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Never too late for breakfast, never too early for a beer (fewer pancakes than you might expect). Here for food, beer, Disney, dad stuff...
My wife made a joke about going to Disney next weekend. I laughed...then checked my calendar (just in case)
Pizza! 🍽️🍜 Cheese for the kids, sausage for the adults (the one has roasted red pepper too)
See also: croissant-athon...where competitors fold in butter, then run/bike/swim during the chilling steps (obviously spectators just eat excessive amounts of pastries)
Today we were explaining triathlons to our youngest and she thought we said they included swimming, BAKING, and running...and now I want that to be a thing Swim 750 meters Bake a chocolate layer cake Run 5k
Grilling during the kids rest time 🍜🍽️
They also got rid of some of my favorite food...they should really check with me about this stuff
We booked our next Disney trip today...and then they changed how lightning lanes work
We booked our next Disney trip today...and then they changed how lightning lanes work
Breakfast today is an egg white omelet with ham, spinach, cheese, and then topped with a spicy garlic hot sauce. Normally I like a mix of egg whites and whole eggs, but we're out of the latter 🍽️🍜
Dan dan noodles have been very present in my internet wanderings so I improvised something with what I had (chili crisp, peanut butter, spaghetti...etc) and it came out pretty good (taste better than photo) 🍜🍽️
Leftover pork shoulder steak and eggs for lunch today🍽️🍜
Grilled pork shoulder steaks for the first time tonight. I cooked them to about 140-145F then wrapped them up to rest until dinner time. I'm pleased with how they turned out. 🍽️😊
Breakfast for lunch: homemade sausage with chili crisp fried eggs
I put my scapes in an omelet, but really the local eggs stole the show...look at that color! 🍜🍽️
Reposted byAvatar Trevor
This was me going in for one last taco last night for Taco Tuesday. You can't really see the garlic scapes, I sliced them pretty thin before sautéing them with the rest of the ingredients but the flavor was phenomenal.
My first garden harvest...garlic scapes!
See below for garlic scape inspiration:
I took some of them, sliced thin like I'd slice scallions, threw them in a sautee pan with butter, diced red onion, candied orange, and black beans with a little crushed chile, cumin, a dash of cinnamon, and some diced leftover BBQ chicken breast. About to have a hell of a taco.
Watching theme park YouTube videos as a parent means constantly wondering if my child is crying or just some kid in the background (we're planning a cedar point trip if anyone here has recommendations)
I probably should harvest my garlic scapes this week...I'm thinking of putting some on a pizza. What else should I put on the pizza? (Sausage? Potato?) 🍽️🍜
Not much cooking today, but I did take my girls to the zoo...and I got myself a treat when we stopped for snacks. This is something like a passion fruit or guava IPA and was a solid choice for a hot day
Dinner tonight: mixed grill with burgers and country style ribs (not pictured: pasta from our local pasta shop) 🍜🍽️
That chuck steak from last night was part of a Costco pack and so tonight I ground some of it for burgers, and some is getting braised for general shredded beef consumption
Reposted byAvatar Trevor
Thinking of how shitty the internet has become, a good time to remind folks that I still write my own blog, filled with science, history of science, posts about weird fiction, and more!
Skulls in the The intersection of physics, optics, history and pulp fiction
Experimented with the reverse sear using a "can of smoke" to sort of smoke a chuck eye on the grill tonight...I am very pleased with how it turned out 🍽️🍜
Breakfast and lunch today used the baked goods from yesterday...fried eggs with rye toast, and turkey cheese burger on the burger buns 🍽️😊
Back to baking...I made a loaf of rye and some burger buns today 🍜🍽️
Every time I walk into the kitchen I can smell the peaches... it's awesome
My summer is officially starting...yesterday was the elder's last day of school and our first peach truck delivery
The bunnies have eaten the snap pea plants I started from seed and all the pepper and tomato plants I bought...the only stuff left in my garden is the garlic and potatoes
Also, the school gave us some extra maybe I'll buy some heavy cream to make ice cream? I'm thinking snicker doodle...
My summer is officially starting...yesterday was the elder's last day of school and our first peach truck delivery