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Retired ex IT: social fairness campaigner: praying for Tories to be wiped from politics and independence for Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 if it chooses. Morton Fc fan for my sins.Home is West of Scotland on the River Clyde. Sometimes Yamaha T7 🏍️ rider: VW T5
Just think - if only the Republicans had control , all that money wasted on common good projects, would now be sitting in billionaire bank accounts, with suitable thank you gestures , for the GoP lawmakers who steered it there.
Reposted byAvatar LaurenceM
As smarter people than me have noted: these sweeps will also inevitably rip from their homes plenty of legal immigrants and bona fide American citizens who "look like they're illegal."
During a Heritage event this week, Homan said that “no one’s off the table.” He means Dreamers, farmworkers, construction workers, frontline workers, family separation from coast to coast. "If you’re in the country illegally, you better be looking over your shoulder,” he continued.
Friends , ahh , I’ve , ahhh, come here today , erm , ahh , or was it yesterday? Maybe it’s tomorrow, but still! Friends, here I am - to join your war on , um , what page am I on ? , woke ! That’s it - the woke war on, taxes , rubber girlfriends , um , ahh - the left! That’s them ! I’m with you ! Um
Reposted byAvatar LaurenceM
🚨BREAKING: Federal Court DISMISSES Trump campaign and RNC lawsuit challenging Nevada mail-in voting law. A big victory for our clients and the voters of Nevada. Another loss for the vote suppressing GOP.
🚨 Voting Rights Victory in Read about the latest voting rights victory in Republican National Committee v. Burgess.
I made a beach stone thing .. my boys are on guard for stone kickers !
Reposted byAvatar LaurenceM
If you're reading a news story and the author is going on and on about Biden's age but not a peep about trump being a traitorous child raping cheating lying monster? You're reading something being paid for by a billionaire that doesn't want to pay their taxes
Billionaires Who Bought Media The mega-rich have been buying up news purveyors in recent years, but is having big money in charge of the free press really anything new?
Yet one of the loudest songs in the woods
Reposted byAvatar LaurenceM
It seems Trump was hit by a fragment of glass, not a bullet. Three of his supporters weren't so lucky, yet the following morning, he went to play golf. He didn't consider the feelings of wife of the murdered man, there were no signs of empathy & he seemed oblivious to the plight of anyone else.
Just being Donald J Trump then ?
Skipness Castle from the roof ! Looking towards Isle of Arran
Hola from Skipness Castle , Kintyre !!
The nice weather in the West of Scotland continues .. jacket-less dog walks in Argyll !! ( Cowal actually)
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Reposted byAvatar LaurenceM
Indeed .. I dare say his personal and possibly professional life has been one of demanding his own way. Life must have been a barrel of fun growing up in that household…
lol .. what’s your plans for when you stop work ?? C++ ?
The old ones are the best !
I’ve said it before - the USA is eating itself!
Something wrong there - to have so much self esteem and downright pigheadedness in the one person. I thought the Cap’t Tom daughter’s illegal building was a bizarre story of the determination of someone to flaunt the rules, but this guy’s story blows the door of that one big time !
SQL … a foreign land for me. I worked in IT for the last 20 years of work before retiring , but specialising in front end support for a customised Navision ( MS Dynamics) suite, which sat above the SQl layer. We only dipped into SQl to map third party external equipment PLC’s feeding back to us.
I’ve just been reading, they ( his family and assoc company ) bought the properties adjacent , so they could withhold permission for demolition vehicles to access the site. - he really seems to believe the law doesn’t apply to him and will go to any length to get his way. Wow!
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Surely the architect involved in that must have raised serious concerns?? Unless the client said , thanks for the drawing mate , I’ll take it from here. And that was the end of their involvement??
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A fine morning it was over Gourock yesterday… not so nice this morning on the dog walk !!
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