Beverly Bambury

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Beverly Bambury

Book publicist since 2012 (horror, SFF, mystery, crime, romance, and more) I also privately coach authors. 🇺🇲+🇨🇦 She/Her
I relate, unfortunately. I have something approaching CFS now. I have weird (painful) arthritis in ONE finger. My brain is swiss cheese. All from COVID. :\ Take care of yourself as best you can.
It is exhausting. I am not sure anyone who doesn't already care is listening, but I am glad you're still saying it.
You can get this at Glasgow Worldcon.
Astronomers suggest that Omega Centauri, a massive globular cluster orbiting our Galaxy, likely has a 20,000 solar mass black hole in its core. spoke with Uni. of QLD's Dr Baumgardt, a co-author on the paper. 📷 ESO 🔭🧪 #SpaceAustralia
That Vance is a direct line to Thiel and Andreessen is truly important. Trump wants their money. Thiel wants to sell billions in Palantir contracts to power Trump’s mass surveillance/ethnic cleansing infrastructure. Pence was the Christian Nationalists’ guy. Vance is reactionary capital’s.
Are you a fan of all of those guys who are directly responsible for making the internet an unusable dogshit hellhole? Well boy do I have a VP for you.
Avatar Well. You nearly killed me. I was eating the most wonderful strawberries while listening to the Hanania episode and then you made that invisible hand joke. For some reason, it cracked me UP and then I inhaled a strawberry. (Briefly, of course, as I am still here 😅😂)
I'm sorry. It's been rough for me too for some reason. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.
For goodness sake stop sharing those stupidly obvious clickbait op eds. Are you new to the Internet or something? Hate media works because you enthusiatocally share the damn stuff, just stop. Stop! These people are of no importance, their opinions only matter because YOU share them. Stop ffs!
Yeah, I never thought he was in on anything and I'm a bit surprised at how many people have gotten into that. At the time I posted this we didn't know anything yet. Now we know someone died, and two injured aside from Trump, and of course the very young person who did this is also dead. (1/2)
My suspicion (purely my own thoughts) is that, being he seems to have been part of the MAGA crowd, that he'd been riled up by all the dangerous revolutionary rhetoric; 20-year-old males are very easy to rile. My son is 20. This all makes me feel ill and deeply sad. (2/2)
Wondering the same thing after seeing the video. I'm looking forward to information about this.
All good. No disrespect here at all. I think we're all full of adrenaline or cortisol or whatever the fuck right now.
Right?? I was just unpacking that with my husband. This isn't me any other time. I feel bad for people who don't deserve it all the time. But my hopes were up for a split second. That's where we are.
"What a whiny little bitch." - Gabby Giffords right now probably
No worries. I totally get it. I'm working *hard* to keep my brain in evidence mode because there are a lot of reasons not to, if that makes any sense.
There are photographers constantly shooting (no pun intended) at these events so I don't think the photo itself is a work, but the incident itself? Maybe?
Sent my dad the tr(mp news and this is his response. I'm screaming.
One thing the GOP does competently, in pursuing its evil agenda, is actually pursue it. Like, they want to make it so that nobody can get health care with a preexisting condition again? They are gonna bring the Obamacare removal vote to the floor a billion times just to make Obama veto it.
I'm kind of wondering this as well, though he did look surprised. Maybe he isn't the one who staged it. Maybe someone who wants him to win. Or Melania finally got tired of him 😅
I kind of hate that someone got an iconic photo of this.
Remember: here's the breaking news handbook. All of these are good rules to stand by at the moment.
That started happening at the end of Event Horizon lol! There's a chance I can't make it tonight, though I've seen this a few times so I could probably chat even if I'm not watching 😂
I really like this one!
hey #horrorwatch fans! tonight tonight is the greatest night of the week! Join us 9PM EST for The Endless! Free to watch on Tubi. Get yourself some timeloopy cosmic horror goodness. All a part of our #watchparty on #horrorsky
The Endless (2017) YouTube video by Umbrella Entertainment
hey #horrorwatch fans! tonight tonight is the greatest night of the week! Join us 9PM EST for The Endless! Free to watch on Tubi. Get yourself some timeloopy cosmic horror goodness. All a part of our #watchparty on #horrorsky
The Endless (2017) YouTube video by Umbrella Entertainment
some protips to make a library visit with your child comfortable and fun for everybody! 1. don't play on the stairs! 2. tables aren't chairs! 3. keep your shoes on! 4. if you're watching a movie on a laptop, use headphones! 5. shrieking is not within the library voices parameters!
My tripod was broken so it's been a while, but I'm all fixed up! Note that there are #sunspots that my equipment can't see, and I haven't labeled those, but these are the ones I can see. #astrophotography #astronomy #SolarFilter #SolarAstronomy
Also I got one of those adapters to take pictures through your eyepiece but I'm struggling a bit and couldn't really get it to work with my favourite eyepiece. It did work with a different eyepiece than I usually use though, so it's a start!
If you're in Toronto, I am the guest speaker at the Brockton Writers Series at Glad Day Bookshop (499 Church St.) tomorrow at 6:30 pm. More info on the readers and the event here: