
I wouldn't want to live with any of them
Things are accelerating so fast Ben I don’t know how much time left you have an NBC, but it might be time to start yelling as much as you can about this. I don’t know what else to say.
Yeah I was doing that all year and I think most people believe I embarrassed myself. Not being doomy here, but resigned to a really rough time for the immediate future.
Find the people you love and remind them of that, imo. It's the best thing we got. Sorry to sound like a fuckin' Beatles song.
You’re saying the same thing I’ve been telling people which is find communities and build communities with people you care about, and trust and find the resilience in that that you can because this is about to become real out of hand and that is one of the few ways we can do it. 
I don't think you meant it this way but it sounds a lot like 'hunker down with nice people until the Nazis come kill you." That seems like the end result of the more grassroots stuff, at any rate. If you ask me, the problem is that these people should be afraid to leave their homes, but aren't.
What I’m saying is the Nazis will come doortodoor and black bag people and a lot of people are gonna fucking die. There will be camps There will be industrial scale death and if you’re not prepared to build a community that is resilient enough to try and fight that back you will probably not do well
Still perfectly on point as it was then ... And too few did that first step because then they're responsible to stand for something whether it's seen as popular or not
Why don’t we do it in the road?
No one will be watching us.
Ah... The days before CCTV...
Ack! I hadn’t read this before my 1st reply!! 😲
You have *not* embarrassed yourself. I have been so grateful for your reporting.
Can you say more about this? I remember you brought up anti-trans extremism on Morning Joe once and they just brushed it off
Oh, I know you’ve done your best. I just don’t know what to do either because I’m feeling the exact same way. I think all of us who are in this sphere are kind of feeling lost right now as to what to do. 
Lead a mass movement to relocate progressives to low population red electoral strongholds..
Ben, Anyone who thinks you embarrassed yourself is not taking the threat seriously enough. Thank you for doing what you did, despite your frustration.
It's the start of 2024. Elon Musk thinks his very public support for white supremacists, Trump & Alex Jones won't hurt Tesla. Everyone thinks Trump will be GOP nominee. Things can change quickly, check back in later. And thank you to every journalist standing up to fascism. 2024 will be a good year.
Thanks for being all yelly. People who do the work that I do are afraid and we're disheartened from watching everything we warned about taking place. You were helpful.
I was willing to stick my neck out there for years. Until my sons and grandkids became targets. ❤️
You've been so vindicated in such an awful way.
I think this likely extends a fair ways beyond the immediate unfortunately.
At least you can sleep well at night knowing you did what you could within a system that seems otherwise hellbent on our total destruction
The only embarrassing thing are those chop suey sandwiches, yuck
You've been heroic.
Not me. Thanks for all your hard work.
You absolutely did not embarrass yourself! You've been an amazing and insightful voice through this shit.
Gonna disagree with that first point. To the second, I feel the gloom, and yet can’t help but rage, rage against the dusky doom. I’d probably sleep a whole lot better if I could resign myself, but late-stage capitalism doth murder sleep. (How’s that for a nonsensical mashup—who needs AI?)
Let’s make a kickstarter to put them all in a spacecraft and send them away. First and last stop: the sun.
It's easier to fire them out of the solar system (takes about 10% less energy IIRC)
But with the luck we have, they might find a way to come back 😱
Confident Musk doesn't have the skills to fix a badly flawed air system.
Use nuclear salt rockets. They can reach a couple % of the speed of light. It's only the way to be sure.
You’d think it would be the other way around. Thinking about it if they’re in a sealed container you don’t even need to launch them. Just wait.
Yes you would think so, but I guess we're thinking 'oh that's a long distance' rather than 'how much work needs to be done' - which is the issue. To fly into the sun, you need to kill your orbital velocity.
Maybe they're all interested in taking a submarine to see the Titanic
All we need is one hero engineer to make a rounding error.
You really just need one accident prone janitor to bump into something that causes a cataclysmic domino effect. Would make a great movie.
I'd rather send them to the Sun as part of a slingshot manoeuvre to launch them tf out of the Solar System. Because you know if they were launched INTO the Sun, their last words would be some pseudo-philosophical quip about how they would become part of Earth's life-giving essence or some shit.
In that little cohort is everything that is wrong with the world.
Please make space for some more people, Putin for example
tuning into this seems like it would constitute self harm
Too bad they couldn't be in the same physical space because then a meteor would have a chance to do the funniest thing
You can't even try to make jokes about it. It's fucking horrible and scary.