Benjamin Gorman

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Benjamin Gorman

Author, poet, abolitionist teacher, publisher at Not A Pipe Publishing, host of Writers Not Writing, intersectional feminist, anti-racist, SFWA member, (he/him).
Thank you for being on the show,! Such a fun episode!
On this episode, gabs with, author of CASCADE and co-host of WIZARDS & SPACESHIPS, about the Second Greatest Art Feud Of All Time, a kinder internet, and Whale Weekly. Today’s secret phrase is: Vantablack
the democratic party doesn’t want you to know this but we can all FORM A FUCKING WALL AGAINST THE FASH and they can’t stop us even if we vote for them
Did I mention Havoc is a big dog? Because he doesn't know that.
Look what arrived today! It's an adorable Little Golden Book that tells the story of Alien via the ABCs 🤣. Text by Charles Gould. Wonderful art by Joey Chou. I can't wait to share this with my SciFi Lit classes after we watch the movie!
it's not that you have to see it happening in order to help... like i dont have to see the hate aimed at my daughter because she's gay in order to empathize with her struggles—i call out homophobia when i see/hear it, rather than waiting for her to tell me. we just need white allies to do the same.
Havoc got to meet Noah today. 🥰
Progressive values and Democrats are not responsible for this violence. There is no both sides here. Violent rhetoric is the bread and butter of modern extreme conservatism. And lax gun laws put a semiautomatic rifle in the hands of a gunman.
Reminder to myself: No matter how anxious you get, if you can make a dinner of Tillamook white cheddar cheese, Gallo salame, mini peppers, and Ritz crackers in less than four minutes, you have a lot to be grateful for.
A lot of people are going to be posting a lot of regretable things today. I feel sorry for the Secret Service. Beat him at the ballot box, people.
"While I was writing, my pet dire wolf fell asleep on my foot, and he's so heavy I have pins and needles in my toes," is a sentence I'll bet no one has ever written before, and I'm so glad it's true!
Tonight I learned Endor is the moon where Ewoks live and also the planet Endor rotates around. Some people get big mad about the "wokism" of Star Wars (telling on themselves) or at Jar Jar (I used to, but I got over it), but THIS is the real outrage.
Just thought of a really important question: Is Endor the moon or the planet? If it's the name of the moon, what's the planet? If it's the planet, does the moon have its own name?
Here's Chrystal buried in two puppies and a wolf:
If the word “white” were added to every story about Trump voters it probably would change the entire framing of this campaign in ways that we can’t comprehend.
Just to be clear, that 40-45% of voters are 90% white. The refusal to accept that as a fact is why we are where we are right now. It really do be your own people.
I'd like to introduce you all to our new pet, a dire wolf named Havoc. Chrystal, in her wedding vows, promised not to bring home EVERY stray animal she came across, and two and a half weeks later, we have another pet. I already love him. I have a wizard's familiar, now!
Hey, Readers! My publisher,, wants to make a book club, and they want your input. Just 11 questions, and you'll help me in the competition. Tell 'em I sent you so I win! 😀 All respondents will get $10 off and some free shorts stories.
You know those hipsters who would discover a band, like their sound, then turn on them when they became popular because the hipsters valued being edgy more than the music? This post is about those Leftists who would rather let Fascists win (or flip and become them) to be edgy.
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE SHARE, SPACE UNICORNS! The Uncanny Magazine Year 11: This One Goes to ELEVEN! Kickstarter is LIVE! Only *you* can make a 11th year of Uncanny Magazine happen! Help us make more magic, Space Unicorns!!!
Watching The Avengers dubbed into Lakota. I don't speak Lakota, but then neither did the original cast, and they came back to create this. Cool to hear their voices in Lakota!
‘The Avengers’ Lakota dub hits Project members share their on-set experiences and their hopes for Lakota youth
Check it out! Inside Edgar the Raven, some wasps found a good place to make a nest. Gross, but also very metal! 🤘
Project 2025: This really is what we're going to do. MAGA voters: Kill the people who scare me! Lock them up! Lock them up! GOP voters: I can vote for them because they won't do what they say they'll do. Leftists: Vote 3rd party. Make things worse, and more people will become Leftists. Me: 🤯
According to Project 2025: Being gay is equal to pornography. A teacher who purveys pornography is a sex offender. Ergo all gay teachers are sex offenders. As a gay teacher, this is terrifying. We must defeat this.
I want to double click on Project 2025's concerns about porn. Not only do they argue pornography should be outlawed at the federal level, but that anyone who produces/distributes it should be imprisoned. What's more, teachers and librarians who "purvey" porn should be registered as sex offenders.
AIs are bad at everything except being hilarious
The names! The reviewers' names!
Y'all need to buy new book, which I am referencing here cause I don't think you fully understand the depth and breadth of the evangelical right's depraved, evil agenda and stranglehold on the country. Talia lays it all out. It is *essential* reading for all Americans.
Project 2025 is a creation of Evangelicals and it's the core mission of the evangelical right. It's what major evangelical organizations have been building towards for decades. It's not fringe. (I just fact checked a whole book a out this.)
Wild From the author of Culture Warlords, a sweeping investigation of the Christian-right that scrutinizes the toxic religious and political forces that are shapi...
I think a lot about how the Nazis were voted into office. But that outcome wasn't inevitable—people could've made a different choice. Fascism is like a vampire; you must first invite it inside.
The UK and France just proved that getting out and actually voting makes a difference. Don’t let anyone ever tell you differently.
Look how fun shutting down fascists is. I want this for us, too