Betty Widerski (aka Betty4Cats)

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Betty Widerski (aka Betty4Cats)

Rock violist in band
40+ years in IT
Trumpet mentor in
She/her, cis lesbian
Owned by 4 cats
Threw a couple bath towels in with the new sheets so I must sit on the washer to keep it from unbalancing while spinning.
I hope the Amazon stair ramps & wheelchair work for ~8 weeks intermittent use, but if not at least I can return them in 30 days. (I’m fine - for a friend). Rental $$ for them are ridiculous.
To honor my 68th birthday today I bailed on the 2nd half of community brass band outdoor practice (would have required walking 1/4 mi in sunny feels-99F to play 30 min in not much shade) after reading that older ppl don’t sweat as much despite hydrating.
Do we do flat floof Friday here? And yes we have adequate AC so they are not doing this because of heat.
Although my right arm veins were fine for whole blood donation they were deemed inadequate for the 2-arm platelet donation they begged me to do :-( So useless masked subway ride.
The 21 day fitness challenge for which I pledged to exercise outdoors 20 minutes daily started today. So I actually got out to ruck at dawn before the heat and air quality alerts started.
When my Chumby finally became unusable I replaced it with the original Echo Spot and have been satisfied. Realizing that was 7 yrs ago, and 5 yrs since it was discontinued I've picked up one of these for the Prime price plus using the $20 Amazon credit just arrived from donating blood!
Who left this mystery ball of cat fur on the bed? :-)
I welcome the opportunities to block the random trolls and nonthinkers who are piling on a thread because someone would like to see more than one source of a Bad Thing when that source has not been a reliable narrator in the past.
My 3% bonus is going to 501(c)(4) orgs supporting grassroots groups in swing states, because [waves hands at everything]. First up: for federal congressional races. Next: some state legislative contest groups.
Flip The
Looked at this ad for bike jerseys and thought "Do they not understand what being a "Red Shirt" means?!?"
Every so often my wife mentions something unexpected from her earlier life experiences. Right now it’s how she & her UMass Primate Physiology classmates skinned a bear for the Harvard Peabody Museum.
Afternoon #cats for morale: Babushka is our semi feral girl.
Between debates and SCOTUS rulings I saved some #cats for today’s timeline: the many sleeping styles of Riley.
There was a convenient blood drive today.
Heat wave season reminder: one incident of severe heatstroke can cause an acute brain injury, as well as predispose you (generally temporarily) to getting heatstroke again. Do not push past early symptoms of heat exhaustion. Catch it as heat exhaustion, and avoid an ER visit for heatstroke.
So as soon as I could I went back to see what I could find. And what I found was concerning. As climate change is creating more extreme weather it is making outdoor events riskier. And not everyone is prepared. You can find out some of what I learned here. Gift link /2
On a Warming Planet, Outdoor Concerts Need a New Safety As climate change supercharges extreme weather around the world, many concert venues, organizers and fans are ill-prepared for rising risks.
Some weird scam: received this small handful of river rocks shipped via an international depot in LA. Looking on reddit others also received this week.
Reskeet how old you are, using a vague proxy: 2 months after I was born the first transatlantic telephone cable system debuted.
Reskeet how old you are, using a vague proxy: I was on Romper Room.
Our ornamental cherry tree actually has cherries! They are about the size of cranberries.
Who knew playing at a Porchfest in shaded 85F was so much exercise?!
Hi, I'm the IT dept's Institutional Memory sysadmin. My greatest hits include "The reason we've not done it the 5X it's been suggested..., " "Not replacing that 20yo app is going to be bad someday soon," "Backup is not Disaster Recovery," and "'listserv' is not a generic term for any email list."
Hi, I'm an abortion journalist. My greatest hits include "that's not a 'heartbeat bill' that's an abortion ban," "what this random used car salesman thinks about abortion is wholly irrelevant," "not everyone who has abortions is a woman," and "you need to move this conversation to Signal"
I like and I'm hoping they code in the new DMs soon. In the meantime don't think I'm ignoring yours - I can't see them yet unless I'm on the bsky phone app.
I hate when I see someone post their new newsletter whose topic seems interesting, but then I see they are still using Substack. #dontsupportnazisupporters
I've adopted 2 storm drains near my house. I've named them "Hey, Ho, the Wind and the Drain" and "Shelter From the Storm Drain" :-)
Bluesky needs to tune their warning tags a bit. This is a reply from someone to a local bookstore: