
We've known what's what about Biden from the jump. What we're learning fully now is how lazy the people running the party are. Purely reactive, a faith things will work themselves out till the last minute. Ironically, we saw this when they finally rushed to put Biden over Sanders in the first place.
President Biden’s campaign had a bright fund-raising spell immediately after Thursday's presidential debate, but many big donors were alarmed by his shaky showing. Some floated interventions and wondered about how to reach Jill Biden.
Major Democratic Donors Ask Themselves: What to Do About Biden? Some floated interventions and wondered about how to reach Jill Biden. Others hoped the president would bow out of the race on his own. Many came to terms with the low chances that he will do so.
Does not speak highly of the left's power that we keep getting washed by these guys!
the left complaining in 2020 "they made a backroom deal to get pete buttigieg to endorse him!" like that's really what we're losing to? It's like saying you got beat up in the schoolyard by the science club.
I never understood that complaint at the time, either. "Biden practiced old fashioned coalition building that is the backbone of democratic politics." Scandalous!
I remember 2016, when too many people were saying the DNC "conspired" to lose Bernie the nomination, and at the time I said "the guy who ran as an "anti-establishment" candidate was opposed by the establishment, and this, to you, is surprising and evil?"
So you've missed all the articles about the mood of voters being very big on 'anti-establishment' in recent years. wtf do you think Trump is? And who's in a panic now? The 'establishment' people.
You're kinda missing what I'm saying there. The establishment being opposed to the anti-establishment candidate is not "a conspiracy". It is a design feature.
In the D party, it's the establishment that has done real damage just as the anti-establishment in the R party has destroyed that party. They may not have won the day in 2016 with Biden had COVID not been dominating. Bernie had the decency to consider the impact on lives of real people.
You're having an argument here that has nothing to do with what I said. Please understand that just because someone mentions Bernie does not mean they are arguing that the DNC is good and free of all flaws, ffs
Seems to me I was specifically addressing your post.
I remember 2016, when too many people were saying the DNC "conspired" to lose Bernie the nomination, and at the time I said "the guy who ran as an "anti-establishment" candidate was opposed by the establishment, and this, to you, is surprising and evil?"
And there's nothing absurd about calling out their damage.
The absurd thing is being shocked, shocked I say, that opponents act like... opponents.
I think you're emphasizing the wrong thing. It wasn't so much the shock although that might have been true simply regarding how it happened practically overnight. The reaction was more of an anger/outrage at their sleazy tactics - not to mention poor judgment.
I divided ppl into 2 bins: - Avatar-followers: shocked and scandalized - Policy/ideology centered w/avatar being best fit: annoyed at judgement and cynical about structure In general, the first is *always* greater, everywhere, also tend to be really loud and ranty.
Esp that contrasted with the Bernie camp insisting he could take the nom with a plurality of delegates. Bernie should have spent 2016-20 winning over skeptical reliable Black voters. And hired spox who know how to build a coalition rather than shitposting stans.
i say this as a Bernie voter and volunteer: Bernie’s surrogate game was abysmal
Good grief. A little revision? Jim Clyburn had clout. Obama had clout. Biden did no coalition building until suddenly, practically overnight one night in SC after failing dismally in three states? Several primary opponents simultaneously deciding to drop out? lol Please.