want any Palestinian autonomy at all and because the Arab states think anything which doesn't move towards statehood insufficient.
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The "Temporary Security Mission for Gaza" would have either an Israeli/Egyptian, or otherwise Arab, commander in-chief who shares decision-making authority with an American “Director-General” to "coordinate with Israel and help train and advise the force’s members." per POLITICO.
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There is a still-developing plan in the Biden administration to propose the establishment of a broadly defined "Palestinian Council", made up partially of PA officials but also other unnamed figures, to govern Gaza with Arab League peacekeepers led by a U.S. civil appointee. 🧵
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when you seek to define an rpc, first dig two graves
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Excluding actual wars, Brexit is one of the greatest own-goals of all time. Britain and Europe had forged something their finest leaders and intellectuals considered an impossible dream: an alliance of shared prosperity. Then Britain tore it up in a fit of nativist dipshittery.
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